View Full Version : My wife just found out....

Tiffany Marx
03-23-2018, 11:10 AM
I had some issues at the beginning of this week when my wife wanted to talk because she had found out I had been cross dressing and saw some of my pictures. She was pretty shocked and said she needed some time to sort it all out. I was worried.

Now, 3 days later, we have talked about it for hours and hours and now she is ordering me clothes on line and helping me pick out shoes.We are the same size clothes and she gave me quite a few things she doesn’t wear. She was playfully disgusted that I look better in some of her outfits than she does...I tried on half her closet last night with her .We have the same taste.

I am married to the coolest woman on the planet..she is my best friend anyway and now we can shop together. We are going to Torrid this weekend for our first shopping together.

I thanked her 10 million times for her patience, understanding and wanting to be involved. I am a lucky guy.

I am sure a lot of these stories don’t go well, that’s why it wanted to share this one.

Thanks for listening,

03-23-2018, 11:35 AM
Tiffany, that's wonderful for you! It's a truly amazing feeling when a partner is supportive about CDing. :thumbsup: I hope things continue to go well for you both.
Do be careful not to get too carried away and overwhelm her with it all straight away tho, as this can occassionally cause a change of mind. Don't forget to still be the person she chose to marry and it should be just fine.
Best wishes, Krea :)

03-23-2018, 11:46 AM
You are very lucky but take it slow. Remind her that you not plan on living 24/7 and she deserves exceptional husband time for being so caring about your happiness.
Hugs, Ellen

03-23-2018, 11:47 AM
How fortunate you are! Be sure that your wife continues to know how much you appreciate her. Also, do not go too fast for her comfort level

03-23-2018, 11:47 AM
Happy for you :) Just as a heads up as well.. not saying this is going to happen, but personally I went through periods of accepting and then freaking out about my husband's cd-ing... when he first told me. One day Id be out shopping with him for a new dress and then the next thought would be "what if hes keeping something from me? .. I didnt know this big secret that hed been keeping for so long.. he might have others"... Im a lot more stable now and am much more secure ... but just a note your wife MIGHT still have some negative thoughts sometimes.... Just keep loving your wife though, Im sure you guys can get through everything :)

03-23-2018, 12:01 PM
Good job sister and your wife is a true gem,wish you all the best. Keep us informed.

03-23-2018, 12:09 PM
that sounds great, never take that for granted

03-23-2018, 12:36 PM
Tickety-boo :)

Tracii G
03-23-2018, 12:41 PM
Having a partner that seems OK with it isn't a green light to go full bore and do nothing but talk about CDing spending money on all the trappings that go with CDing.
Or every time you talk with her all you want to talk about is CDing related.
Be the man she married and still do what a husband is supposed to do don't turn into that beta male no woman wants.

03-23-2018, 12:41 PM
so far so good. my advice is to take this very slowly and with even an excessive degree of caution. Testosterone apparently makes it difficult for GMs to fully comprehend the feelings of others accurately. So, we have to apply much greater effort to discern approximately how our partners are feeling about any issue, but especially cross dressing. You'll here over and over to take it slow. Take it slower still, and listen, observe, gauge and if you're still not certain, ask how she is feeling about it. Don't try to persuade....try to empathize.

03-23-2018, 12:56 PM
You're a very lucky girl, Tiffany. HEED the advice given above. Remember the adage, slow and steady wins the race. BE her husband, too...most important! If she's as truly, truly supportive as you indicate, ask her to join the FAB forum and share her acceptance with those who could use her insight, CDers and their spouses or SOs.

Tiffany Marx
03-23-2018, 01:13 PM
She seems more excited than j am. Before I got home from work, she had ordered me 2 skirts and a few tops she thought j would like. I told her that of course I want her involved, just do what she feels comfortable with.

03-23-2018, 01:16 PM
Just don’t go overboard. This is not a green light to go go go. Be patient, don’t push, and follow her lead. Also, remember that she might be ok today, but that could change tomorrow.

And don’t forget to pay her back! She’s buying you clothes, take her out shopping as well. If she’s not really into clothes, buy her some jewelry or take her to a nice dinner or out to a show or otherwise make sure you do things for HER.

Karen RHT
03-23-2018, 01:34 PM
Congrats Tiffany, happy for you. Keep going and keep enjoying in ways that are comfortable for both you and your wife.


03-23-2018, 02:05 PM
Super exciting! Have fun!

03-23-2018, 02:16 PM
Tiffany this is very good news. I would like to warn you though that mine started out similar to your story but has lately rather not talk about it anymore. It lasted two years of her buying me presents and sharing clothes etc. treat yours very nice and listen to everything she has to say, that maybe where I went wrong or the new novelty wore off.
I'm hoping your wife just keeps on understanding and continues helping you. Good luck to you and treat the Mrs. With honesty and let her know your feelings but also listen to hers. You definitely hit the gold mine. Keep it going on the positive side.

03-23-2018, 03:42 PM
That is great that she is so accepting she is truly a gem

03-23-2018, 05:02 PM
Congratulations, Tiffany. You are married to a unicorn. Your situation give hope to many of us in the forum.

03-23-2018, 05:10 PM
Tiffany. Maybe there is an ulterior motive. She gave you a large portion of her wardrobe so that you would buy her all new clothes.
In all honesty it's a great feeling to have a supportive wife. Congratulations on the chat going so well.

Shannon michelle
03-23-2018, 06:33 PM
Tiffany you are indeed lucky. Make sure you let your wife set the pace.


Aunt Kelly
03-23-2018, 07:54 PM
OMG! Another accepting partner story. What is this world coming to? Where's the anger, the fear, the hatred? I don't even recognize the world we live in anymore. It's all a little unsettling.
Someone pour Aunt Kelly a wee dram...

Happy for you, Tiffany. You take the good advice given here and never forget what a special partner you have.



Angie G
03-23-2018, 08:45 PM
My story is much the same as yours. And yes we are very lucky guys. I wish we all could be with awesome ladies as we have.:hugs:

03-23-2018, 09:01 PM
Tiffany, I am so glad that your wife is accepting. Best of luck.

03-23-2018, 09:28 PM
It's great your wife is so accepting, but I've seen a lot of stories on here and elsewhere that turned sour because the CDer pushed too hard. Likewise, if you feel overwhelmed, there's no shame in telling her to back off nicely.

Some GGs are hot and cold about the CDing, as we sometimes are if we don't fully accept ourselves as we are. This thread is instructive:


Beverley Sims
03-23-2018, 10:30 PM
Show your appreciation and love your wife heaps.

Do not go gushy over the moment and let your wife get used to the situation.

Things will cool down a bit and to keep a normal relationship, do not ask all the time if you look good.

Your wife in her own time will offer all th advice you need.

I assure you it all works well that way.

Now get on and enjoy your new found relationship.

03-24-2018, 01:18 AM
Good for you! As others have said, tread carefully. Every day she may discover new emotions about this.

03-24-2018, 09:51 AM
Happy for you :) Just as a heads up as well.. not saying this is going to happen, but personally I went through periods of accepting and then freaking out about my husband's cd-ing... when he first told me. One day Id be out shopping with him for a new dress and then the next thought would be "what if hes keeping something from me? .. I didnt know this big secret that hed been keeping for so long.. he might have others"... Im a lot more stable now and am much more secure ... but just a note your wife MIGHT still have some negative thoughts sometimes.... Just keep loving your wife though, Im sure you guys can get through everything :)

Pretty typical!
I don't fully dress, just women's jeans, and high heels. One day my wife mentioned she found a pair of heels at a second shop she considered buying for me. Two days later as I was sitting there in a pair of women's short jean shorts and heels she gave me a grimace and asked if i could put some manly guy clothes on as she had enough. I let her catch her breath and gave in for a couple days, then when she came home the other day I was wearing the same shorts and my OTK, high heeled, leather boots and we had a nice evening.

Isabella Ross
03-26-2018, 07:14 AM
Wonderful. Personally, I think you have way too much advice on this forum urging you to proceed with extreme caution. I think some caution and restraint is probably a good idea, but your wife clearly is with the program. And as for her being a unicorn? Me thinks not. I think many more women and wives would be down with this, but many of us are too scared of our own lacy shadows to (wo)man up.

03-26-2018, 07:29 AM
That is pretty cool Tiffany!
I told my wife before she ever had a chance to find out.

Regardless, your situation has worked out for the better.

03-28-2018, 08:40 PM
Lucky that you have such a supportive wife willing to participate. Awesome!