View Full Version : Apprehensive about buying a purse.

06-12-2018, 05:32 PM
I have purchased it all, bra's, skirts, pants, tops, wig(don't need anymore), panty hose, panties, stockings, over sized nails,shoes,make up.

But I couldn't click a button to buy a purse.

I didn't expect my reaction at all, the thought of carrying one made me feel I was going over board, how does this even make sense.

Aunt Kelly
06-12-2018, 05:52 PM
Enjoy this state of affairs while you can, Samantha. Once you own one purse, they seem to multiply. :)

06-12-2018, 05:55 PM
It won’t be overboard once you realize that the only pockets you have in your clothes are too small to actually hold anything. If you leave the house at all it’s a necessity. Now if you’re looking at Michael Kors or Kate Spade or Coach bags, then yes that’s a little overboard for your first purse. But otherwise... it’s just a place to keep your stuff. Don’t overthink it.

Elizabeth G
06-12-2018, 06:33 PM
Micki summrd it up well, it's certainly not overboard if you go out at all. Even if you don't go out it still helps complete the look.

06-12-2018, 06:37 PM
I've had a tradition for decades that I buy my wife a purse for Christmas. Helped a lot in taking care of buying women's stuff for myself. Hugs, Michelle

06-12-2018, 06:48 PM
It would be awkward at first to leaving it somewhere , because not use to carry a purse.

Alice B
06-12-2018, 06:49 PM
As pointed out.You can ot go anywhere without a purse. You have to have something to hold things like your keys, identification, phone, lip stick, etc.The size is up to you and if you srart out small I am sure you will soon up the size. My first purse was one that my wife was going to give away. I now have six. Good luck

06-12-2018, 06:51 PM
Samantha, Lipstick will melt in your pocket, you have to keep it in a purse.

06-12-2018, 07:41 PM
They are now a part of me, naked without one. True style and size are some what a personal taste thing. One rule though, shoes, belt and purse must match but it's not chiseled in stone.

06-12-2018, 07:54 PM
I've been very lucky as my wife gave me several purses. I still only use one that I like and it has a strap that goes over my shoulder. You'll feel uncomfortable with it at first but as you use it to freshen up your make up you'll start carrying it more. I did see a GG though once that kept her spare lipstick just inside her bra, that would be a mistake here in this 100degree heat so a purse is a must.

06-12-2018, 08:04 PM
I remember when I bought my first, and only, purse; I just went into the thrift store and bought it.
And I've loved it ever since!


Lana Mae
06-12-2018, 08:30 PM
I just bought one more! I believe that makes six! I bought most of them from J C Penney's! You have to have something to keep your "stuff" in as women's pockets are too small As someone said, they multiply rapidly just like shoes! LOL Hugs Lana Mae

06-12-2018, 08:33 PM
My first one was really exciting when it came, but the second Coach one I scored for $30 on eBay I LOVE! Do it, you’ll be glad you did.

Alice Torn
06-12-2018, 08:37 PM
Easy to find a good used one cheap, at thrift stores, charity stores.

06-12-2018, 08:41 PM
I have five, and to tell the truth, I've gotten so used to carrying one, that I miss it when I am in guy mode.

06-12-2018, 08:43 PM
You need a purse. You don't have anywhere else to carry things. Besides, purses are much more convenient than pockets. With pockets you have to load them every morning and unload them every night. And you're always forgetting things. With a purse, everything's right there all the time, and you just have to grab it and go. Get one with a separate pocket for keys, though. Searching for keys in a messy purse is a nightmare.

06-12-2018, 08:58 PM
My first purse was not bought. A nicely tooled leather brown number. Found alongside the dumpster at my place of work, in fact. Empty, sadly some lady likely lost it and all contents due to theft or snatching. Great shape, no torn straps, so what is a "gal" to do? Re-purpose it, of course!

Did subsequently buy a small black purse, wally-world or wherever, more universally suited for a trip to Las Vegas :eg:

06-13-2018, 12:36 AM
I'm the same way! I've bought everything, the whole works, but do not own a purse.
It didn't even dawn on me until I went out one night and realized that like nearly every other woman had a purse.
They seem super convenient and after reading other replies, it looks like once you go Purse it's hard to go back

06-13-2018, 12:36 AM
DON’T buy a purse! You will live to regret it. I swear they are more addictive than crack cocaine. I think I have seven Coach bags at last count—no, eight if you count my go to work bag. And a couple of keychains I use as bag charms...And it all started with that first one, a simple brown Coach logo cross body. Then there was the white one, fantastic dress purse, then the grey one for every day use, and then the pink one for more casual outfits. Then the large red shoulder bag for work, and the purple tote for work, and the little black and blue cross body for evenings and parties...somebody keep me away from the clearance shelves at the Coach outlet store, please...

06-13-2018, 01:35 AM
LOL, the responses really made me smile and chuckle..

I wrote out an entire response , but after reading the posts decided not to paste it.

I am going to buy a purse.

Going out very soon to a social event, my first one, I will keep everyone posted.



06-13-2018, 04:28 AM

We talk about people watching so just observe just how GG's interact with their handbags as we Brits call them.

Carrying a bag is one of those things that forms certain mannerisms that GG's have. Seeing a GG clothes shopping without a handbag is like finding hen's teeth. It's the unwritten law.

One thing you need to remember. When shopping and at the checkout, you must ALWAYS wait until the SA has rung up the till, wrapped all that needs wrapping, told you how much it is before looking in your bag to find your coin purse. No matter how long the queue behind you.

06-13-2018, 04:39 AM
One thing you need to remember. When shopping and at the checkout, you must ALWAYS wait until the SA has rung up the till, wrapped all that needs wrapping, told you how much it is before looking in your bag to find your coin purse. No matter how long the queue behind you.


It's true, there seems to be an unwritten law to this effect!

Rhonda Jean
06-13-2018, 06:41 AM
I was never apprehensive about buying purses. I just didn't know quite what to do with one when I carried it. I'd get dressed and grab an empty purse and try to think of appropriate things to fill it with. I didn't want to open my purse at the checkout counter and have only my keys, wallet and a lipstick. I also never quite knew how to carry it. Shoulder? Arm? Hand? How long should the shoulder strap be? Just a lot of things that made it awkward.

That all changed several years ago when I started dating a girl who was way into purses (for herself). She spent a lot of time shopping for them, and I started learning about them and and understanding the appeal. She bought me a purse (not a man bag) for me to carry in male mode. It was expensive, compared to what I had typically spent on purses. I knew if she spent that much on it she was serious about me carrying it a lot. That was the impetus for me to start carrying a purse almost all the time outside of work (where it stays in the car). I don't have a ton of them, but the ones I have are very nice. As I got used to carrying one, figuring out what to carry in it was no longer a problem. I carry as much junk as most GG's. I carry the same purse in male mode as well as female mode, so even in male mode I have makeup, etc., which I think is kinda cool. It's become sort of my thing. Carrying one is more than just carrying an object. At the risk of sounding overly dramatic, it's kind of an experience. Maybe more so in male mode. I've been known to cycle out of personal trends like this, but I haven't even come close to cycling out of this one.

Quick story... I had been carrying a purse for several months in male mode and got to wondering if I had taken this a little too far. I started to wonder if even though my gf bought me my first, was this whole "carrying a purse as a guy" thing wearing a little thin. One day when we were going out I purposely left my purse on the kitchen table. I went to the car a few minutes before her, and when she came out she was carrying it and said matter-of-factly, "You forgot your purse". I haven't wondered since. I love the occasional comments and compliments. I especially love that it's become a shared thing between my gf and I. It is so much fun to go into a department store and descend on the purses and shop and compare and try on. It's much more than just a place to carry my stuff.

06-13-2018, 07:31 AM
As Micki_Finn noted women's cloths don't have many functional pockets, and I didn't even know about lipstick melting:eek: I bought a smaller purse (at the local thrift store) for my wallet, phone, car key/fob, makeup, and was surprised how quickly it filled up. I bought a little bigger purse and then learned the joys of searching through every zippered pocket and compartment looking for something specific. Get a purse, you need it. Then take a picture of it and share it with us:heehee:

06-13-2018, 08:57 AM
I've been toting a purse for over 20 years always in male mode (DADT). Only one adverse comment and my wife read the riot act to the guy who made the comment. On several occasions, men and women have commented positively and where I bought it. Go for it!

06-13-2018, 09:04 AM
I dont know why but I was the same when I bought my first purse. Having bought bras, panties, shapewear, dresses, make up--all sort of things that would mark me as a crossdresser, but it was the purse that I had doubts about. But like others have said, practicality took over when I started going out and realized I didn't have a place to carry my things. I love how feminine I feel with a bag hanging off my forearm or when I'm holding a clutch; it really helps me (oddly) with femme postures and mannerisms!

06-13-2018, 11:22 AM
My wife was donating her old purses and said explicitly I couldn't have them. Granted I didn't like any of them anyways. She did let me keep 2 grey ugly purses (really totes) that were free with purchase from bath and body but only to use to hold my feminine clothes that don't go on hangers. She made it clear she does not want me to have one.

Now that I realize of my many skirts only 2 have pockets, and one of the skirts only half my phone fits in the pocket. So I am definitely more keen on new skirts having pockets. Yesterday I was looking online at skirts with cargo pockets too!

06-13-2018, 12:16 PM
I love how feminine I feel with a bag hanging off my forearm or when I'm holding a clutch; it really helps me (oddly) with femme postures and mannerisms!


Nothing odd about it. Watch a husband who's been tasked with holding his wife's bag while she goes into say a changing room. Try as he might, there isn't a masculine way to hold a handbag. Placing it on the ground is the only way to come close to looking butch with a bag.

06-13-2018, 12:29 PM
Start off first with a women’s tri or bi fold wallet which can pass as men’s then work your way to a clutch which I see more women using than a purse. Good luck!! :-)

06-13-2018, 12:41 PM
Ladies, one thing you MUST also have is a lady's wallet! Taking a man's wallet out of a lady's purse is really weird! You need to transfer just the simple basics: cash, driver's license, medical information, keys. You should also already have the feminine things you'll need in it.

06-13-2018, 12:55 PM

Nothing odd about it. Watch a husband who's been tasked with holding his wife's bag while she goes into say a changing room. Try as he might, there isn't a masculine way to hold a handbag. Placing it on the ground is the only way to come close to looking butch with a bag.

You're totally right :laughing: I've seen it and been there...except of course I secretly *wanted* to look femme with my ex-gf's bag.

06-13-2018, 01:03 PM
Go for it. I have two Coach purses. One from Macy’s and one from Goodwill.

06-13-2018, 01:16 PM
I have a leather shoulder bag that I carry all the time and no one seems to notice. I think that men carrying a bag is getting to be the norm these days.

06-13-2018, 01:51 PM
Purses are really practical item, not only beautiful. I even started using men purse while in drab.

06-13-2018, 02:02 PM
I nearly jumped in too quick but I see Helen has clarified the point . It didn't take me long to get use to a handbag , the problem was I bought them too small . Now I have a lovely John Lewis black leather one and a nicely styled brown one . I have bought quite a few , when I was trying to match outfits but it's just too easy to grab my favourite black one . It has two large metal rings retaining the shoulder strap which are ideal to hang on the hook on the supermarket trolley , it's makes it so easy to find my purse and pull out the credit card just before I get to the checkout .

06-13-2018, 03:42 PM
I have owned a couple of purses now and really do wish I could carry one all the time. My wife would definitely not approve. I just bought a Marvel's Black Widow purse from Lounge Fly, it is awesome and I am a huge fan. So I get to show my nerd even in girl mode!

Marie Boisvert
06-13-2018, 05:07 PM
I bought my first purse last year. Small enough to travel with, perfect to fit everything in it. I absolutely love it, I can't believe I waited so long. Looking forward to my next one. Marie

06-13-2018, 06:09 PM
I was never apprehensive about buying purses. I just didn't know quite what to do with one when I carried it. I'd get dressed and grab an empty purse and try to think of appropriate things to fill it with. I didn't want to open my purse at the checkout counter and have only my keys, wallet and a lipstick. I also never quite knew how to carry it. Shoulder? Arm? Hand? How long should the shoulder strap be? Just a lot of things that made it awkward.

Kind of on topic.
In my purse I carry:
a wallet (with ID, cash, & change)
a brush
eye shadow
hand sanitizer
nail kit (file, clippers, teeny tiny scissors)
notepad & pen
cough drops
band aids
mini flashlight
condoms (because sometimes my BF forgets)
panty liners (because..... reasons)

Oh, and my mobile and cigs & lighter

06-13-2018, 06:44 PM
Once the first one is bought,there's a good chance They will multiply in no time at all.Its true for me,conservative estimate I must have about 20 handbags,but don't for a second think it's limited to just us.My wife still has more handbags than me :)

06-13-2018, 07:05 PM
It'd actually be the other way around when i think about it.... itd be sort of weird to see a woman without a purse and just carrying things in pockets or in their hands... The only time I have my keys in my hands are when Im near my car and so I have my whistle close by.

I dont think we want to pressure you in to getting a purse but it is quite convenient to have some sort of bag if you go outside. I dont think its too much ... it might complete your "look" :)

06-13-2018, 07:15 PM
Nothing to be apprehensive about. Like Micki said, most women's clothes have useless pockets. My most extravagant purchase was a Louis Vuiton, cause it gave me free parking.


06-13-2018, 07:27 PM
I have one. I was planning one of my first day's out (in San Francisco) and I knew I needed a purse. So I went into Payless and they were having a BOGO sale so I bought a pair of male tennis shoes and a black purse. It's my all purpose purse. I always carry makeup wipes because on more than one time I have changed back to boy mode while I've been out.

06-14-2018, 03:37 AM
Enjoy this state of affairs while you can, Samantha. Once you own one purse, they seem to multiply. :)

Wow! Ain't that the truth! It goes double for shoes.

Kind of on topic.
In my purse I carry:
a wallet (with ID, cash, & change)
a brush
eye shadow
hand sanitizer
nail kit (file, clippers, teeny tiny scissors)
notepad & pen
cough drops
band aids
mini flashlight
condoms (because sometimes my BF forgets)
panty liners (because..... reasons)

Oh, and my mobile and cigs & lighter

If I put all that in my pocket, if I can find my pocket, it makes my pants all lumpy and ruins the smooth lines of my girlish figure. And the mints get all melted into the hand sanitizer and don't taste good.

06-14-2018, 07:00 AM
About 2 years ago I changed from pockets to bag to carry my stuff. I carry it no matter what mode I am in. Here in Denver it is not so unusual to see men carrying bags. I have even seen the man with a bag and the woman he is with not carrying anything. I also have a women's wallet. That sometimes gets a look at checkout and if there is any comment (rarely ever happens) I will tell the man (it is always a man who comments) women's wallets make vastly more sense than men's wallet not matter what gender you are. The message is pretty clear. Around here I even see men with small women's purses, but it is usually more the over the shoulder messenger bag - there are lots that are quite nice and would go with drab or femme. I would not want to go back to pockets.

Rhonda Jean
06-14-2018, 07:36 AM
Nothing to be apprehensive about. Like Micki said, most women's clothes have useless pockets. My most extravagant purchase was a Louis Vuiton, cause it gave me free parking.


A Neverfull? I want! I try to justify it by telling myself I could get by with just this one purse and never change it out regardless of season or male or female mode. Just this one all the time. I'm sure in reality that I wouldn't stick with that. I by nice purses, but not that nice. Women who are into purses notice designer bags a mile away. My GF has a Louis that I got to borrow for an out of town trip, mostly in male mode. I got more comments and compliments on that purse! Seemed like every time we sat down at a restaurant and many time in stores, women would comment on my purse. I get that quite a bit anyway, but not near like when I was carrying a Louis. I haven't bought a purse for myself in well over a year, thinking that I'm just going to wait and buy what I really want. I know it's ridiculous.

06-14-2018, 08:07 AM
If you plan to go out in female attire, you need one. Even female jeans have pockets that are too small. I have a plain black leather purse that could easily do duty as a man-purse if needed, but I consider it essential for going out en femme. Mind you I'm always paranoid about losing it or having it snatched... but such is the fate of being a woman,.

06-14-2018, 04:45 PM
If you plan to go out in female attire, you need one. Even female jeans have pockets that are too small. I have a plain black leather purse that could easily do duty as a man-purse if needed, but I consider it essential for going out en femme. Mind you I'm always paranoid about losing it or having it snatched... but such is the fate of being a woman,.

With my girl jeans, my (guy) wallet will fit, but if I sit or even bend slightly, it slips right out. I learned that girl clothes means girl bag!

06-14-2018, 10:47 PM
I'm glad I read this thread.

I don't own a purse. I've not thought that far ahead, as I'm not about to go out fully dressed anytime soon.

But I have gone out dressed. (Yay!). But unless someone looked closely they wouldn't know, as I was wearing womens jeans and a blouse that could pass for a Hawaiian shirt (I have over 30 Hawaiian shirts and wear them all the time). I've now got about three or four blouses that fit into this category, and a similar amount of womens jeans, and pants. The problem is, is no real pockets.

So I'm going to have to buy a man-bag to put my wallet, phone, keys, etc. in. This will be a good way to get used to carrying all my stuff, so if I ever do go out en-femme, I'll already be in the purse 'habit' so to speak.


Diane Smith
06-14-2018, 11:06 PM
Although I sometimes get nervous when buying female shoes, clothes and jewelry in drab, for some reason, purses, bags and wallets have never been a problem for me. It feels like I can always justify them as a gift if asked, or make the excuse that a particular bag will be a perfect fit for my newest camera or whatever. (In fact, of course, nobody in any store has ever given me any reason to come up with an explanation. Browse a while, make my selection, and check out. Couldn't be easier.)

- Diane

Becky Blue
06-14-2018, 11:12 PM
Having been out with a handbag, how the world evolved that woman have a bag to put stuff and men don't is totally illogical... i so often have to take soem kind of jacket even when its hot as I have nowhere comfortable to pout my keys and wallet! and No I am not going to take a manbag they are totally lame...

06-14-2018, 11:21 PM
Girl you need a purse or a bag because women's poxkets are not meant to hold anything, there just there for decoration.

06-14-2018, 11:30 PM
Having been out with a handbag, how the world evolved that woman have a bag to put stuff and men don't is totally illogical...

I've actually been giving that some thought lately, and I wonder if it's a recent (20th century) thing or older? Whether pockets were a male fashion that just developed, in a similar way to the development of the wristwatch instead of the pocket watch. Or perhaps pockets developed back in the days when men were expected to keep both hands free for manual labour, or fighting (e.g. soldiers), duelling (gentlemen and cowboys), etc.

Manbags were a thing in the 80's IIRC. My older brother had one, and no-one would ever think there was anything effeminate about him.

I do find it amusing that a manbag could be called lame on a CD forum :)


06-15-2018, 01:10 AM
Having been out with a handbag, how the world evolved that woman have a bag to put stuff and men don't is totally illogical... i so often have to take soem kind of jacket even when its hot as I have nowhere comfortable to pout my keys and wallet! and No I am not going to take a manbag they are totally lame...

In the summer when it is too warm for a jacket with pockets, my day to day androgenous appearance in leggings or womens skinnies needs a bag for phone, wallet and keys. The ones I have are the most manly part of my appearance, not lame at all me thinks. They are all heavy canvas cross shoulder bags, quite small and 'military' looking if you know what I mean. Lame.... ooo the cheek of it :)

Beverley Sims
06-15-2018, 02:38 AM
The only apprehension I have about buying a purse is if it is too bloody expensive. :-)

I suggest try a thrift store, buy two or three , big long strap over the shoulder type, a small one and a clutch.

Take them home and get the feel of what they are like.

I have al three and the big shoulder one carries my camera and all my acquired rubbish, the small one carries makeup and cash and is good for shopping.

Very easy to leave in a shopping trolley.

The clutch is a minimalist item, lipstick two dollar bills and five pennies and a hanky, one that is not large enough to blow your nose. :-)

06-15-2018, 04:56 AM
And this is one reason why I wear a pullover hoodie with a large two-handed "kangaroo" pocket in front. :D

Of course, these hoodies also go well with leggings -- in guy-mode. :heehee:

Nah, back in my en-femme days, you *had* to have a purse! If you stepped out of the house for any length of time, that is.

Although I was never a purse-addict, I did kinda dig 'em after a while. Had about 5 or 6 at the peak. New, but nothing too crazy, price-wise... Just some department-store ones, on sale, which were perfectly fine, really. And IMO, you can end up going too big -- and certainly too small, which is worse! Think: Goldilocks.

Always gotta match it up with the general feel of what you're wearing, as well as the "occasion." Which is why you definitely end up with more than just one or two, in various colors/sizes/styles. :devil:

Anyway, as for *why* the OP ran into their predicament? I'd say that in some way, it's taking things "to the next level." You're moving from just the static look... To the facsimile of an actual, functioning, "active" GG who is going about her business & living life, as they normally do.

Yeah, I suppose that can be a bit, say, "unsettling," in some way? :strugglin

And yes, you could get away with throwing your phone in your back pocket (if you're wearing something like stretchy skinny jeans... Just don't accidentally sit on it, LOL), with a women's wallet in your hands. GG's do that all the time -- *if* they're just running into the store real quick, or something.

Otherwise, yeah... You're gonna need one. Or a handful.

Put on your big-girl panties & suck it up! :p

06-15-2018, 06:36 AM
Josie,Nothing odd about it. Watch a husband who's been tasked with holding his wife's bag while she goes into say a changing room. Try as he might, there isn't a masculine way to hold a handbag. Placing it on the ground is the only way to come close to looking butch with a bag.
Appearing to not give a crap what anyone else thinks about you holding your mate's purse is the masculine way. Only juvenile minded males think it's funny for a man to hold his wife's purse when she's busy doing something which requires her hands.

I've actually been giving that some thought lately, and I wonder if it's a recent (20th century) thing or older? Whether pockets were a male fashion that just developed, in a similar way to the development of the wristwatch instead of the pocket watch.
Men who needed and could afford pocketwatches usually wore business attire which included a vest or jacket that had a specific pocket for that pocketwatch.

Having been out with a handbag, how the world evolved that woman have a bag to put stuff and men don't is totally illogical... i so often have to take soem kind of jacket even when its hot as I have nowhere comfortable to pout my keys and wallet! and No I am not going to take a manbag they are totally lame...
Men generally didn't, and don't need as much stuff. I used to carry: keycase, comb, some change, wallet. Maybe hankerchief. That's it for most of my 60 some odd years. Today, just add a phone, which I carry in a slim holster on my belt, usually completely unseen, under my jacket.

I have a leather shoulder bag that I carry all the time and no one seems to notice. I think that men carrying a bag is getting to be the norm these days.
I guess it really depends where. My last trip to downtown Manhattan didn't show guys carrying shoulder bags. Briefcases, yes. Shoulderbags, no. Same with most other areas, and I've recently made several cross country trips from NYC to Arizona. Virtually NO manbags. A few backpacks among the college aged. Older guys? Nope.

Start off first with a women’s tri or bi fold wallet which can pass as men’s then work your way to a clutch which I see more women using than a purse. Good luck!! :-)
Coach makes a few woman's wallets which are slim and without ornaments that could easily pass as a man's, if you wish to go stealth at first.
And if you want to start off with something that you can excuse as normal men's 'bag', try a slim camera bag or leather Samsonite carry on bag.
https://www.ebay.com/itm/Samsonite-Concord-Shoulder-Tote-Carry-On-Bag-Luggage-Brown-With-Strap/142645650667?hash=item213657e4eb:g:PcgAAOSwnYBaTo5 C:sc:USPSPriority!07034!US!-1
They're pretty much purse sized, with pockets, sturdy, and a cross between luggage and an actual purse. Throw in some cheap vintage camera and film if you're worried about some homophobic jerk asking why you have a 'bag'. Pull out the camera and snap his pic. Tell him he'll be on Instagram with the rest of the pictures of homophobic guys.

Traci H
06-15-2018, 06:55 AM
In the summer when it is too warm for a jacket with pockets, my day to day androgenous appearance in leggings or womens skinnies needs a bag for phone, wallet and keys. The ones I have are the most manly part of my appearance, not lame at all me thinks. They are all heavy canvas cross shoulder bags, quite small and 'military' looking if you know what I mean. Lame.... ooo the cheek of it :)

I too use a small canvas crossbody bag in summer when I lose my coat pockets. My wife hates it and thinks it looks “gay”. I have no issues. I think it looks Indiana Jones actually. I constantly look and never see another guy with any kind of bag. This in a major metropolitan US Midwest city.
I don’t care.

I sometimes step it up to a nice but simple women’s crossbody bag. There is usually ornamentation that makes it more feminine. My wife would really not like that but I plan on using those more and more.

I hate even trying to stick stuff in my women’s jeans pockets. Purses are just way more practical these days with phones getting bigger etc.

Oh and they are so addictive. Thank God for Goodwill!

06-15-2018, 07:26 AM
I think it looks Indiana Jones actually.

That'll do me :)

06-15-2018, 09:08 PM
I have narrowed it down to these 3...


Decided on a shoulder strap style and for some reason a handle appealed to me.

Janine cd
06-15-2018, 09:30 PM
I'm looking forward to buy my first purse this week. I think a nice over the shoulder variety is most versatile.

06-16-2018, 01:53 AM
Those three are very nice Samantha. You do realise you need all three don't you? And then a navy one and maybe a green and pink one just to be sure. Joking aside, the red is really lovely but if only getting one then black is the safest option for any outfit. :)

Rhonda Jean
06-16-2018, 07:14 AM
Watch a husband who's been tasked with holding his wife's bag while she goes into say a changing room. Try as he might, there isn't a masculine way to hold a handbag. Placing it on the ground is the only way to come close to looking butch with a bag.

When I first started carrying a purse in male mode I'd occasionally get a "Love your purse!" sometimes with a comment about how well it went with my shoes or something (It didn't. Male mode, remember.) and sometimes with a little limp wrist gesture. Obviously they thought I was carrying my SO's purse. I loved watching for their reaction when my SO would show up carrying her own. Priceless, when I could see that they realized I was carrying my own purse and they'd stuck their foot in their mouth!

I bet it's been at least a couple of years since I've had one of those comments. I can only figure that when first started carrying one I wasn't quite comfortable doing it, and that came through.

On another note, I've been lightly ridiculed on this board for carrying a purse in male mode. It doesn't bother me, but I find it very amusing! Seems that when some are in guy mode, they're way the hell in guy mode and wouldn't be caught dead carrying a "sissy " purse! Lacy panties and polished toes under bad ass guy clothes, fine! But purses are too sissy!?! I figure they secretly want to carry a purse, but are deathly afraid of revealing any femininity to the world. Whatever.

06-16-2018, 08:03 AM
I acquired my first purse from my sister when she died. It's rather large and I used it the first time I left the house dressed and went to a TG event. I load it with all kinds of makeup, jewelry and can also throw my wallet and phone in it.

A couple of years ago I wanted a small purse that I could strap around my shoulder. I didn't wanna spend too much so I bought one at Walmart. It's good for carrying only the makeup and jewelry that I might need. And there's still room for keys, wallet and phone.

I was wearing girl's pants in male mode the other day that have about 2" of front pockets. That's when I wondered if the fanny pack would ever make a come back. I hope not!

Mary Lawrence
06-16-2018, 10:36 AM
Go to a thrift store. They commonly have a large variety at low prices. Spring for one and give it a whirl.

06-22-2018, 05:45 PM
I think this is one area where the "lines" are blurring a bit. Guys are carrying bags and companies are marketing to them. I hate the term "man purse", but it's out there and becoming more acceptable.

I've carried a purse for 15 years, and I choose plain messenger bags that are smaller than ones marketed to men. The convenience is awesome!

06-22-2018, 11:51 PM
I'm sorry, ladies I got my purses mixed up with my handbags!

I have about a half dozen purses and that's not nearly enough. Purses have to match outfits and occasions, so it's good to have a selection.

You don't want to put all that work into looking feminine just to let yourself down at the last hurdle by being seen with a non-matching purse. If the purse doesn't match, one would be better off without it. (Even I am surprised at how strongly I feel about this.)

Furthermore, since clothes designed to be worn by wonen tend to have fewer functional pockets, having a bag one can use to put one's stuff can be very handy.



07-03-2018, 11:51 AM
Finally, bought a nice fashionable purse, and over the last few days started wearing dressed and in drab. Have not noticed any funny looks or had negative attitude.
So just do it. What a pleasure it is to put some lipstick on before walking into work!

07-03-2018, 12:29 PM
My first purse purchase was a no brainier as I knew I was going out and needed to carry things that I wouldn't be able to otherwise. My issue is just the opposite... I've been itching for another, but have held of because I can't find the right one (to many that would be the right one).

Tracii G
07-03-2018, 12:47 PM
I am surprised you thought you didn't need one.LOL