View Full Version : Epiphany - First Time Out.

05-03-2018, 10:06 AM
Well on Monday I did it. I went out in the wild for the first time as Jean. The original intent was only to go dressed to my therapist then straight back home. However there was also this dress I saw online you see, at my favourite retailer, only 20 min away from my therapist's office. So I really wanted to go try it on.

On top of that on the 60 mile drive to the therapist, I ended up having to go P really, really bad. I had to pull off in a service area/truck stop. There was NO WAY I was going to go into the men's room of a truck stop all dolled up! So I screwed together the courage and went into the ladies' room (which turned out to be empty). Quickly did my business (feet pointing the right, i.e. feminie, way!), got out, got back in my car, and drove on.

At the therapist I had a good session. I asked her two questions at the end. I first asked "what do you see sitting in front of you"? Her answer was unequivocal: "a woman". She added "a woman who like all of us has to work hard to look her best, but clearly, a woman". Second question, did she think I could go out to shop for my dress as I was? She said "I don't see why not".

So I again mustered the courage, drove to the shopping complex and got there 20 minutes before closing, and strode into the store head high, went straight to the counter, and asked the very young SA about the dress. We quickly found it on the racks in my size. I asked if I could try it on and she unhesitatingly said "of course!", and led me to the fitting rooms. It fit, I loved it (a nice pale pink patterned light summer dress), and bought it (I doubt she rarely saw such a decisive woman shopper!). Not once did she betray that she "read" me. I have no doubt she did, but to her credit just treated me like any of her other women clients. I walked over to a costume jewellery store a few stores down and did the same, and bought a nice necklace that I thought would go well with the dress. Quick trip to the ladies' again before hitting the road, and lastly near home, fast food drive thru as I didn't feel like cooking dinner (my wife was away overnight).

Well, my head didn't get bitten off. A few takeaways:

1) I was dressed conservatively in a skirt, blouse and blazer like a woman just finishing work in a client-facing office position, and it was near quitting time so I did not, at least clothes-wise, look out of place;
2) I acted like I owned it... walked confidently, did not hesitate to interact with the SAs; even if read, they probably figured this was someone serious about their identity.
3) It seems easier to shop en femme than in drab for women's clothes. In the latter cases, I always had to interact with the SAs about who/what I am, call ahead, etc., in order to have them comfortable with a man shopping in their store and trying on clothes; I was never turned away or treated with disrespect but I did feel the need to prepare the ground as it were. Dressed and acting as the woman I was that day, I seemed to "belong" more. In 2018 as more and more trans people come out of the closet, younger people seem more ready to accept us in the identity we are affirming, rather than the one we were born in. All of the people I interacted with that day (except my female therapist who is 71!), were young women.
4) In my early 60s, many women of my age don't look so great either... so maybe the line between masculine and feminine becomes a bit more blurred as we age; I'm just another ugly old woman! But it is easier to look better at this when young.

Nobody questioned my gender, nobody laughed, nobody turned up their nose. Either they don't care, or it doesn't matter to them.

I know iffy encounters do occur, but we shouldn't let that interfere with our freedom.

The ice has finally broken and I am from now on going to shop for clothes in my female identity as much as possible.

Rhandi Spencer
05-03-2018, 10:13 AM
Congratulations on owning the day.
I have found the largest struggle is the one in my head. Once I make the decision and do it, it seems to feel right.

Lots of new steps for you and soon you will have covered much ground. Thanks for shaing


05-03-2018, 10:18 AM
Good for you Jean. You are helping everyone with such a wonderful attitude and sounds like you are very confident in presenting. Good job.

05-03-2018, 10:49 AM
Way to go with the all-around confidence!

I think this, more than anything else, is what keeps snide remarks/disgusted looks at bay. If you truly own it, nobody can take it from you.

05-03-2018, 11:33 AM
Nice day it sounds like. I am glad you had the confidence to do all of that.

05-03-2018, 12:23 PM
Congratulations on your successful outing! Thanks for sharing. I am sure that there many here who will be inspired as a result.

05-03-2018, 12:59 PM

What? No pitchforks and hanging parties? People are for the most part nice. As you rightly point out, dress appropriately, own it, be polite and things will go your way.

I hope you have many more excursions out and about. So much more to experience.

Beverley Sims
05-03-2018, 01:12 PM
Wellyou broke the ice and have not been left out in the cold.....

Easy wasn't it?

05-03-2018, 02:23 PM
JeanTG, Ain't that a blast. I have been out just a couple of times and enjoyed the H*LL out of it. I tried on a dress and just wandered around for an hour looking at everything female. I am too over 60, way over, and dressed sensibly but totally with jewelry ect. I am planning another outing very soon. My experience is no one is really to interested in anything but themselves. I was clearly made by a couple SA's but they treated me with respect. In fact i went back to the same store and SA a week later. It's FUN

05-03-2018, 06:35 PM
Wow! SO Cool!
Jean your story is obviously an inspiration for all of us.
Courage and Moxie!
It is the year 2018. We can do this and have fun, DAH?
Thank you Jean for your story, Very Much!
XOXO Tiffany Amber Rhoads

Becky Blue
05-03-2018, 06:54 PM
Jean thanks for sharing your story, I hope it inspires others... you totally owned it... You Go Girl!!! Your experiences that outing are similar to mine as I have always felt people to be decent and accepting and professional.. just one question.. where are the pics?

05-03-2018, 07:04 PM
Congrats girl! Nothing like going out for the first time.

05-03-2018, 07:27 PM
Jean, congratulations on your first outing in the real world.

05-03-2018, 07:59 PM
Good for you! Congrats on the positive outing!

05-03-2018, 09:25 PM
Great story.
It feels great, doesn't it.
Watch out, it gets addictive.

05-03-2018, 11:13 PM

I know what is churning in your soul. Your late life "coming out" and pursuit of (possible) transition. Re-discovering yourself and being thrilled at what you've found and admitted to yourself.
Lord, I love it too. What excitement, in your early 60s, to be re-born so beautifully. Your story resonates with me (except you are attending therapy, whereas I am still seeking it.)
Congratulations on your first day out "as You", .... as we all say. It's a beautiful thing.

05-04-2018, 08:28 AM
just one question.. where are the pics?

I figured that question was coming! At the moment I'm too shy to share as I have not come out yet to all my friends and family. I'm out to one child (herself trans) and my wife and a couple of trusted friends and clergymen. My wife has known ever since before marriage but she does not accept. It isn't DADT, it's a Cold War. But the other persons I have come out to have so far been very supportive.

Maybe by PM some day...


I know what is churning in your soul. Your late life "coming out" and pursuit of (possible) transition. Re-discovering yourself and being thrilled at what you've found and admitted to yourself.

Dear Ilene, thanks for the support.

I've known about this since I was 9 years old. Of course at that age I had no idea what these feelings meant, I was just fascinated by the idea of being a girl. By my 20s though, I knew who I was. But I met this girl you see... and really loved her. And trusted her, enough to tell her about this side of me and she married me anyway, but I found out soon after she had trouble accepting this "behaviour". So I repressed it for many years. Now in my 60s I realize I cannot keep this bottled up inside and maintain my sanity.

I'm not sure about transition, either full or partial, but I am sure that Jean is going to be Jean as much as possible; I am trying to live this one day at a time. So far it's enough to placate the dysphoria. My therapist wants me to be Jean 3 days a week, that it's my decision to be Jean when I want/can, and nobody else's, but to be nice about it, not confrontational.

I can't describe how wonderful I felt on this first outing. My first two times using the ladies' room; the feeling of the breeze around my legs as I walked through the shopping complex on a cool grey day. My shopping confidently en femme. Just feeling the complete freedom to be me...

05-04-2018, 08:50 AM
Thanks for telling us your story , it's good to hear others are having the same reaction I've had , I know we fear the worse but those fears are mostly in our heads . So now you have the dress what occasion are you going to wear it for ? That's the way I shop now , the more you get out the more we have to balance out outfits , dress appropriately , be pleasant and try and forget your age , it's so easy to think how old we are , look at the other way and think what we're young enough for !

Questioning your gender , the point about that is they don't know if you've transitioned or not, I've not been asked that yet, all they see is a person who presents as a woman the majority will go along with that and treat you as such .

05-04-2018, 09:18 AM
Thanks Teresa,

It is a lovely little summer dress, which I plan to wear if we ever get... a summer (terrible spring here). Just when lounging around, or when going out in the summertime. This gives me three summer dresses. My autumn/winter collection needs beefing up though!

So many things I need though. A better wig. Pierced ears. More makeup. Sports gear. I'm retired so have to count the pennies. At least lingerie is pretty solid now, I started from the inside out with affirming this side of me. At least I know I'll be guaranteed more en femme outings!