View Full Version : Another story to make you smile !

05-16-2018, 02:59 PM
This incident happened at a conference held in a large hospital complex which I will post a thread on shortly.

Just a brief detail that we attended a conference dressed to represent out TG community so obviously we were dressed smartly.

As I was walking across the car park after the event two elderly ladies gave me a good look up and down so I smiled back , then the devil got in me and I went back and said , " Can you believe it , I came to the hospital dressed as a man and walked out dressed like this , I only dropped in to visit a patient !
They were creased up from laughing !
OK I know some are going to say I shouldn't demean myself and the TG community , I look at it as we are mostly normal approachable members of society prepared to laugh at ourselves on occasions , it can only help to win over acceptance .

05-16-2018, 03:29 PM
Thank you for a great chuckle at the end of the day. Well played.

Genny B
05-16-2018, 03:43 PM
Oh Lord! If we ever go out together remind me to keep a distance away!

Genny B

05-16-2018, 03:50 PM
I commend your quick thinking. Laughter is after all the best medicine! If one can't find humor in any situation then it is very unlikely that they are having fun or fulfillment.

05-16-2018, 04:13 PM
Would that be because you would ache with laughing ? I must admit Carole does remind me that I'm sometimes not the lady I'm dressed as , I just see humour in situations and the devil gets in me !

05-16-2018, 06:00 PM
I commend you for the approach you used. I believe laughter (and music) have mysterious healing and therapeutic effects on the mind and body. I too use humor when appropriate and believe it is a good ice breaker when talking to SAs, etc.

05-16-2018, 06:28 PM
Yes, well played that man (woman)?

Injecting humour into a situation when in context is a good thing to do. These elderly ladies will likely have experienced a world war and all the deprivations, sadness, joy and "Stay calm and carry on" moments that entails. They will have witnessed far more unsettling things. I feel we sometimes under estimate the elderly and their capacity for simple enjoyment.

05-17-2018, 05:50 AM
Teresa, what a great story. You do have the devil in you. You sent me to google for "creased up", not a phrase used in American English, glad to learn it.

05-17-2018, 06:22 AM
Sorry I should have explained that term, another use of the forum learning the differnt slant on the English language . I just hope the two ladies hadn't just had hernia operations , I remember mine and kept telling people not to make me laugh !

05-17-2018, 06:50 AM
Well played, Teresa. Their uneasiness at what appeared to be an adverse observation was defused into a connecting moment.
And that's just how everyone wnat to be treated.

Beverley Sims
05-17-2018, 09:20 AM
A little bit of humour never hurt anyone.

A bit of devilment keeps us going, good one Teresa.

05-17-2018, 09:21 AM
great line Teresa. laughter can be a wonderful bridge builder and a great medicine.
i'm not a comedian on TV, but i do play one in real life. my smart mouth sometimes
gets me into trouble but mostly a great way to handle the elephant in the room... :)

05-17-2018, 10:11 AM
OK I know some are going to say I shouldn't demean myself and the TG community , I look at it as we are mostly normal approachable members of society prepared to laugh at ourselves on occasions , it can only help to win over acceptance .

On the contrary, I think personal interactions like this help the cause tremendously. It shows to those with no personal experience, except from what they read and see in media, that inside we are the same as everyone else, and just like everyone else, we can fun of ourselves at times.

You probably did more to get acceptance than you know !

Lana Mae
05-17-2018, 10:23 AM
Well done, Teresa! I laughed out loud! Hugs Lana Mae

Julie Slowinski
05-17-2018, 10:49 AM
Bravo ... I love it ... never take yourself to seriously.

05-17-2018, 11:33 AM
Brilliant story! Thanks for sharing. You mentioned a concern about demeaning yourself or us. I think k it's not a concern at all. The best way to defuse a situation and educate is to own who you are, especially if you can inject some humour into it. Well done!

05-17-2018, 11:36 AM
I like it; A sense of hummer is some thing this world need more of. Good Job

05-17-2018, 12:12 PM
You make me smile cause I get the sense you are enjoying yourself. Freedom is a wonderful thing . Wish your wife could have seen her way to realize that. Keep finding yourself .

05-17-2018, 01:04 PM
That means so much coming from you, you're one of the few from when I joined here that gave me good, sound advice without any sweetners . I hope you life is finding some normality, please accept my best wishes and I'll try and keep my funny stories coming, it's great to hear you appreciated it .

Yes you're right I'm finding myself in so many ways , I knew my marriage had to come to an end , I felt suppressed in so many ways and not just with my CDing , I honestly believe my wife is happier and I am pleased for her , we both struggled with a bad situation .

05-17-2018, 01:12 PM
Love it. Thank you for the laugh!

05-17-2018, 01:14 PM
I think you need to make your visit soon, humour like injected would certainly alter some of the grim faces I see round here, good for you to take the initiative to see a situation and deal with it like you did.
happenings like this can only increase the degree of acceptance for us that we sorely need and to correct some of the bigotry/ignorance that sadly gets pointed in our direction from time to time.
I think your quick sense of humour was just what was needed, and what a laugh you can after remembering it and also the fun we have reading your thread.
lets have some more!!!

05-18-2018, 06:01 AM
I might need to brush up on my French , I don't want to upset the natives !

I didn't mention that I came across several interesting situations as I walked through the hospital complex, I asked a couple of female workers the way to the main reception , one offered to walk with me, without prompting her she said I'd been to the conference and it had gone well for us . I asked how she knew , she said it doesn't take long for information to get round this place , then she said she was glad she met me , how lovely was that !

05-18-2018, 09:20 AM
You have clearly missed your true calling. Stop the painting and photography right now and go into stand-up comedy. Or perhaps that should be walking around comedy.
A few towns in the UK retain the honorary role of "town crier". Perhaps you should introduce the new honorary role of "town cross dresser".

Karen RHT
05-18-2018, 10:18 AM
Thanks for another good chuckle Teresa. It's terrific just being ourselves isn't it. Nothing wrong with seizing the moment to inject a bit of humour and allowing others to laugh along with us.


05-18-2018, 10:20 AM
Town crier? you've missed your vocation but you would have to be in your leather mini skirt! on another note your conference went well and you did well, it all bodes well for the future.