View Full Version : Maxi Skirts And Public Restrooms

04-20-2018, 10:25 AM
Now that I am wearing a skirt more often, it made me wonder how do you handle a maxi skirt when using the toilet? At home I know my bathroom is clean (since I am the one who cleans it) so I don't mind if it on the floor. But what about public bathrooms: hike it up above the waist or bunch it up at the knees?

Nikki A.
04-20-2018, 10:32 AM
I'd hike it. Most restrooms are pretty grimy

Queen Bridget
04-20-2018, 10:42 AM
I'd never put anything on a public restroom floor that I wasn't going to burn afterwards.

04-20-2018, 10:59 AM
Without question, always hike it up around your waist!

CD Tammy
04-20-2018, 11:00 AM
Another reason that short skirts rule.

Beverley Sims
04-20-2018, 11:31 AM
Yes the only way is to hike it up around your waist.

I think most girls do it this way.

Short skirts are better.

Princess Chantal
04-20-2018, 11:35 AM
I'd never put anything on a public restroom floor that I wasn't going to burn afterwards.

Whoohoo, huge bonfire fueled by shoes at your place!!!!

04-20-2018, 11:55 AM

It's one of those unwritten laws, skirts get hitched upwards. After all, if it were a maxi dress you'd have to hitch up so doing the same with skirts just seems logical captain.

04-20-2018, 12:02 PM
Now you know why women take so long to get in and out of a public restroom.

04-20-2018, 11:21 PM
Always hitch up around the waist and lift the front up when going upstairs. Ive just bought a long white skirt ..looks fabulous for about 10 minutes but atrracts the dirt like it has some sort of grime magnet

04-21-2018, 08:50 AM
I hitch my skirts up to my waist, maxi or otherwise. I love my femme clothing too much to let any part of it touch the bathroom floor (ick, ick, ick!), public or otherwise.

Sami Brown
04-21-2018, 09:28 PM
For some reason I never thought of hiking the front of a long skirt going up stairs. It is no wonder I have tripped so many times!


Heather Anne
04-21-2018, 09:39 PM
I have a mixture of knee length, maxi length, ankle length, etc when it comes to skirts and even dresses. When I need to use the restroom initially I will reach under and gather my slip (usually full slip) and raise it up by gathering the skirt inside the slip all the way around. I do everything in reverse afterwards (lower the slip then the skirt or dress) thus making sure I have everything back in place and nothing showing that is not supposed to show.

Ally 2112
04-21-2018, 09:54 PM
Always hitch your skirt that's what a lady does :D

04-22-2018, 04:33 AM
For some reason I never thought of hiking the front of a long skirt going up stairs. It is no wonder I have tripped so many times!



Have you never seen pics of GG's in ballgowns walking up stairs holding their dresses off the ground. BTW it's also a good idea to do it coming down stairs. While it's much less likely to happen, if you do catch the skirt you're in for a headlong tumble that could put you in A&E.

04-22-2018, 05:13 AM
I have one maxi skirt but it's not a look I like personally I much prefer hemlines on the knee . AS others have said it all a matter of getting the excess material out of the way.
The problem comes in long tight ballgowns ( as on my profile page) or tight pencil skirts when they don't slide up the body easliy . I could be wrong but I wonder if some GGs unzip them and slide them down to use the loo .

Either way I'm not happy about putting items or clothing on the floor in restrooms, it is annoying when no coat hooks are fitted on the cubicle doors so you can't even hang your handbag up .

04-22-2018, 07:15 AM
After doing the hiking up method a few times it gets a little easier, definitely slows you down though :)

And I have already learned about the stairs by accidentally walking onto it. And about being careful closing doors (caught it in the laundry room door and as I continued to walk it tried pulling my skirt off).

04-22-2018, 09:15 PM
I have always held/lifted my long skirts when going up or down stairs. As for bathrooms, hike it up, or lift and hold the excess material with one hand while sitting.

04-22-2018, 11:08 PM
I learned from my sisters to always raise your skirt up over your hips pulling forward to gather the excess material in front. If you have panties on you can slide them to your knees or slide your feet apart to keep them form getting on the ground. I sometimes slip a foot temporarily out my shoes so I can pull my panties up over one of my knees. Back in the 60s wearing several petticoats could be a challenge to keep them corralled while trying to sit. By the way check the seat before you try to sit. Many women squat and have poor aim. It doesn't take me much longer to pee in fem than it does in guy mode.

04-23-2018, 08:10 AM
"If you have panties on .......... " ????????? I would hope we would all have panties on under our skirts.

I would assume we are wearing hip padding of some sort so we'll have to deal with that as well. You can't very well flip that over your waist.

It's best to practice "going potty" at home until it comes naturally before doing it in public. In a lot of stalls, you can be seen under the stall walls so you have to not let anything slip down below your knees. And it goes without saying, sit while you do your business. Do not stand to pee in the women's restroom.

04-23-2018, 08:19 AM
I've done this. In public restrooms. I don't know how I did it the first time. It was all a blur, as they say.
I recall a lot of thrashing around in a small confined space. Wrestling with a skirt, slip, pantyhose, panties, forms. Some items going UP, and some garment items going down. Can't describe the technique I used to even get into a safe seated position. Miraculously I escaped un-soiled, un-scathed, and relieved. Thank God. (Then.... the 'nightmare' of exiting to wash my man hands among the GG crowd!)
It's a nightmare. No wonder older women have bladder issues.

Of course, with time and practice you'll learn how to use a toilet at least as well as a 3 yr old. Go into the facility like you own the place and just do it. (And as previously recommended, please sit and not STAND. I'd consider that so gauche.)

04-23-2018, 09:50 AM
I have to say whatever goes on behind ther cubicle door has to stay there, some clothes leave little choice but to stand , don't forget women can achieve it standing ! I do feel sorry for women when they are posed with a hole in the ground and just two handles to hold onto , some European faclities are still built this way, so what they do about the varioius layers I can't say but needing three hands comes to mind .

04-25-2018, 08:11 AM
In my experience, stall walls and doors are eighteen inches or so above the floor so it's very easy for anyone else to see if you're doing something weird like standing to pee.

04-25-2018, 09:11 AM
Many European restrooms have floor-to-ceiling doors and walls.

04-26-2018, 08:13 AM
Good for them. I suspect the openings are to make cleaning easier and simpler and possibly to make sure that only things that are supposed to be done in the stalls are being done. I remember a J C Penny store where years ago they took the doors off the stalls in the men's restroom because it had become a gay "meeting" place.

BTW: In my earlier post i should have said twelve inches, not eighteen. Still, it's easy to see which way the feet are pointing and feet pointing the wrong way is something that might find a woman running for store security.

04-26-2018, 08:51 AM
You bend forward, put both arms behind you and under the dress then pull it up and forward so that most of the material is now in front of you and resting on your lap. Hold on to the material tightly with one hand and use the other to pull your knickers down. Then sit and tinkle.

I always use a stall when in a bathroom and of course I sit. In men's restrooms you have to check the seat very carefully first. Many people have extremely poor bathroom habits.

I have been sitting down to pee for as long as I can remember and as someone who has to clean the toilet area after male guests have left I know at least one good reason why. The male urine stream leaves a lot of scatter.

- - - Updated - - -

An interesting thought just came to me and I had to share. Many years ago I spent a lot of time in Japan and would travel by train. The toilet was just a hole in a stainless steel "pad" with raised areas in the rough shape of feet. Now that was a hard one to manage, especially when the train passed at speed through a junction. The Shinkasen trains had toilets with commodes like ones we are used to in UK and US.
I always used to wonder how a Japanese lady in a kimono would manage but of course that is not normal travel attire there.

Kate Simmons
04-26-2018, 08:53 AM
Best guess I'd say after assessing the condition. :):battingeyelashes:

04-26-2018, 09:02 AM
Seems about right. I have always sat down and never recall using a urinal until after my first son was born (since I wanted him to know how to use both).

Being on a train you would probably want a hand on a handrail, perhaps you could hold the railing with your tucked skirt hand all in one?