View Full Version : Surprised But Nice Feeling

06-28-2018, 06:08 AM
Have any of you felt this way? It suddenly occurred to me how well I know how to put on girl clothes and how comfortable, natural and right they feel. Some examples:

When putting on my bra I know how to put the forms in and pull the bra so the front is smooth. Also properly adjust the straps and band so the bra fits right and comfortable. And find it womanly to unhook it from the back.
When putting on a thong or bikini how to tuck and adjust to make it feel comfortable all day with every thing staying in place.
Putting on hose and not tearing.
Walking in heels gracefully and naturally with good straight posture and knowing how to walk in them.
And I could go on and on with putting on makeup, jewelry, skirts, dresses, putting outfits together, being comfortable buying and trying on women's clothes, etc.
Going about in public knowing I look nice and the confidence and happy feeling of wearing the clothes I enjoy wearing.

IOW's I'm proud that I know how to dress (put on the clothes) like a woman and it comes natural and feels right when dressed. I enjoy being dressed as a woman, the weight and projection of breasts, flat front, walking in heels; I am comfortable and happy going about dressed as such. And I do not feel like a man in women's clothes, I feel like a woman. Again it surprised me that I know all the little tricks of getting dressed in female clothes and just how nice it is to dress and go about as a woman.

06-28-2018, 07:10 AM
I know what you mean. I find putting on my female clothing comes as naturally as my male ones on. It is so routine I barely think about it. The main concern is that everything looks just right once on. Even the make up and wig are just a process to complete the look.

Megan Nicole
06-28-2018, 07:20 AM
I agree 100%. Seems to come very natural and with few exceptions due to differences in anatomy, I suppose I dress like any GG out there. I also suppose this level of ease and comfort of dressing has come from years of experience from “putting on that bra, slipping on those hose, walking in heels, etc.” -Meg

06-28-2018, 07:30 AM
I know exactly what you mean. As natural as 1,2,3. I enjoy the various adjustments, when needed. Sometimes, I have to adjust my hip pads, which is also an opportunity to tweak everything else...lipstick, mascara, adjust hose....yes, nice feelings.

06-28-2018, 08:54 AM
I love dressing and some things just become habit. In the evening when getting ready to lounge awhile and then go to bed I don't think OK is it male mode or female tonight. It's always automatic panties, bra, nightgown, ballet flats and sometimes a robe. I am fortunate my wife accepts me and she's in her panties and nightgown (she hates bras and cannot understand why I would even want to wear one). I don't ever dress to the nines and go out. However, I do underdress out everyday. So I do have to think then how to mix and match him and her so as not to draw a crowd. It takes me longer than my wife to get ready to go out. LOL

06-28-2018, 10:42 AM
I love the feeling of taking off my bra. Don't get me wrong, I love the feeling of wearing a bra. But there's something so nice about unsnapping the hook, leaning forward, and sliding the straps down my arms.

06-28-2018, 11:04 AM
as you dress, your turn on gurl mode, and adrenaline kicks in.

Enjoy my friends :hugs:

06-28-2018, 12:43 PM
Oh yes I feel that way every time I dress as a woman! I love my transformation, and the clothes!

Angela Marie
06-28-2018, 12:43 PM
I know the feeling. Dressing and putting on makeup seems so natural now; as does the walk and mannerisms.

06-28-2018, 12:45 PM
Not for me, Deebra. I'm a CD! Fem clothing is neither "natural" or comfortable. I throw on my drabs without a second thot. Usually in less than 5 minutes!:)

Getting dressed en fem? Buttons button backwards, back zippers require a zipper puller, belt pulled tite at my waist. What size breast prosthesis and hip/butt pads? Pick a wig, shave, makeup, leg and hand covers, 4" or 5" heels? Coordinate and accessorize my outfit. Tite bra, girdles, waist cincher, tite tuck panties. An hour or more later I'm female. But, not natural or comfortable.:battingeyelashes:

But, to me? All that simply emphasizes the difference from the drab and fem me. The more the effort, time, contrivance, and discomfort involved in transforming, the more dramatic I feel the difference to be!:D

Beverley Sims
06-28-2018, 01:05 PM
I think when you don't think about what you are wearing and wear it to be comfortable and neat, then you might start to feel like a woman.

06-28-2018, 03:08 PM
Yes, putting it on and get the feeling of being "womanized" is good.

06-28-2018, 03:24 PM
Bev I like thinking about the female clothes when I am wearing them; this makes me feel womanly. The enjoyment of walking in heels gives me that womanly feeling, how nice it feels with tight jeans against my panties and flat front. I enjoy thinking about how the clothes feel on me. Woman might not think about the clothes they are wearing just like I don't think about the male clothes when I wear them but I sure do enjoy being aware of how women's clothes make me feel.

06-28-2018, 05:56 PM
Hi Deebra :hugs:, I have been dressing for so ling it is like second nature for me. >Orchid..+:daydreaming:+..

06-28-2018, 06:01 PM
It's all in your head. The clothes are just an artifact allowing the real you to come through.

When I am dressed, that is the 'real' me. and allows me to express who and what I am. And yes, it is a great feeling to put "him" in the box for a while, while "she" enjoys her life.

06-29-2018, 08:20 AM
All too true! I love it when it feels natural and second nature, even the occasional cinching up of a corset and then finding out how hard it is to strap on a pair of heals always makes me smile. Or putting on my eye makeup for the third time because I keep blinking:)

06-29-2018, 09:42 AM
Even as a mirl I feel all this same naturalness and all the little intimate pleasures mentioned.

I've come to respect how much everyone, cis or trans, looks in the mirror to confirm we look like what we want to look like! I may look like I don't care, but I do. I have an unusual standard for how a girl's face can look but ...for example, although I don't use hip pads, but I adjust the draping of my skirts to create the illusion of flare in my hips, and I use petticoats to hide rather than tucking- and I can now launch - feeling at ease I am a mirl!

Janine cd
06-29-2018, 10:16 PM
Putting on my feminine attire never ceases me to be amazed at how wonderful the feeling of being transformed into a woman can be. It really hits me as I'm fastening the snaps on my bra and positioning the forms in place.

06-30-2018, 02:17 PM
Some time in the past, female clothing became "just my regular clothes." Paradoxically, that's the real thrill for me: the fact that it's not a thrill, it's just ordinary.