View Full Version : Unusual!!!

Lana Mae
07-24-2018, 01:02 PM
I went and had my appointment with the pastor of the new church I am now going to! We had a good conversation and as I was leaving, just a step or two outside the door. A young Afro-American lady stepped toward the church and asked if I was transgender!!! I answered "Yes!" Her reply was "God bless you!" and she walked onto the patio there and sat down at a table with a male! Not sure what it was all about but I will take it at face value! Anyone else get reactions like that positive and surprising? Hugs Lana Mae

07-24-2018, 01:23 PM
I get them a lot now. People who have seen my male self and never really talked with me (and I usually have talked to most at least once) at my local coffee shop, have come up to tell me how great I look and that they are so proud of me and my courage for changing to my real presentation as Allie. Occasionally, I will also get a complete stranger at some other location and venue come up to me to congratulate me. It is a wonderful and always self validating moment that helps me appreciate that I have arrived and belong there, wherever there is, at that moment.

07-24-2018, 01:55 PM
So far I've not had anyone ask where I am on the gender road , I would love to ask what they think but it's not going to achieve anything , the good thing is they accept me for what I am without question , most also appear to be comfortable with that .

If you ever meet the lady again it might be a good idea to ask why she needed to know amd see if she knows what that means to her . That is one querstion that intrigues me , what do they think it means ?

07-24-2018, 02:39 PM
There's nothing unusual about curious people who can't keep quiet. Thankfully, she wasn't rude. God bless her!

07-24-2018, 04:53 PM
crazy 😜 i couldn’t even imagine the response certain people i know would have if they saw me en femme after knowing me so long in normal form. i didn’t expect people to just come out and ask you that though.

07-24-2018, 05:26 PM
Hi Lana Mae :hugs:, That would be enough to stop some people dead in their tracks.>Orchid..o:daydreaming:o.

Tracii G
07-24-2018, 07:52 PM
I would agree LanaMae take it at face value and go on being you.

Kandi Robbins
07-24-2018, 08:08 PM
Anyone else get reactions like that positive and surprising?

Frequently. Not sure anymore why we are surprised by this. People (not the media, not organizations, not religions, but real actual people) are accepting and supportive. Happy for you.

Lana Mae
07-25-2018, 06:57 AM
Allie: It sort of shocked me but felt good at the same time! This was a complete stranger!
Teresa: Now the shock is over, I would like to sit down and have a conversation with her!
Monica: That says it all, "God bless her!"
Courtney: Like I said a complete stranger out of the blue! I do not know how those who know my male side would react meeting Lana Mae and that is something I struggle with!
Orchid: It shocked me so bad all I could say was thank you!
Tracii: That is all I can do as I will not likely ever see her again!
Kandi: Remember where I live!!! It was however in a college area! I know most people I come across are mostly indifferent and don't say anything!
Thanks for your responses, ladies!
Hugs Lana Mae

Kandi Robbins
07-25-2018, 09:55 AM
Lana, I understand where you live. I don't exactly live in Nirvana. I live in a city with all the issues and ugliness that prevail throughout our society. But you did something smart, you ventured to a college town, an area where your acceptance would be easier. You were also at a church, where people of God (not religious zealots), actual people of God, are accepting (God would be, right? He did make us this way).

Anyway, well done!!

Lana Mae
07-25-2018, 01:01 PM
Kandi: Thanks so much!
Hugs Lana Mae