View Full Version : Discovered Jewelry!

04-15-2018, 02:40 PM
I'm a closet cross dresser and probably always will be because I have a beard and mustache that (pardon the pun...) I'm very attached to. My wife, in 33 years of marriage, never saw my upper lip, and my grown children never have either. But I truly enjoy dressing en femme and am almost always dressed in women's clothing when I'm at home. Like many others I read posts from in this forum, I just truly like the look and feel of wearing a bra, panties, breast forms, hose, and a dress or a blouse and skirt. As I move around the house, I'll often stop in front of a mirror and just look at myself for a while. But something was missing for me, and I couldn't figure out what it was. Then one day while I was out running errands, I passed the costume jewelry counter in a department store, and on impulse bought a strand of faux pearls, a gold chain, and several rhinestone and enamel bracelets. When I got home and got "dressed" and then put on the pearls and bracelets, the effect was, to me, simply stunning. Now, putting on these accessories is a standard part of getting dressed.

Clip-on or magnetic earrings are next.

04-15-2018, 02:46 PM
I to have been taken with women's jewelry. I can't stop buying earing's and things on eBay lately. for $0.99 there are hundreds of earrings and that includes postage, how can they do that, really. I got a new pair a couple of days ago and i just think they are great. and don't get me started about pearl necklaces, I have several. I see you are new here, great, enjoy the site it's great.

Joyce Swindell
04-15-2018, 04:06 PM
Men all over the world have pearced ears. No one ever questions it. Especially with the beard and mustache. Grow your hair long and buy a motorcycle. Why not?

Personally when I had my beard and mustache I couldn't get past it in the mirror when I put on a dress 👗 so I chose to not dress and the few times I did I stayed away from the mirror. But then... what's the point.

Tracy Irving
04-15-2018, 04:22 PM
Jewelry, like other parts of crossdressing, can become addictive. You need gold and silver of everything!

Watch out for magnetic earrings. I recently wrote about my failed experience with a pair.

When you get around to buying rings, good luck. I had to go online to find anything costume over a size 10.

Beverley Sims
04-15-2018, 06:17 PM
Jewellery certainly adds to the look.

Just a little more padding to make the look complete.

Tracii G
04-15-2018, 06:21 PM
Its about time you figured that out.

04-15-2018, 07:20 PM
I recently got my first jewelry last week and definitely adds a nice touch to the dressing :)

04-15-2018, 07:39 PM
I'm wary of costume jewelry because of toxic and/or allergenic metals (nickel, lead, cadmium, etc.) often used in their manufacture. Anything gold plated typically loses the plating within a month or so.

The good (and mostly safe and hypoallergenic) stuff is outside my budget, so I don't wear anything.

04-15-2018, 07:59 PM
Jewelry just completes the look for me, got to have it. I remember a trick my sister used with costume jewelry
that would irritate her skin (she had lots of allergies) she would coat the backside of the piece with clear nail polish
to seal off the cheap metal from touching her skin. YMMV.

04-16-2018, 04:53 AM
Jewellery can lift a fairly ordinary outfit and give it real presence.

One of my ongoing tasks is to upgrade and modernise my jewellery. I started off with plain mono colour beads which were ok but didn't really add greatly to my overal presentation.

Observation of GG's revealed the use of bold ceramics that added greatly to the overal presentation. Shops such as our good old M&S have so much in the way of striking jewellery at reasonable prices it's hard not to keep buying ever more.

Rings can be an issue but I've found a few expanding ones that have proved a god send.

One item I feel is a must is a string of peals, even faux ones. A LBD is just absolutely set off by them, they extrude class.

04-16-2018, 06:54 AM
Jewelry makes a big difference. Just keeping it simple is good for me.

Stacy Darling
04-16-2018, 08:27 AM
Simple & basic timber or Asian style stainless steel for me, and it's only to cosmetically fill a gap in my outfit. I can also wear my jewellery/beads in my daily M/F mode without presenting fully as either sex!

Tip for Stainless steel rings, Thin hacksaw cut straight through the inner side of the ring then expand to fit, file/sand smooth!


April Rose
04-16-2018, 09:40 AM
I've always worn earrings and bracelets when I dress femme, but recently have rediscovered necklaces. It is like starting over again with some outfits. I can't decide whether a necklace goes with a particular neckline, or whether a different one is better, or no necklace at all. Of course, this means more trying different looks in the mirror, So I'm not really complaining.

Even though I dress as a woman on an almost daily basis, and therefore gravitate toward practical outfits, it's always nice to have a bit of ladies fun.

Leslie Langford
04-16-2018, 10:07 AM
I agree, accessories - especially jewellry - do complete the feminine look. I also possess a number of rings, bracelets, earrings (typically clip-ons) and necklaces which all fall under the category of "costume jewellry", and which are my go-to pieces when I go out and about in "Leslie" mode.

But I've also taken this one step further. My mother - who passed away several years ago - left behind some family heirlooms including a number of pieces of "real" jewellry, most of which went to my wife and daughter. I did, however, manage to squirrel away (unbeknownst to all) one ring in particular at the time...a gold ring incorporating a large sapphire stone that was a particular favorite of my mother's, and one that I always associated with her. I subsequently had that ring resized to fit me, and often wear it in memory of her.

I like to think of it as "Leslie" being the daughter that she never knew she had, so somehow it just seems fitting that "Leslie" would have inherited it in due course as well.

Traci H
04-16-2018, 12:41 PM
Up until now I’ve had some jewelry, most beaded necklaces. I’ve recently become very aware of the need to have other types of necklaces that are perhaps less formal. Suddenly when I put a nice metal and stone necklace on some of my newly acquired tops with the lower cut neckline, it seems to transform the look. I now just love the jewelry for what it does. How wonderful to be able to shop for it. The selection seems endless. I only wish I could put a jewelry case on my dresser, or put hooks in my closet to have it all at hand.

Traci H