View Full Version : wednesday nite

03-17-2006, 09:15 AM
Hi all,

Well here's try # 3..

Had the big "date" wednesday nite. I decided to wear a nice blouse, slacks and loafers. with only a little foundation,light powder and a few strokes of mascara. Julie came over at 7 and we went to the mall, she was a little nervous at first till she saw that nobody really paid any attention to us. I told her I go out shopping all the time and have never had a problem. well we tried on a few outfits at Nordstrom's { i got a really nice suede skirt}. then we hit the cosmetic counters at Fields. Makeup is my biggest obsession. Julie doesn't wear a lot of makeup but she has a great complexion and very nice skin tone. {a great canvas}. we played around for about 40 minutes then we hit some of the smaller stores. { got a fantastic brown silk blouse that will go great with my new suede skirt}. by this time it was getting late. I told her that I always go to Fredericks before leaving the mall as if i go when i get there i'd never get anyother shopping done. I think she was a little shocked when we went into the store as Angie, the store manager, came over gave me a big hello Janice and a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. With all the time i've spent there over the years most of the girls know me lol. But I think Angie was a little suprised I was there with a girl {WHY does everyone think I'm Gay????} We spent a litttle time looking around but I didn't really catch anything that caught my eye. Julie picked up a very pretty bra and garter belt set that i'm sure Jim will enjoy. After saying Bye to Angie we went out to the car and over to Denny's for a cup of coffee & a chat.

I asked her if she had told Jim about my dressing and she said she had and that he was cool with it he always thought I was gay anyways{ see what I mean} I told her that although most of my relationships were with men I have had a few girlfriends too. She asked me the usual questions like am i going to get the operation and what my family thought etc. Told her no as I'm extremly attached to my penis and that my family knew and were mostly cool with my lifestyle. after about an hour of talking we went home. She told me that she had a great time and that we should do it again soon which I said would be nice.

All in all it was a very nice night. It was so much fun having someone to shop with. and Julie only called me Joel 2 or 3 times,lol.

Last nite Julie called and said that they were having some friends over saturday nite and that I would be welcome to come over as Janice or Joel. I told her I would check and get back to her today. What should I do I'm not sure if I would be comfortable with their friends or them with me.

Love Janny

03-17-2006, 09:22 AM
Thanks Dana it worked

03-17-2006, 09:30 AM
Go for it


03-17-2006, 01:13 PM
If you think you might not be comfortable, then go a Joel. Besides, Julies husband hasn't seen you dressed either, so that would be 3 people, 4 counting yourself, that might be uncomfortable. Wouldn't make for such an enjoyable evening, IMO.

03-17-2006, 01:39 PM
If you think you might not be comfortable, then go a Joel. Besides, Julies husband hasn't seen you dressed either, so that would be 3 people, 4 counting yourself, that might be uncomfortable. Wouldn't make for such an enjoyable evening, IMO.

Donna the thinking part of my brain agrees with you 100% but the other part wants to get all dolled up and party!!lol

Love Janny

03-17-2006, 01:50 PM
There will be other opportunities. Discuss it with everyone this time. Or take some things to change into. The GGs will have fun helping you.

03-17-2006, 01:55 PM
Since you are friends with Julie and maybe her husband, if I were you, I'd ask her if there was going to be anybody there I was going to be uncomfortable with. If I knew that I didn't care if the others met me as my femme self, I'd be happy going as Shari. If she was going to invite someone there that I wanted to be in stealth to, I'd go as the male side. But do what works for you.


03-17-2006, 02:03 PM
thats a great idea shari and so simple too I just have a way of making things too complicated

hugs Janny