View Full Version : A couple of compliments

04-28-2018, 11:16 PM
1. Last night, in the local Lucky's market, I was dressed in my everyday wear: capri tights, woman's long-sleeved scoop-necked top, white zip hoodie, and white Keds (the "Chillax" laceless style: https://www.keds.com/en/chillax-basics/044214412297.html ). I was in the aisle where a young woman was on a ladder restocking shelves. (She's very pretty and I've seen her at work a few times and she'd never acknowledged my existence.) I stopped next to her and bent down to grab some tortilla chips. "Cool shoes," she said, so matter of factly and monotone it took me a moment to realize she was talking to me. I straightened up and smiled and said "Hey thanks." She was already back to restocking. I went on my way.
2. Today, after a spectacular bike ride (it's finally spring!), I put an athletic skirt over my bike shorts and walked into the athletic club (where I'd parked while I cycled). The woman behind the counter is someone I see regularly , though we've never actually introduced ourselves. After exchanging greetings she said "Cute skirt!"
"Oh thank you," I said.
"Where'd you get it?"
My wife got this one for me, I told her, and I think she got it at Costco. We proceeded to have a brief chat about shopping at Costco and how cute and fun women's workout clothes can be these days.
Needless to say my week was made. The thing about both of these exchanges was that they were "gender-neutral." It wasn't "Oh you're a man wearing a skirt isn't that cute!", it was just "I like your skirt, where'd you get it?" and "Your shoes are cool."
I sincerely believe this is the way the world is evolving. And that every time one of us shows up in public confidently wearing what we want to wear, we hasten that evolution a bit.

04-28-2018, 11:20 PM
Wow what a story and yessssss! !!! I wish the world changes for the better. I think we are on right direction.

Beverley Sims
04-29-2018, 04:46 AM
The world may eventually change for the better, meanwhile take care and enjoy life as it is.

Sami Brown
04-29-2018, 09:26 PM
I love those compliments and the good feelings they provide. I was complimented on my "cool rings" a few weeks ago.

Thank you for sharing your uplifting story. We are slowly chipping away at society's view.


04-30-2018, 12:43 AM
I think you're right. A man in a skirt is becoming less of a big deal. At least in this part of the world. I sure hope it continues and spreads.

04-30-2018, 08:06 AM
I love the compliments too, and have the same experience of women chatting about the clothes or shoes, and From the feeling and tone, I sense they are generous at heart, and their purpose is showing they accept as normal and desirable for men to want to break out of the mold, and explore the 'feminine' world.

I think a key factor here is our showing vulnerability by taking the risk of doing it. This is what makes it safe for them, and they return the favor by making it safe for us. They would be glad to see clothing and all the other cultural divisions to be weakened so they can have a fuller life. They don't want it to just be one day, so let's keep it up!

04-30-2018, 08:42 AM
I do think there'll be gender neutral dresses, skirts, and even tops one day but probably not in my old life time. Thanks you though for making it happen a little more quicker. The clothes should not define who we are and each should be able to wear what they want with out raising any concerns. Good job promoting this.