View Full Version : Another great interaction with an SA

04-14-2018, 01:33 PM
I have often mentioned that if you treat a Sales Assistant pleasantly and politely then they will be only too happy to respond in kind.

Today I was in a nearby Dillard's Dept. store buying perfume and I was interested in finding a new makeup foundation for myself. My cosmetics are all from the local Walgreen's and I have never sought advice. Today I was passing a stand in the cosmetics department and a SA asked if she could help. I told her I was looking for a foundation that better suited my skin and we had a lovely time together as she showed me the options and made recommendations. Another female SA came over to chat as I sat in the chair and had the foundation applied. I mentioned that I was a transvestite and the SA did not blink and eye. I was not full dressed but wearing a blouse and necklace with slim jeans and a pair of black loafers. So, not trying to pass particularly.

After being with her I went to the adjacent lingerie department and she saw me there came over and took me to the racks with sales prices and we looked through together and selected a nightdress for me. She was so helpful and pleasant. I know she gets commission on what she sells so there is incentive to get me to buy but she was so helpful. She asked if I also needed to shop for dresses etc., and took my cell number so she can alert me to any good promotions or sales.

So, for all of you members who are still nervous about shopping for yourself just follow the often repeated advice given by others here and when approach the SA be polite and pleasant and ask them about how their day is going and whether business is good etc., and they will be pleasant and helpful with you.

04-14-2018, 01:57 PM
The problem is---I would be there everyday ! hehe

Fiona Lindum
04-15-2018, 03:42 AM
Had a good reaction from a store assistant when I visited a small clothing shop yesterday. She suggested what items I might like to try. Tried several dresses and skirts but ended up buying two tops.

04-15-2018, 04:14 AM

What a lovely time you had!

As the old saying goes, "What goes round, comes round", and this is true for good as well as bad. It is an absolute truism that being polite and pleasant gets responded to in kind.

Lacey New
04-15-2018, 04:18 AM
Thanks for sharing your experience at Dillards. I hope to be dress shopping in the near future and have been wondering about how accomodating some of the big department stores are. I have had good luck at Dress Barn but sometimes I think the larger stores might have some better selections. Glad to know they treat us well,

04-15-2018, 06:14 AM
Consuelo, you are correct about treating SAs politely, I have never had an issue.

04-15-2018, 09:41 AM

Great experience! Thanks for sharing.
Yesterday afternoon I had a mixed bag of experiences with SAs, while dressed in ladies casual attire, light makeup and jewelry. First I stopped at a local custom making jewelry store to have a few links removed from a ladies Fossil watch that I recently got through CC rewards program. The owner, a middle aged women, was very helpful and patient. After addressing the watch, I pulled my 45+ year old wedding band out of my handbag and inquired if it be re-purposed into 2 women's rings, one being a birthstone. She explained different stones, mounting options and my current size. I placed an order for 2 rings and can't wait to see her work.

Afterwards I traveled to a mall about 45 minutes away. As I approached the small appliance section in the first store, I caught a SA's laugh at my presentation and while approaching the checkout of the women's dress and lingerie sections, I caught another SA laugh. I ended up at this SA's register and proceeded to pay for the panties I was buying like any CIS woman or TG. No embarrassment on my part and our exchange, although minimal was uneventful.

Beverley Sims
04-15-2018, 10:10 AM
I have found that I get a lot of attention from SA's that are employed on a commission basis.

They are trying to earn a buck and do help a lot.

Joyce Swindell
04-15-2018, 01:18 PM
Dress Barn... Awesome place! Our local group has an after hours event at least once, preferably twice a year for us to try on things and make purchases at a discount group rate.

My wife and I was shopping there looking for something for her and found something for me and they accommodated me during their open hours too...no problem!! You just need to ask.

Tracy Irving
04-15-2018, 01:38 PM
With all this April snow I might find some Dress Barn time in my future.

Jean 103
04-15-2018, 05:34 PM
Nice to here you had a good experience.

I'm out shopping a lot by myself and with friends. I really don't have any problems.

Love Jean

04-15-2018, 06:12 PM
What a great story. I'm glad it worked out so well for you. I'm guessing you didn't really need to tell anyone you're a transvestite (I so hate that word). They could probably tell, but they just don't care. Be pleasant and respectful and a good SA will move heaven and earth to help you. I like to say, "If you own it, people will buy it". I'd say that's exactly what you did.

04-19-2018, 03:43 AM
I had the most amazing experience today. I had taken my wife camping but have to return to work myself tomorrow. I thought I would take the opportunity to do some shopping on the way home. I have been buying most of my lingerie online for the past few years and thought I would go to one of the outlets I buy from. Well I chickened out and drove past that suburb, cursing myself for not putting on my big girl panties and going in. Then I remembered they had another store further along the route home. Made my mind up I was going to do it and so I did.
When I went into the store I was the only customer in there and a young SA asked could she help me with anything. I told her I was looking for panties in a size 18 or 2XL. I knew she had picked me out and said she would be with me shortly. I stood in the shop looking like a shag on a rock then another SA approached me and asked could she help. The first SA said in a loud voice, he's looking for briefs in xxl, wouldn't have worried me except by now there were five or six female customers in store. Anyhow, the second SA was nice and showed me a range of panties, some of which I told her I already had, leaving no doubt they were for me. I picked out three pair and headed to the counter to pay. There I told the first SA I was a regular customer online and she looked up my account. Her attitude towards me changed when she saw how much I had spent in the past.
So, back in my car and heading home I was rather pleased with myself for being brave enough to tell the SA's the panties were for me. Then I had a golden memory, remembering there was another lingerie store further towards home that I had always wanted to go into but had always been with my wife when in that town. I parked my car and entered the store which was empty except for the owner, a women who was just a few years older than myself. Immediately she welcomed me to the shop and enquired what I was looking for. On telling her panties and the size she asked what style I liked and then found about 10 pairs I may be interested in. She then floored me by asking did I want to try them on and of course I said yes. It was just as well I tried them on over panties I was already weaing as I would have had to buy them all! Anyway I picked out seven pairs and while waiting to pay for them I asked did she have any bras that may fit my 42 A or B sized chest. She showed a few and suggested a wirefree, slightly padded bra would be good for myself and took me to a different change room and told me to put it on and wait till she came back to inspect it for fit. While in the change room I heard some customers come in who had pre ordered something and needed to try them on. Once she had them in a changeroom she returned to me, pulled back the curtain and complimented me on the fit, adjusting the sides and straps. I nearly fainted when she put hhere hand inside the cup and touched my boob, commenting that I had a nice little boob going on there. She asked d id I like the bra and of course after that treatment I said yes, I will take it. She then asked did I want to leave it on and in my heady state I agreed to. I pulled my rather close fitting t-shirt on and exited the change room to find three female customers in store. I know that two of the younger females could make out I was wearing a bra, but hey, they didn't know me. The other customers left the store and I paid for my panties and bra, all the time the store owner telling me I was more than welcome back at any time and they were very cd friendly.
I drove the rest of the way home on a great big high and after a private fashion parade, l rang the store owner to tell her how much I had enjoyed my shopping experience. She reiterated what she had said earlier, calling me darling, and I reassured her I would definitely be back.
Sorry about the long story but just had to tell somebody.

04-19-2018, 02:21 PM
So happy to hear about the great experiences !!

Sami Brown
04-19-2018, 08:36 PM
Panties4Me, you are absolutely right! That story is totally amazing!

I especially like the young SA's change in attitude once she realized your history of purchases. Hopefully she learned something from the experience.

The SA at the last store is what we all dream to have! I am so glad you shared!


04-19-2018, 11:41 PM
24hrs later and my mind is only in that store !!!!!