View Full Version : the look

04-07-2018, 04:39 PM
I have never noticed or paid any attention to the look every one gives you when you walk into a restaurant to get to your table. Every one in the place checks you out when you walk by them. They give you a once over and go about their business. I go to a large Denny's almost every day full out fem and am happy to say never a problem. I know most of the people that work there (about 30) and enjoy talking to them about every thing under the sun, I have asked a lot of my better friends there, if I look good as a female or crazy and for them to please be honest. They all said very good. So back to the look, I guess every one does it, I am happy I get the look and they go back to their business, so I can get on with mine. (side note) one of the twenty three year old waitresses told me I put my makeup on better than her, she wears very little now, I have been after her to use more than just mascara, I am working on her to do more. I love being able to talk to these women about every thing female. I am wearing a very pretty nail polish for the last week that I barrowed from one of them. Marshalynn

04-07-2018, 05:56 PM
Thing is, even if you go in drab say as a couple, people will tend to give you a quick once over. It's human nature. If you're enfemme and they glance and then carry on with what they're doing all the better.

I've only ever dined in a few restaurants and I have had GG's smile at me once or twice but in a nice way, if you know what I mean. I guess it goes to show just how accepting most folks are. Either that or they simply have better things to get worked up about.

Bon appétit.

04-07-2018, 09:34 PM
Even doing stand-up en-fem I cannot see people's "looks" because of the lighting. Even after my set I never really look around to see.
I'll get approached by a few people with compliments, that's about it.
I get my four minutes in the literal spotlight.

04-08-2018, 01:35 AM
Strangely, I prefer going to Dennys in drab. No one ever notices me, much less gives me the fish eyes I get constantly when dressed. I read my paper, eat my lunch, and get out and on with my day without anyone ever bothering me!:thumbsup:

I guess I'm just not as social as u r, Marshalyne!:heehee:

04-08-2018, 04:11 AM
As Helen says most people glance round anyway, I guess it's a trait that goes back to feeling secure when a stranger enters a room , it's possibly natural to assess the threat they pose if any . Sometimes it maybe someone you know and may chose to say hello or maybe someone you prefer not to know and wish to avoid . When we're dressed there is that extra element of surprise ( back to the passing qusetion again !) they don't mean any harm , we are a minority still and some have never seen a CDer before .

Interesting comment about persuading a GG to wear more makeup , maybe take a leaf out of her book and see how little you need to wear for everyday, it's something I'm having to learn . I'm becomming very forgetul of removing nail polish .

04-08-2018, 06:13 AM
Teresa, she was wearing no makeup, said she does not know how to apply well. I saw her tonight and she looked very pretty and told her so, I think her sister helped her. Marshalynn

Beverley Sims
04-08-2018, 01:58 PM
Most people get surveyed when thay walk into any crowded room.

I always got sussed out at any parties I attended.

04-08-2018, 11:45 PM
My 3 friends and I went for a lovely meal at a swanky restaurant and yes as we walked in we got looks from the other diners,I feel that's natural for anyone walking into a busy establishment,but as soon as we were seated we werent aware of any more attention our way,and we enjoyed our meal without the slightest feeling of being uncomfortable.This was my first experience of being out in such a public place dressed and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute.

04-09-2018, 12:18 AM
There's the other look you need to be ready for. I've had it a couple of times. It's when someone locks onto you and can't take their eyes off of you. It's quite disconcerting the first couple of times you get it. I take the same strategy as women generally do, keep looking straight ahead and move forward.

Depending on context I think I might actually try to get a little closer and say hi or something friendly to break the stare. It's easy to objectify someone until they start interacting with you, then they turn into a human being. I think it's very important for us to interact with people to let them know we are real people.

04-09-2018, 04:58 AM
It is common for people dining to look at others as they enter. I find that woman dining companions often want to sit facing the room so that they can look at everyone more easily. People like to look at outfits and mine are usually very elegant and women like them, but I do not pass. 99.9% of the time people look quickly and then get on with their lives, though they might glance over occasionally once you are seated. I think people like cross-dressers as we are still (just) sufficiently exotic to be interesting, at least in Scotland. But this is moderated by politeness - people do not want to stare. Yes, now and again you get the lock-on but that is very rare - there is no bad intent involved and it is harmless - almost amusing. Though I dress to pass simply to make my appearance as elegant as possible I know that if anyone is paying attention, I don't pass, and it does not bother me. On one occasion I was at a fashion show so everyone had dressed up and a young woman who is a fashion designer told me I looked better than half the women in the room. Not as good as 'most of the women' in the room, but I'll settle for that.