View Full Version : Shin Splints

Michelle Crossfire
05-20-2018, 11:07 PM
Hello all. I was wondering, if anybody here has ever had the joy of experiencing shin splints, either while dressed or not. I have had a bout of them several times, first got them in the military during morning PT, and boy did they hurt. I was unable to effectively walk for a spot of time after the morning run. As time went on, they subsided, but as i am getting older, they are trying to make a comeback. I recently tried out for a fire department and you have to do what is called the firefighter mile agility test, and by the third event, my shins were on fire and i could not walk again for a spot. I mentioned this here because i have also noticed that it is occasionally occurring when i am wearing certain pairs of high heels. I have very little problem with stilettos, but the thicker heels are giving me such a pain in my shins. It also occurs when i try to wear a pair of heels that are too high. I used to be able to wear 4 1/2" heels, but not any more. I am maxed out at 4" and most of the time, keep it to around 3 1/2" heels. Also, when i get the shin splints, I noticed that when this occurs, my heart rate increases, making me think of a possible circulation issue, but as of this time, that is unknown. As with everything, when you go to get it looked at, it does not occur when you are at the doctor, or your mechanic (with a car), but when you get home, it happens again. I was wondering does anybody have any way to deal with such issues?

Beverley Sims
05-21-2018, 04:37 AM

I have never had the problem, after looking it up on the internet I hope it does not happen to me.

05-21-2018, 05:15 AM
I was in the USMC and during training I got shin splints. They worsened and went right into stress fractures, severe. I had nine fractures in my right shin, fourteen in my left which earned me a medical discharge. Being older now I got worse having a job standing and walking all the time and was finally retired on total disability. If you want to get over sore shins, do not stand a lot, don't do any heavy lifting, and especially do not run! You have a genetic bone condition that can only be managed by not overworking your shins. I don't find any correlation to wearing heels of any height but just excessive walking or standing. As you get older you'll begin to notice shin and calf cramping as well which usually happens at night. The only "cure" is non-use for the most part, if you over use your shins, don't worry---they'll remind you.


Stacy Darling
05-21-2018, 09:12 AM
Shiny has been through the near exact same as a good mate of mine, and you Michelle have had the taste of it as well. I do feel for you as I have seen men grounded by the agony!

Good luck with easing the pain!