View Full Version : To possibly help your wife to better understand your fem needs

06-14-2018, 01:05 PM
In a sticky for the TS forum, I found this link. Maybe it will help you.


06-14-2018, 01:20 PM
Thank you for the info

06-14-2018, 01:51 PM
I have perused the article. Its contents is similar to other analyses I have read. The article does breakdown the issues presented to cross dressers by age group. I'm in my 70's. What still perplexes me is how without any outside influence I was totally happy as a little boy. When puberty hit, then I would have thought raging male hormones would have flooded my body rather than start a life of wanting to emulate women or at least wear women's clothing??? As an aging senior I guess the natural reduction of male hormones and losing some outside perils, such as loosing my job, would promote the woman within. But, how did arise anyway? It has often been stated for those of us who endured combat and have PTSS, the PTSS breaks out when retiring. I wonder if the natural decrease in male hormones and the increase or at level amount of female hormones accentuates the cross dressing in a person such as I? Something that does not reconcile with my inner womanly feelings?

06-14-2018, 02:25 PM
The article made sense to me. I have felt a little "off" my whole life. I didn't fit in with the rough and tumble boys, hated sports, I remember playing hopscotch with girls and most of my play mates were girls as I grew up. I did and still ride motorcycles, I love riding on the edge, high speed, corners. I have had an interest in female clothing as long as I can remember way back to my eary years 4-5 years old, maybe younger.

Last night I was away from home, dressed for bed with my balloon forms and some girly clothing and slept like a baby. I remember waking up and feeling my forms and feeling very comfortable.

I have zero interest in being a women, but strangely am slightly envious of them. Some days I wish had breasts and a vagina, but know it will not happen. Not that much desire, plus transitioning seems "fake" to me, just a male body with parts added or removed. Very strange place to be!

06-14-2018, 10:31 PM
This hits frighteningly close to home.
I'd almost believe that the author has been observing me and reading my thoughts.
The last paragraph of the Older Adult section gives us members of group 3 with a pretty pessimistic outlook for the future. "Characteristically these people can be described as sad, depressed and deeply resentful."

Beverley Sims
06-15-2018, 01:52 AM
A good well written article that fills in some of the gaps others leave out for brevity.

Elizabeth G
06-15-2018, 05:19 AM
Thank you Jenny for posting this. I was amazed at all of the parallels to my life.

06-15-2018, 07:16 AM
This is a good paper, but keep in mind that it is based on what was thought to be true about 17 years ago. Many advances have occurred since that time that alter some of the foundations of the details. That said, Anne, who is a highly respected gender therapist, pretty much hits the nail on the head with regard to the patterns of behavior and dealing with our gender variance. Her breakdown by age and the three group types is unique and undoubtedly comes from her broad experience with gender variant people of all ages, backgrounds, and intensity of gender experience. A fine article well worth adding to your library of gender writings. Just keep in mind that some things are a bit dated and are now viewed a bit differently.

Teri Ray
06-15-2018, 07:20 AM
Well lots of this informarion made sense to me. Like others I saw myself in many of the explainations. However, it is more about what behavior is typical for GID people with little explaination of why. Err heck I thought I had given up on trying to figure out my "why". Yes.........I have. I hope. I do find that with the acceptance and understanding from my wife I am significantly more happy with how I feel about myself.