View Full Version : Benefits of having a CD/GB/TG SO

Becky Blue
07-27-2018, 12:04 AM
I once read a really good list of 100 reasons why having a CD/GB/TG Significant Other was beneficial. The list had some fun as well as some serious points on it. I thought it could be fun and helpful to compile a list from all you lovely ladies. This list could be very helpful to people coming out as CD/GB/TG... or just soem entertainment.

I will kick things off, I know not everyone is married but for the sake of simplicity I am going to use husband and wife and refer to us girls as he for differentiation purposes
Having a CD/GB/TG husband is great for a wife because:

1. You have someone who will actually enjoy shopping with you
2. You can swap clothes if you are the same size
3. You have someone who truly sympathises with you after a night in high heels
4. He tends to take better care of his body so he can look as good as possible
5. You can test your new lipstick shade or nail color on him
6. You can borrow one of his wigs for a totally different look
7. You can get a real and truthful answer when asking how you look in something
8. He totally understands why it takes you 45 minutes to get ready
9. He totally understands why you don't like what you are wearing and have to change even though you are running late
10. He is most likely a feminist

Over to you...

07-27-2018, 01:44 AM
1.YOU have a live in cosmetologist.
2.If he wears a skirt it's easy access.
3.He always envies you because he would rather be wearing what you are wearing.
4.You can have a girlfriend as well as a boyfriend who doesn't mind waiting while you take your time shopping.
5.You can double your wardrobe if he's the same size as you!
6.You never have to worry about cheating on you with another woman. He IS the other woman!!
7.You always have a girlfriend to go shopping and have lunch with!!
8.He'll NEVER object to being a clothes dummy and wearing a dress while you hem it.
9.While shopping, you can test a new shade of nail polish on him and he doesn't complain or asks to see a matching lipstick.
10.He'll rarely have that scratchy five o'clock shadow.

07-27-2018, 04:00 AM
1. He will always have a spare pair of tights if you need them
2. Even if you are not the same size there are all these accessories you can now borrow
3. You can talk about clothes for hours
4. Understands why some clothes that look good are uncomfortable
5. Will buy you really nice underwear that isn't red and won't scratch or spontaneously combust
6. Understands why you need so many shoes/scarves
7. Understands why you need yet another LBD
8. Can advise you on how to buy a slip (I have done this)
9. Will never complain about how much you spend on clothes or your hairdo
10. Appreciates the effort you put into grooming and doesn't take it for granted

07-27-2018, 04:39 AM
Well, in my experience, us non-binary types are often kinder and have more empathy and understanding along with an ability to relate more to most women than your average testosterone fuelled blokes. Don't know about fetish dressers but maybe a lot of the previous suggestions apply.

07-27-2018, 05:31 AM
It's a great list and I agree with all of them the only problem is a need a partner I can work through that list with ! Not much point in me adding anything because it would be wishful thinking .

Cassandra Lynn
07-27-2018, 10:09 AM
This is purely subjective of course, but I think many of us are also much more likely to shuck gender norms in favor of being more helpful in the daily running of the household......such as cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, etc.

And no, I don't mean doing so as a way to get into a French maids dress.

07-27-2018, 10:46 AM
Don't knock them they are a lot of fun to wear !

I may be a little cynical but as we progress most women in a marriage want to hold onto us as the unpaid handyman , also most women reach a certain age where sexual attraction becomes a foreign language . In most marriages we are just there , we appear for breakfast , maybe disappear to the garden shed , mumbling about the mower not starting , reappear for some lunch . The highlight of the afternoon is being allowed to snore our heads off in the garden lounger maybe after a beer or three . We then get poked to join our partner for the evening meal . We then watch a program selected by the wife until one of you gets bored and heads off to bed . So next morning the excitement starts all over again !!

Thank goodness I have my CDing , I can do all those things in a lovely sun dress with makeup on , what woman could resist that extra excitement !

Seriously I do feel it is an enjoyable lifestyle which many women could get to share and enjoy certainly as we get older , the differences between the genders do get closer, what is so wrong with two very good companions that find they have more in common not less .

07-27-2018, 04:54 PM
Hi Becca :hugs:, My Wife:love:likes My large earring collection too. >Orchid ..o:daydreaming:o..

07-27-2018, 07:21 PM
I have not posted in a while...we have been a bit busy! I'll add a few....

1. You can borrow her jewelry (double the options in my house!)
2. Takes kinky play to a whole new level....
3. Double the costumes (goes with#2)
4. Advise on outfits/nail color/accessories...without it being a "yeah whatever" response
5. Fun girlfriend and boyfriend (husband) outings
6. Double the MAKEUP!
7. You don't have to worry about running out of ANY color pantyhose..EVER
8. You can borrow her clothes!
So to sum it up...Double the fun, Double the makeup, Double the clothes, Double the jewelry...what is the downside? LOL

07-28-2018, 08:26 AM
For the SO who accept, we likely be the most grateful, loyal, loving, helpful, compassionate life long companion a SO could imagine. Plus we will never bore shoe shopping.

07-28-2018, 09:03 AM
What a great list, i have told my wife yet. So scared so a list of positives is great!

Stacy Darling
07-28-2018, 09:22 AM
My friend with benefits!

Mine could write a long list Becky! I'm So Lucky to have Him!:daydreaming:

11. He polishes "ALL" the household mirrors.


Cheshire girl
07-28-2018, 12:29 PM
Quite agree. I couldn't go out looking great without being checked by my wife first. When she says I look fine I'm ready to go out with her or sometimes alone .

07-28-2018, 09:59 PM
It's kind of her schtick to say in a thousand different ways how transfeminine people are doomed to be miserable and alone.

For those who haven't already done so, accepting who you are and expanding your dating pool beyond straight women expecting to date straight gender-normative cismen will probably help. They tend to react badly when they find out you're only pretending to be that. Some of you may have noticed.

This isn't the only solution, but just about every other trans community I've been in has a lot of transpeople dating other transpeople. It seems shockingly rare here. Maybe the occasional poster fantasizes about it.

Hey presto! Back on topic. There's a benefit of having a trans SO: not having to explain your own transness to them or beg for ridiculous one-sided compromises. (Not foolproof, because nothing is. But much closer than the typical case here.)

07-29-2018, 04:38 AM
I tend to believe that, except in rare cases, crossdressing presents a challenge to relationships. But that challenge, with its associated emotional roller coaster, creates richness.

After 35 years of marriage, I will claim that the major benefit of being married to (or a child of) a CD is the awareness that human sexuality and gender identity are not simple, binary roles we fit into. The sense of personal vulnerability (my greatest fear has been coming home to an empty house and a note on the table that says, "I can't take you anymore.") has led to a profound sense of the importance of support and acceptance, or more directly, actively expressing unconditional love.

I remain mostly closeted. We are a long way from sharing earrings and I can only dream of the day she might slide a hand along my pantyhose and under the hem of my dress. But we have learned about how scared and alone all humans feel, and how love can create safe space.

07-29-2018, 05:40 AM
My wife has borrowed my wigs, jewelry and lipsticks. So I suppose it is a benefit.

Rhonda Darling
07-29-2018, 10:25 AM
1) He NEVER objects to the cost of a mani / pedi.
2) He will jump at the chance to go with and get a mani / pedi alongside you.
3) He will help you pick out your color for your mani / pedi.
4) If he is comfortable going out and about dressed, he will readily agree to perform the most insignificant of shopping needs on a moments notice (plus the necessary time to get "presentable").
5) If you need replacement blades for your razor, he's got plenty in his stash.
6) He'll usually forget that in femme mode he has no obligation to open doors for you and will do it from muscle memory (shhhh, don't tell him).
7) Once properly trained, he'll have no problem picking up a package of THE CORRECT tampons/pads/etc. for you.
8) He'll still want to be the one who drives.
9) Even if he's never been a decent cook, he'll readily respond to the arguement that the role of most women is to know how to prepare a credible meal and it's time to step up.
10) He'll proudly let you borrow any article of clothing.

Becky Blue
07-29-2018, 07:14 PM
Some great suggestions ladies...I thought of a couple more
1. More empathetic husband due to a deeper understanding of some of the challenges that women face when out in this world. By experiencing some of these I feel it makes us more empathetic. For example, knowing what it feels like to be leered at by a man.
2. More patient as now I know why she takes so long when going to the ladies room when we are out.