View Full Version : Things that could make sense if they knew

Becky Blue
07-03-2018, 01:18 AM
A question from a friend via email got me thinking.... which in itself can be dangerous :daydreaming:

We have a full spectrum on here. Some of you are out to the whole world, others to some, and others to no one. So my question is aimed at the people in your life who DO NOT KNOW anything about your F side (whatever your F side may be)

If your SO/Family Member/Friend/Work Colleague/Whoever found out about you would anyone say ahhh NOW ......... makes sense/ explains why..... etc..

In my case it could be ohh so THATS why he had IPL on his face.

07-03-2018, 02:56 AM
Oh yes indeed they would Becky. People who do not officially 'know' are well aware I must be gender 'different'. I'm sure they would all think 'ah that explains the ears/leggings/headbands/eyebrows/shaved body etc etc etc. :)

07-03-2018, 03:31 AM
Once my wife found out that I liked to dress up, she later said she had noticed that I showed alot of feminine postures, like the way I used my hands when I ate,my hand placement when I stood and how I crossed my legs when I sat down and other feminine ways. All of which I never noticed myself. I guess my feminine side started to come out before I realized that I liked to dress like a female. Now I at the point where I enjoy being dressed feminine more than being dressed like a male.

Cheryl T
07-03-2018, 07:41 AM
Certainly there would be some Ah Ha moments.
The multiple pierced ears, the hairless body and more would finally make sense.

Tracy Irving
07-03-2018, 07:49 AM
"That explains why he is always putting lotion on his hands."

07-03-2018, 08:44 AM
I think it wold be that I am non judgmental about people, being a closet case I am well aware of the feelings and fears of others. But they would probably say he always a bit twisted.

Mary Lawrence
07-03-2018, 09:16 AM
Nope. People would scratch their heads and say, Whaaat? Him? No way. Just like I did with when I heard about Bruce Jenner.

07-03-2018, 09:49 AM
Maybe if anyone really notices that I sometimes am wearing woman's clothing when otherwise presenting as male.

But that's about it...

Beverley Sims
07-03-2018, 10:36 AM
Yes people I know could fit the pieces together properly and then they may realise what I was.

07-03-2018, 11:15 AM
No, no one has a clue I'm sure. I've hidden other things from family and friends for decades.
(cue ominous music)
What's IPL? I'm trying to come up with anagrams for different things that, umm, might be on your
face lol, and...well...I can't figure that out :)

07-03-2018, 11:20 AM
Hi Becky :hugs:, The hairless body, Clearcoat nails & Multi pierced earrings. >Orchid ..O:daydreaming:O..

07-03-2018, 11:46 AM
Mark, IPL means Intense Pulsed Light. I am guessing used on the face it is for hair removal.

Me? It would probably be a shocker because I do nothing to modify my male body. My nails are short. I do not shave my body, although I do not need to shave my legs due to lack of hair follicles. I suffer from male pattern baldness. The only way anyone is going to know is if my wife tells or if my wife and I die together and my kids stumbled upon size 13 shoes. The rest of the wardrobe may be ascribed to my wife, but, the shoes, nope.

07-03-2018, 12:20 PM
Mine would be "ahhhh....that's why his legs are always so smooth!"

Gillian Gigs
07-03-2018, 12:30 PM
There are telltale clues in how I groom and take care of myself. It would only be a close family member, like my daughter, who notices everything, who would see the little "tells". Years ago my wive noticed the "tells" before I came out to her. In todays culture here are many males who are called "metro-sexual" who groom themselves well, and this can help many of us with our grooming habits.

07-03-2018, 12:37 PM
I am, literally, the last man anyone would ever guess dresses.:brolleyes:

On the extremely rare occasion I tell anyone? They don't believe my photos r me!:eek:

Nikki A.
07-03-2018, 12:41 PM
Well it would explain the dresses and shoes in my closet.

07-03-2018, 05:33 PM
Probably. Humans have a great knack for 20/20 hindsight.

07-03-2018, 05:38 PM
I have few “tells”. One of my friends has commented on my smooth legs. No-one has ever commented on my smooth arms, and I haven’t appeared in public wearing less than shorts and tee-shirts for years. The laser hair removal didn’t work on my facial hair, and so no real changes there.

Most people who know me know that I have a few quirks (nothing sinister; just harmless oddball stuff), but I THINK most would be surprised to know I Cross dressed.


07-03-2018, 06:02 PM
A female colleague I worked with once told me she 'wouldn't be surprised' if I was a crossdresser, this was after a conversation about something else completely somehow turned to the subject.

07-03-2018, 07:02 PM

OK. Confess girl. You were sitting in the restaurant booth behind me when I came out to my son. Amazing how you can get back and forth between Australia and the USA like that.

Those are about the same words my son used when I made my plan and came out to him. Let's just say, he wasn't surprised and he knew a lot more about my recent days as Ilene than I ever could have imagined. But he actually stated, "Oh..... that explains a lot of things (from his childhood, my typical eccentric behaviors, etc.)" He's been one of the most accepting and understanding of my dysphoria. He's 39 and has his own kids (my grandchildren); and of a generation that grew up as public awareness grew up too.

- - - Updated - - -

...... In todays culture here are many males who are called "metro-sexual" who groom themselves well, and this can help many of us with our grooming habits.
The rediscovery of myself [ my femme self] led me to embrace the joys and benefits of moisturizing...... daily.

- - - Updated - - -

Hi Becky :hugs:, The hairless body, Clearcoat nails & Multi pierced earrings. >Orchid ..O:daydreaming:O..

I umpired a 16-17 yr old summer baseball doubleheader today..... wearing pink (painted) nails.
I had just enjoyed and paid for a mani/pedi and didn't wish to rub off the polish. Nice pink, very visible. I don't care.

- - - Updated - - -

"That explains why he is always putting lotion on his hands."

It's supposed to go on your HANDS?! Now someone tells me.

Stacy Darling
07-04-2018, 08:23 AM
Even Blind Freddie would know that there was "an F in there, and a chair as well" Becky!

explains why..... I can't list them all, but does explain why I always thought there was something odd about that boy!

Stacy-( F )

07-04-2018, 11:46 AM
easy one would be the nail polish. I started wearing polish on my toes five years ago and my fingers three years ago or so...

definitely would be a ahhhhh moment for some people.

07-04-2018, 04:30 PM
Oh, absolutely. I work in a female dominated profession, where males are automatically considered gay until proven otherwise. It's another reason why I stay closeted, I simply don't want to give people ammunition to support the stereotype.

Becky Blue
07-04-2018, 06:21 PM
Ilene, got me, heard every word LOL
I recently found some pictures of me on a school tour aged 16, in one I am standing on a beach with 4 other guys. The 4 guys are all standing feet apart, chests thrust forward, arms in gorilla mode. I on the other hand am standing with one foot slightly behind the other, holding my hands gently in front of me and standing at a slight angle as if to try take up less of the space...wonder what the others would say if they knew about Becky

07-05-2018, 03:15 AM
Hmmmmmm....the shaped eyebrows, hairless legs, painted toenails (and occasional painted fingernails), the fact that I sometimes wear eyeliner....

Honestly, I've left enough clues lying around that I assume at least a few people have already figured it out. :)

07-05-2018, 03:00 PM
Becky. I never gave it a second guess, until now. I just go around being myself.
A number of years ago I was prescribed meds that blessed me with D cup breasts from gynecomastia. I wear a bra every day never attempted to hide the lines from the band or the strap. Women in the office are quite often putting their hands on my strap or band. They smile, some ask what color etc.
At a company softball game I stepped behind my vehicle to swap my bra for a sports bra. One GG followed me. As I pulled down the sports bra she grabbed the back and helped. She asked how I felt being a guy with tits. I told her that I loved my breasts. She was so puzzled, I felt sorry for her. I simply told her don't ask any questions you don't want me to answer. She asked if my bra was a secret. I told her that the bra wasn't a secret but other things are. She said that she didn't see or hear anything that day. She never brought it up again.

Becky Blue
07-11-2018, 01:56 AM
Nice story Cheryl...
adding to my list... that may explain why you never take up the offer to join 'the boys' to watch the football or go out

Kiwi Primrose
07-11-2018, 04:05 AM
Some may be surprised but most have had the opportunity to see nail polish, smooth legs, and of course my earring.

07-11-2018, 05:00 AM
My male persona over powers at work. But if someone would find out it might do a ahhh ha moment that I cant recall in a conversation I once had.

07-11-2018, 12:12 PM
This is a very interesting topic!

I'm something of an instigator, especially when in "male" mode. I drop a lot of little hints. Most, only my fiancee picks up on (if even she does).

For example: I was sitting at the local watering hole last night beside one of my "bar friends" who had indulged in a few more adult beverages than would allow him to drive home. We got to talking about the way the younger generation behaves, and he mentioned going to court. He told me the young adults now show up in court wearing jeans, t-shirts, flip flops, etc., and that whenever he would need to go to court, he'd wear a button-down shirt, slacks, etc. At this point, I added to his list, "maybe a nice dress." In his somewhat snookered state, he turned, looked at me and repeated, "a nice dress?" "Yes," I replied, depending on whether you're appearing before a male judge or female. Dress to impress and all that. We had a nice chuckle over it.

If my bar friend only knew... :devil:

It's my mischievous streak on full display. Had he asked me seriously about the nice dress, I probably would've told him that I own several nice dresses, but rarely find the occasion to wear them. Blowing minds in just one of the services I offer...

07-12-2018, 06:33 AM
Once I mentioned to a coworker that a female customer had on such a beautiful dress
He thought it was very strange that I was more interested in the women's dress than the women!

07-12-2018, 07:26 AM
For my Mom, she'd have an "ahh NOW" moment for sure b/c when I was about 12 or 13 I had sewn a "homemade" leotard I out of one of my turtle neck shirts. She was digging in my closet and found it hidden in a box. She confronted me about it and I just had nothing to say. How could I have said, oh, "I feel like a girl inside and allured to everything feminine." After that fateful afternoon, we've not spoken of it since. Also, I was prone to "borrow" her pantyhose and I'm sure she noticed. She has eyes in the back of her head. Lastly, and this is going to date myself, I'd slip on her white, vinyl, knee-high go-go boots (yes, gen-xers and millennials...go google "go-go" boots so you know what I'm referring to). They were so tight to slip on that I'm sure I stretched them...again, I wouldn't be surprised that she knew I was snooping among her clothes and shoes.

07-14-2018, 11:37 AM
For me alot of subtle comments while people watching would probably make more sense if they knew.

Alice B
07-14-2018, 04:45 PM
I think my friends from my professional side (3 fields of endevor) and golf partners from my club have no clue and most would be totally schocked and would not easily accept, if at all. I have a few that I think would be OK, but it would totally change the dynamics of our relationship. None of it is worth the risk

Becky Blue
07-16-2018, 01:51 AM
After a long night out in San Francisco... where I had clip ons that were a little bit too tight I had red dots on both ear lobes... The next day I was out at lunch with a work colleague and he said to me, you have red dots on your ears I think your headphones are too tight.. i wasn't going to correct him lol... if he had found out he would have gone ahhh

Connie D50
07-16-2018, 06:55 AM
I think I would be shocked at how many people would say I knew it all along. Longer the normal finger nails-shaved body hair -eye brows again not crazy trimmed but always under control.