View Full Version : Something to everyone , in a wonderful place !

06-12-2018, 10:14 AM
I can't believe I've been around on this forum since 2013 , somehow after almost 8,000 posts I've been something to everyone . From the start I was probably more of a pain in the butt , some probably still think I am . I was looking through my own archives especially the pictures , from just daring to apply an avatar to making excuses for not showing my face . Over the time I've been called HOT, SEXY , I've rocked it for some of you now after posting my latest picture in my new wig I've moved into a comfort zone , I feel more like an agony aunt at times but please don't start calling me Aunty Teresa or heaven forbid Mother Teresa !! My bottom drawer still has some hot stuff and I can still ROCK it if I want to , that brings to mind the thread about noticing the dress or the girl , well if you wear something HOT then you notice the dress so the girl must be hot too !

I've seen the cycle of repeat threads and the passing of some wonderful members who I'm glad to call friends even if it was distant ones , I still have some good friends here now , we mostly have to resort to PMs but it would be lovely to catch up with some of you in person , at least the forum has given me the chance to meet up with some in the UK . For those who haven't taken that step yet it's a great way to step out the door and come out , I have no regrets about that , I'm still learning, Ok to some it may be sad it's cost me my marriage but I'm happier now out of it than I was in it because I've found the true me .

I still can't say where I go from here I know I still have the mix of help , support and some who just like to give me a kick up the butt , I can balance that with the friends I've met in my social groups , I know the bottom line is the final decision is mine but I know I'm not alone , God forbid those days have gone when it felt like solitary confinement . The World is changing for us all , I intend to do my bit now and get out to make it easier for those following on , I know like most of you how hard those times are .

Some of the newer members reading this should never say I could never do even what Teresa has done , I still think this when I look at others further on but the point is NEVER SAY NEVER ! Seriously if I can do it you surely can, believe in yourself and stick with your gut instinct and sometimes be prepared to fight your corner with those around you , you also have rights in this World , it's not a criminal act we are performing . It's something some might call a blessing and to others a curse but there's nothing we can do about it we are wired that way, we need all the help we can get to understand it and come to terms with it .

Thankyou again to the Forum and some great members on it .

06-12-2018, 12:39 PM
This is my 1st time on the forum but have been watching for 6 months.
I have enjoyed your posts and replys
To the extent that you have helped me so much thank you and keep up the good work.

Suzie Petersen
06-12-2018, 03:09 PM
I hope things keep going well for you Teresa, you have worked hard for it and deserve a good life in retirement.
Hard to understand how fast time goes by, isn't it. Have been watching you here for years.


06-12-2018, 04:01 PM
Teresa very well written words about this fotum, I have enjoyed it also and glad you found it like I did several years ago. It has helped me understand myself and to read how it's helped others is a conformation that I am at the right place.

Rachael Leigh
06-12-2018, 04:23 PM
Teresa, your like many here a flower that started to blossom and now are nearly in full bloom. Our stories are simalar so
I can very much relate to you. It’s a pleasure to watch your progress.
Blessings to you

06-12-2018, 04:29 PM
I still can't say where I go from here I know I still have the mix of help , support and some who just like to give me a kick up the butt


Let me start by saying what a well written post. You've encapsulated so much of what many have experienced as well as their fears and doubts. For my part I hope I've been able to both support and kick in appropriate measure.

I'm convinced that the example you and others set greatly helps those still fighting their fears and demons. The "I did it" followed by "I did it again, and again, and again...." appears evermore frequently as others find the courage to follow where you've lead.

I hope that despite my limited opportunities to get out and about out paths will cross one day. As you say meeting others from here face to face is just a wonderful experience. Keep pushing those boundaries.

06-12-2018, 05:06 PM
It has been a remarkable journey. i well remember reading one of your early posts about taking a walk with the dog while dressed and having to pass close to some workers on the railway.
It has been an interesting journey. If you gathered together all of your posts you would have the makings of an interesting book about a transvestite (I deliberately use that term because in the past you have used it to describe yourself ) coming out of the closet and pushing out into the world. Those 8000 posts comprise a fascinating record of your journey so I hope you are able to gather them together and not lose any of the many milestones you have passed successfully.

Best wishes for the journey forward and keep us well informed of progress.

06-12-2018, 05:09 PM
All I can say is I have read all your posts with great interest and enjoyment - good for you.

Devi SM
06-12-2018, 05:26 PM
Thank you Teresa

06-12-2018, 05:30 PM
You have inspired me as well Teresa.

Thank you.

Lana Mae
06-12-2018, 05:43 PM
Teresa, thanks! I have followed you since I joined back a year or two; Oh my it is almost three! You have been an inspiration to me! My journey is different from yours but there are a lot of things that are much the same! Keep us informed on your progress on that journey as it helps us on ours! If I could I would fly on over and visit all the ladies in Great Britain! It is the home of my ancestors! Hugs Lana Mae

06-12-2018, 05:57 PM
Well Teresa, I hope this isn't where your next thread is a farewell post! We've all seen those here.
I will say that when I first started posting here, you were always one of very few that seemed to understand me, when most everyone else who would respond would seem to misinterpret what I was trying to say. I've never been very good at expressing feelings or emotions, but you seemed to "get it" right away.

06-12-2018, 07:12 PM
Its been an interesting half decade, hasn't it?

06-12-2018, 07:50 PM
No I haven't received that many black marks and been asked to leave , OK I have been a little outspoken on occasions and been read the riot act !

Write a book that's an interesting thought , the first copy would be a nice gift to give my wife for Xmas , signed by Teresa !! Sorry that's my wicked sense of humour again but it does help having one .

A nice thought I'm still working on meeting up , maybe we should exchange details .

It's scary when you put it like that , at least most people will know I've passed through this way !!

06-13-2018, 07:01 AM
For me your consistent presence and forthrightness, kindness, and honesty about your own struggles inching along the path have been like a lamp moving ahead of me in the dark,with a friendly voice always encouraging!

06-13-2018, 01:39 PM
There are ways of saying things , some might say I sugar coat too much but I know the struggles we go through . Sometimes in the past the harsh truth and the way it's been said have given me some sleepless nights , I try and think what the person is going through . I've said this before but often it's what is written between the lines that tells the true story , it you word it right often people will be totally honest with you . They need help but are reluctant to reveal too much for fear of the repercussions .

06-13-2018, 08:11 PM
What a lovely post Teresa.I've really only been back on the site perhaps 6 months,after a long sabbatical.But I have to say since being back I don't think I've read a thread of yours that hasn't been a worth while read.

The UK isn't that big so you never know,our paths may cross in the future,that would be really nice.


Beverley Sims
06-15-2018, 01:35 AM
Teresa, I also have watched your progress as well as others that have been here a while.

Even I have made progress of sorts.

Keep at it you are advancing well.

06-15-2018, 05:18 AM
You were one of the first to greet me in the intro section along with Isha ( Marcelle ) I've never forgotten that .

Consuello , suggested writing a book with nearly 8,000 posts behind me , you could write volumes with 26,000 + behind you .