View Full Version : Is there a more terrifying feeling...

06-27-2018, 02:25 PM
...than having a stuck zipper at an inconvenient moment?

06-27-2018, 02:33 PM
They all seem to get stuck when it's most crital to get dressed for a short time or get out of something fast before a visitor leaves your front door.

06-27-2018, 02:46 PM
It is bound to happen at the best of times; Murphy's Law.

Leslie Langford
06-27-2018, 03:23 PM
...than having a stuck zipper at an inconvenient moment?

Yes, there is...when some of the skin of your (Ahem! ;) ) gets stuck in there at the same time, and you realize that "tucking" is your friend when wearing "barely there" silky, sexy, lacey womens' undies...:eek: :doh: :heehee:

06-27-2018, 06:52 PM

Before I answer you question can I suggest your change your, "Username" before you get hacked! Please tell me, no don't, that your user password is password! For goodness sake, pick a femme name....soon.

So answering you question, Pencil skirts, bodycon dresses, all have a secret agenda to trap you by way of a stuck zip just at the moment you need it least. It's happened to most of us. If it hasn't happen to you, it will!

Beverley Sims
06-27-2018, 07:14 PM
I think zips are the devils own invention.

06-27-2018, 07:55 PM
A more terrifying feeling? I'm sure. But I suppose the vast majority who've experienced that type of thing, are probably dead.
Falling out of a plane without a parachute? A common WW1 experience. Being in a racing motor vehicle accident and finding yourself on fire trapped in the car? Yep.
Pretty much everyone on the Titanic and Hindenburg.
Being on a submarine being depth charged.
Being in the open ocean after your ship sank.
Being a spy who is caught by the people you were spying on.
Being strapped into the gallows/electric chair/guillotine and hearing the mechanism start to operate.
Falling off of a tall cliff/mountain.
Trying to escape enemy territory and hearing a machine gun bolt being pulled back.
Being trapped between the platform and a train, having your lower body twisted and completely cut off the circulation, knowing that the moment when they released you, you would die.

Yeah, there are a lot of more terrifying feelings. That was just a short list that I put together last time someone asked a similar question.

06-27-2018, 08:03 PM
I've had something thats somewhat related, although not as dangerous. The zipper pull on my purse has snagged my top whic is made of a loose knit kind of material. It could have snagged the top and ruin it, but with a little luck I managed to figure it out. Good thing because I really didn't want to lose a nice top.

dana digs sweaters
06-27-2018, 08:37 PM
Been there and laughed at it later


06-27-2018, 08:45 PM
Hi UN :hugs: , Been there and done that,

I had to break the zipper to make a quick escape out of a skirt .>Orchid..+:daydreaming:+..

Janine cd
06-27-2018, 09:15 PM
I've been there many times, especially when the zipper is stuck just out of reach .

06-27-2018, 10:22 PM
Happened at my favorite thrift store. During a try on. I had to come out of the fitting room. I looked for the clerk that I knew. No sign of her. I had to ask a customer for help. She was very nice about it.

06-28-2018, 12:46 AM
Yes, there is...when some of the skin of your (Ahem! ;) ) gets stuck in there at the same time, and you realize that "tucking" is your friend when wearing "barely there" silky, sexy, lacey womens' undies...:eek: :doh: :heehee:

Darling, that's worse than terrifying, it's unladylike!

When shopping for clothes, I tend to favor items that require a minimum of tucking, if any at all. I figure if I do a good enough job in other areas, I'll be fairly successful at keeping people's eyes off my crotch.


Before I answer you question can I suggest your change your, "Username" before you get hacked! Please tell me, no don't, that your user password is password! For goodness sake, pick a femme name....soon.

So answering you question, Pencil skirts, bodycon dresses, all have a secret agenda to trap you by way of a stuck zip just at the moment you need it least. It's happened to most of us. If it hasn't happen to you, it will!

Of course my password isn't password! My password is S-E-C-R-E-T. Secret!

Seriously, though, thank you for your concern. I'll give your suggestion due consideration, but I must argue that my name is Fem. It's "username", not "use his name." :p

A more terrifying feeling? I'm sure. But I suppose the vast majority who've experienced that type of thing, are probably dead.
Falling out of a plane without a parachute? A common WW1 experience. Being in a racing motor vehicle accident and finding yourself on fire trapped in the car? Yep.
Pretty much everyone on the Titanic and Hindenburg.
Being on a submarine being depth charged.
Being in the open ocean after your ship sank.
Being a spy who is caught by the people you were spying on.
Being strapped into the gallows/electric chair/guillotine and hearing the mechanism start to operate.
Falling off of a tall cliff/mountain.
Trying to escape enemy territory and hearing a machine gun bolt being pulled back.
Being trapped between the platform and a train, having your lower body twisted and completely cut off the circulation, knowing that the moment when they released you, you would die.

Yeah, there are a lot of more terrifying feelings. That was just a short list that I put together last time someone asked a similar question.

I am glad to be giving you the opportunity to recycle your own posts. Unfortunately, it was, if I may say so, off the mark. In other words, this was one of those times Sometimes_Miss...didn't get it right. Hence the name, I suppose.

I was referring to "more terrifying feelings" in the context of crossdressing .

You see, people who enjoy crossdressing sometimes do so without the knowledge or consent of other significant people in their lives. This means that sometimes a CDer must get out of their clothes in a hurry to avoid being found out. On such occasions, having a zipper get stuck means a CDer is in fact trapped inside their clothes and at an immense risk of being found out.

An involuntarily outed crossdresser may have a lot to lose, and in fact, many have had to endure divorce, loss of employment, estrangement from loved ones and/ or loss of standing in the community just for daring to defy silly social conventions about clothing. That's why being stuck in a fem outfit can feel terrifying. Everybody else's reply was on the mark. Yours was...a miss.

I hope my explanation helped. I apologize for not having been clearer. I'll take this into account next time I endeavor to formulate a question. Happy pasting.

I've had something thats somewhat related, although not as dangerous. The zipper pull on my purse has snagged my top whic is made of a loose knit kind of material. It could have snagged the top and ruin it, but with a little luck I managed to figure it out. Good thing because I really didn't want to lose a nice top.

I have a skirt with a gorgeous loose knit outer layer. That thing got tangled on the hangers in the store so many times I almost didn't buy it. I hardly wear it because it snags everywhere.



06-28-2018, 04:50 AM
I had to think about this but then recalled squeezing into one of my wife's sun dresses , I had just wriggled and twisted to get the zip up when I saw a car pull in my drive , it was a customer I'd forgotten was calling to pick up an order . As we all know panic sets is and our tempearture goes up , everything becomes tight and sticky I knew there was no way the zip would release me in time to present myself in male mode ! For a few moments there is a sexual feeling of being trapped and maybe caught in a dress but then reality sets in and we have to get out without hopefully doing any permanent damage to oursleves or the dress !!

I will recall a funny story a seamstress told me , I was having a dress altered and she asked with a smile if I wanted any extras fitted ? I asked what she meant , then she told me about a CDer who insisted on having padlocks fitted to all the zips , the arrangement was she always kept one set of keys . One morning a car screeched to a halt outside her shop , a very hot and flustered CDer came running in totally ignoring other customers pleading with some very explicit words to get her out of the dress he/she was wearing . She may have been in the closet as far as the wife was concerned but it's one hell of a way of coming out in public ! Apparently the wife had found a selection of keys , and had asked what they were for , the Cder claimed not to know anything about them so she put them in a safe place without the CDer knowing , obvioulsy the CDer had forgotten about the keys until it was too late !

Queen Bridget
06-28-2018, 05:09 AM
I recently had a heart-skipping moment when I got both arms stuck behing my back whilst squeezing on a dress. I only just managed to contort my way free.

With a zip, you could always just get some scissors and cut your way out. But getting both of your arms stuck is far more terrifying.

06-28-2018, 07:03 AM
I had to rip my way out of a dress once. It went on easy enough but would it come off, no way. Fortunately the damage was confined to the zip and easily repaired, but that moment when you realise you are stuck...

Roxanne Lanyon
06-28-2018, 07:57 AM
Oh, those pesky zippers! Particularly those on the back of dresses! I always have trouble with them, and can't even get to them! They stick, jam, get off track, oh, what's a gurl to do? Most times I simply cannot get back there to do them up - or down! Does anyone have a good solution for this? Please?:skull:

06-28-2018, 08:25 AM
I think the classic "deer in the headlights" feel came the day I stepped out of the master closet wearing only a pair of (sweet) pink and black panties..... and face to face with my wife who had no idea at the time.
Yeh.... that'll do it to ya' in terms of crossdressing terror.

06-28-2018, 09:15 AM
Oh, those pesky zippers! Particularly those on the back of dresses! I always have trouble with them, and can't even get to them! They stick, jam, get off track, oh, what's a gurl to do? Most times I simply cannot get back there to do them up - or down! Does anyone have a good solution for this? Please?:skull:

I attach a string with a hook to the zip and use that to pull it up or down, just make sure the string is strong enough. I'm sure there are many other methods. I've also heard rubbing graphite from a pencil onto the zip helps it work more smoothly.

06-28-2018, 09:37 AM
You mean like this?


06-28-2018, 01:21 PM
OMG, too funny. Yes I have! At a thrift store, I was able to contort my arms enough to squeeze into a dress and when I went to take it off the the fabric next to the zipper somehow got under the zipper.:cry: I tried until my arms wouldn't reach the zipper anymore; I ended up buying the dress.

06-28-2018, 05:53 PM
Is there a more terrifying feeling...

Of course there is.

However, if you are closeted, I suppose being 'trapped' in inappropriate clothing would be terrifying.

All the more reason to get out of the closet and be who you are. It will doo wonders for your heart rate.

06-29-2018, 02:43 AM
Having a stuck zipper during an air raid?

Roxanne Lanyon
06-29-2018, 10:42 AM
Oh, DianeF, just make sure that the hook on the string is not a pliable paper clip! When iy bends back, it is more than useless! And I will make sure not to try to get into my cocktail dress during an air raid!:brolleyes:

06-29-2018, 03:06 PM
Ah, but you can brace yourself for an air raid. You get air raid warnings and you may even have an air raid shelter.

Stuck zippers happen with no warning and no shelter.



06-30-2018, 01:30 AM
Oh, those pesky zippers! Particularly those on the back of dresses! I always have trouble with them, and can't even get to them! They stick, jam, get off track, oh, what's a gurl to do? Most times I simply cannot get back there to do them up - or down! Does anyone have a good solution for this? Please?:skull:

Oh that's easy, I just ask my wife to do the zip up or down, afterall I've done it for her for over 30 years. In fact I don't have to ask, I just walk up to her and turn around and the zip is magically done zipped! :)

Roxanne Lanyon
07-01-2018, 03:50 AM
You are such a fortunate girl! I am divorced, so it is not so easy!:o

07-01-2018, 07:24 AM
My son showed up out of the blue one day when I was trying on a new dress.
Even know he moved out two years ago He still has a key.

I was in the cellar, lucky I wasn't wearing makeup as he entered the house.

The dress was one of those that has a hard to reach zipper and I had only about 30 seconds to get it off and throw on my PJs
I ended up tearing off the dress as fast as I could. I came within 5 seconds of getting caught.

My son already finds some of my humor annoying so CDing would not go over well!

Tracii G
07-01-2018, 08:02 AM
Having a zipper or a button break when you sit down and your top is not long enough to cover it.

Roxanne Lanyon
07-01-2018, 09:01 AM
. . . and the, make-up problems! I worked really hard to do my make-up this morning, and when I was ready to get back into "boi" mode, the water company had shut off the water! Have you ever heard of a "spit shine"? Try that for make-up removal! Oh, I had better invest in some make-up remover, right?:doh:

07-01-2018, 03:10 PM
I can think of many things, actually. When this happens I usually ask my wife or one of my kids to unzip me. It's exasperating but not scary. Of course if you're in the closet ... :).

07-01-2018, 08:31 PM
Had the Zipper stuck when the wife came home. Lucky it was cold out put on my sweats over the dress and waited till my wife went to bed. Went to my work shop got my pliers it pull it down. Lucky it didn't break the Zipper.

Rebecca W.
07-01-2018, 08:52 PM
Yes, the stuck zipper trick.
I was in a women's dressing room, and the zipper grabbed the seam of the dress and wedged it very tight. It took me about fifteen-minutes to gently ease the zipper down. It was a very tight dress, so the only other escape was to rip the zipper. There have been several other instances of stuck zippers, but that was the worst one. I try not to pick-out dresses that are too small to try on in the first place, but sometimes they are just too cute to pass on. :o


Stephanie Julianna
07-01-2018, 09:46 PM
When I was in grade school I would try on my sisters' dresses and there was more than one time when someone came home unexpectantly and I had to run to my room to work the dress around somehow to see the rear zipper and figure out what it was stuck on before I could get out of the thing. Back in the 50's and 60's it seemed very common for zippers to get stuck for some reason.