View Full Version : Three ER visits in eight days wearing panties

Allison Chaynes
07-15-2018, 05:57 PM
I have something going on with my heart again. Chest pains and severe arrhythmia have sent me to the ER three times over eight days (with cardiology visit in between). Anyway... I happened to be wearing panties as I do 24/7. No big deal. Not a word about it when leads were hooked up, x rays taken, chest/tordo checked for abnormalities, and I live in east TN. Might the nurses laugh about it out of earshot? Possibly, but the point is, who cares?

Alice B
07-15-2018, 06:53 PM
They will never say anything, but positive comments. Have been to ER several times, always wearing panties and with painted toe nails. Always get positive comments about the color

07-15-2018, 06:59 PM
No the nurses will not laugh behind your back at all, what you have to consider is that they have just about seen everything imaginable on this earth so Cd in panties will not even make you a talking point afterwards, don't worry just enjoy life for a very long time to regarding what you say about your health issues.

07-15-2018, 07:19 PM
Been there twice with my panties and on the back it says KISS ME. Ya gotta love it.

Tracii G
07-15-2018, 08:02 PM
I hope you are doing OK Allison.

07-15-2018, 08:32 PM
I'm going to wear some to my next physical. I love pink panties but, the doctor might not think that's funny so I'm going with a white thong.

07-15-2018, 11:38 PM
No the nurses will not laugh behind your back

Yes they will... Read my response to this old thread. https://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?254504-Underdressed-at-the-Hospital

Tina B.
07-15-2018, 11:49 PM
Glad your out of hospital, makes the panties, and how nurses react seem very unimportant. As long as you get good care, what they think is there business, and you have no reason to care.

07-15-2018, 11:53 PM
Hope you get sorted.
I've been twice for a rear end check, first was specialist and an apprentice, second time was an MRI or similar.
Both times I forgot my panties, but luckily my skirt was of a decent length.

Did the nurses laugh, hopefully they got the joke and had an extra nice day.

07-16-2018, 07:18 AM
If you were registered with them as a TS going through transition , they would have no right to pass comment or snigger , so what difference should it make to you ? In those circumstances you might even find they were more supportive. That's what I've found with the medical profession .

I hope you get through this OK , we do sometimes take our health for granted so all the best for a full recovery .

Devi SM
07-16-2018, 07:49 AM
I hope you be 8omproving your health that's actually what really matters.
Your thread confirm what Richard Novic, author of Alice in Genderland says that sometimes we look and act like teenager girls, waking up on life later to sexuality and gender expression kind of inmature people.
With heart problems and three times in ER on 8 days, if you are a cd wearing panties should be something really doesn't matter, if you are a trasgender or transexual it matters less.

Linda P.
07-16-2018, 08:05 AM
The most important thing is your health. That makes what others think of what you wear, a very minor concern.

VS Fan
07-16-2018, 08:14 AM
Hope things get sorted out healthwise! But yeah, who cares? Let them get a laugh. I’m married, great kids, successful career... so what if I have an interesting side :)? I had ankle X-rays done a month ago and my toes were fabulous... the lady just said “ohh those are nice!” And we moved on like nothing happened. The older I get (early 40s) the less I give a crap what others think, and the more I want to just enjoy my life. Anyway feel better!!

07-16-2018, 12:27 PM
Allison, Panties aside (lol?), I sincerely hope you are doing better. Have the Docs figgered out the cause of your heart problem?

07-16-2018, 01:31 PM
Hi Allison :hugs:, You are so young to be having all of these problems,:love: Please be careful and get well soon.

My Grand Daughter works in he ER and says that absolutely NOTHING surprises her anymore.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>Orchid ..O:daydreaming:O..

Allison Chaynes
07-17-2018, 08:52 PM
I'm slow to respond. My apologies. I go back in tomorrow for a heart catheterization (FINALLY!). What a small world it is though- my cardiologist did his residency and heart cath training under my uncle, so I am confident he will do his best. I have a weird disease called Kawasaki's that I was diagnosed with in 1979 as a toddler. Unfortunately not a lot long term is known, and it has caused artificial blockages by building scar tissue over aneurysms over the years. Several of you were helpful in 2014 giving me advice about CABG (bypass surgery) and I really appreciate the support from all of you.

Back to my point though- if you're afraid of an emergency while Cding, it's probably best to inform affected family beforehand so no surprises. Believe me, the things you say and do while under anesthesia can be surprising!

07-18-2018, 01:15 PM
Allison, I googled all of your challenges. Girlfriend, you've got quite the challenges with your heart. I sincerely hope that the Docs' findings are treatable and that you'll be on a fast track to better days. Be strong, Allison!

07-18-2018, 04:08 PM
hello Alison,
trust me - my friend who work in A&E (British ER) have seen much stranger things than panties.
hope you are feeling better,
luv J

Sissy Sandy
07-18-2018, 04:15 PM
Hope they were different panties :p

07-18-2018, 09:57 PM
My beloved and sainted wife worked the ER for 30 yrs as a Registered Nurse. The stories she brought back from the trenches would amaze you, disgust you, or break your heart. Real life is so unbelievable. That being said.....

Panties? Mere panties? Ha! Emergency room professionals would sniff at mere panties.

She's seen the worst, including toilet plungers and light bulbs inserted in all the wrong areas, people who mutilated their own genitals, and all sorts of dirty nut cases. Bless her for never rejecting a soul in need, and for respecting their dignity at all times..... panties or not.

- - - Updated - - -

Hope they were different panties :p

TOTAL crack up. Laughing Out Loud. Great humor point to make. Wish this forum had "Like" buttons to quickly show support for good writing, stories or jokes.

Allison Chaynes
07-19-2018, 02:48 PM
Thanks everyone- one of my bypass grafts was 90% blocked and was stented. Fixable for now but worrisome, as it has only been in place less than four years.

Unfortunately I started having chest pain overnight and they're trying to figure out if it's just soreness where the catheter went in, or if it's anything to worry about. So I am spending at least one more night here. Better safe than sorry. I have been staying entertained by telling all of the medical personnel that my safe word is "OW!", writing "Don't die" on the dry erase board under "Today's Goals," and telling the Atlanta Falcons fan nurse that my pain level is somewhere between 3-28.

The wife brought some clean panties and jean shorts for me when I hopefully leave tomorrow.

Ilene, your wife is a saint for putting up with the ER for 30 years!

Roxanne Lanyon
07-21-2018, 07:20 AM
Maybe on my next check-up, I will be wearing my OBG and pantyhose! I D:devil:O want to be a sweet patient!

07-24-2018, 11:24 PM
I was in the hospital for eight days in May...gastro intestinal bleed . I swallowed the capsule cam! Any how, I wore pullups under the hospital gown.

07-25-2018, 10:21 AM
Panties? Mere panties? Ha! Emergency room professionals would sniff at mere panties.

There's something so wrong about that sentence. ;)