View Full Version : normality and crossdressing

03-16-2018, 12:19 PM
Listened to "Thinking Aloud" on BBC Radio 4 recently and there was a discussion about "normality in language". The point was made (or at least I think it was) that we don't ask the same questions about things we think or "society" thinks are normal.
Imagine the reaction if you asked your male friends "why did you start wearing men's clothes? how long have you been doing it? do you do it everyday? how do other people react to you wearing men's clothes? Does your wife tolerate it? ...."
Think about it and you might see cross-dressing in a different light!
love J

03-16-2018, 01:01 PM

I suppose it's because things such as that are taken as read. It's the norm. It could be argued that there's a case to ask females such questions, "Why do you wear trousers?". "Surely trousers are for men?". There's many examples, polo shirts, when worn by GG's no-one bats an eye.

So yes I suppose it is possible to view CD'ing in a different light, it's society that needs to catch up. That said, it's fairly easy to trace the move for females to wear such items back to the world wars and the need for women to back fill roles previously the exclusive domain of men within industry and agriculture. What sort of social upheaval there'd need to be to have the same effect in reverse is hard to envisage.

03-17-2018, 07:53 AM
The media thrives on controversy , arguments and debates don't stem from normality , it's when we step outside those lines people will take issue or agree .

It would be great to get to a point where if asked why a I wore a dress today to answer because I felt like it ! End of conversation ! Will it ever happen? I doubt it because CDing is ongoing , there is always another level or another issue to come to terms with , so there is always someone to pass comment and possibly make an issue of it .

Tracii G
03-17-2018, 11:03 AM
Why wear a polo shirt if you aren't playing polo?