View Full Version : Underdressing in drab

08-03-2018, 06:49 AM
So this is the first time i undressed and went out in public.

Feels so good to wear padded bra and camisole under the shirt and no one noticed. Sometimes in between opened the shirt buttons and just camisole with shirt on. Found a secluded spot in the park and took off the shirt.

Wonderful feeling of dressing in the open. Tiny step but really worth it.

08-03-2018, 07:17 AM
It does feel great but never assume you won't meet someone and be caught out .

I was caught out on many occasions but never regret it because I know now they were just stepping stones , nothing bad ever happened so I grew more confident .

Nowdays if I have to go out in drab which is unavoidable on ceratin occasions apart from always wearing panties I don't usually underdress , the buzz of people noticing has passed because I'm out 100% dressed in my new home town . The excitment and buzz changes , wearing a new outfit or visiting somewhere new gives me the buzz , I guess still taking stepping stones , learning more about myself and how people react .

Tracy Irving
08-03-2018, 07:20 AM
It is possible nobody noticed what you were wearing and very likely nobody cared.

08-03-2018, 08:51 AM
Harry you are just doing what all of us have done when starting out. Keep doing it and gradually add more. Just another form of enjoying yourself before you die.

08-03-2018, 09:03 AM
I have been underdressing for four years now. I wear panties and pantyhose in drab whenever I wear pants. I love the feeling of the nylons under my pants. I also wear Soma V neck tank top under my dress shirts and nylon trouser socks. no one has any idea what I have on under my shirt and pants.

08-03-2018, 09:50 AM
Great thread. You’re hooked, so enjoy. I, too have been underdressing for years...mostly panties and thigh highs...occasionally a bra, camisole, pettipants, etc. We live in the country. When I mow the grass (rider) I always dress...women’s shorts, thigh highs, bra, forms, top, a touch of makeup and a flit of perfume. Sometimes, I mow twice..lol.

08-03-2018, 10:22 AM
I underdress every day. I have to wear a bra, and I like the feel of panties. I can explain the bra by saying I have gynecomastia (if anyone has ever noticed they haven’t asked). If I think that my underwear will be an issue (such as next week when I’m in Turkey) I wear male underwear.


08-03-2018, 05:40 PM
I also under dress every day. Panties, bra, fem jeans, and a drab polo shirt.
No one ever noticed.

Beverley Sims
08-04-2018, 03:42 AM
Harry, just part of the progression of growing in there.

Be careful and don't get caught doing something silly.

You should be able to enjoy what you do without problems.

Lacey New
08-04-2018, 06:07 AM
I only fully dress in the privacy of my home but I have underdressed for years. I have yet to run into Superman ( or Supergirl) and have either one of them shout out “Hey, you’re wearing panties!”

08-04-2018, 08:04 AM
I have worn panties for years. How would any one know what I was wearing.

08-04-2018, 08:27 AM
I have always loved the feeling of bra. The feeling of it around my torso and on my shoulders is just so sensual.

It just fills me with a sense of contentment and emotional security.

Panties were an aquired taste for me. They just never really did it for me, but I ultimately bought a pair that really caught my eye and especially recently im starting to love wearing them, mostly as an ensemble with other clothing though.

08-04-2018, 12:36 PM
I outgrew under dressing after a few weeks. The "kinky secret" thots was soon over ruled by the discomfort!:sad:

I know many have personal restrictions that limit how and when they can dress. Still, as others have mentioned, for many of us it's the first baby step down the rabbit hole!:heehee:

Teri Ray
08-04-2018, 04:37 PM
I underdress often (but not 100%) I enjoy it when I do. If asked why I enjoy it I would say "I dunno". Never have been able to define my attraction to dressing enfemme. I have come to accept it. Underdressing, for me, does satisfy the desire to dress when I am unable to fully dress. I used to be happy with any bra and panty combination but now I have come to need to have matching lingerie. Finding panties that match a bra is part of the dressing experience and has become a satisfying challenge when shopping. I enjoy sharing shopping with my wife and that is all good.

08-04-2018, 06:56 PM
I outgrew under dressing after a few weeks. The "kinky secret" thots was soon over ruled by the discomfort!:sad:

I wear panties under women's jeans all the time now, I did find some panties uncomfortable at first as they squash my bits down and don't give enough support, but am used to them now. I can't wear a bra for long though, they just dig into all the wrong places, which I can only assume it's because I have no boobs for them to form around, so the wires end up in the wrong positions.

08-04-2018, 07:20 PM
I don't think I would want to be out in a park with out a shirt over my bra you just never know who might be watching. Just be careful in public.

08-04-2018, 10:23 PM
I've underdressed for years. Most of the time wearing a bra. I don't wear forms as I'm a natural 36C but mostly wear 38B for less projection. For the most part I always wear women's tops with jeans, pants, or shorts. Had a stew go to help me put another passenger's bag in the overhead and feel my bra band's hooks. She freaked out. People do notice from time to time. Had some woman shout as I was walking out of a gas station, "that guy was wearing a bra". I like women's shirts and have had people see down them and catch a fleeting view of my bra. I also wear sweaters which can show. Most of my neighbors and friends know what I wear so no big deal.

08-05-2018, 01:39 PM
Harry, enjoy your underdressing!
It is a small step forward. I started doing this last year and soon got over the feeling that everyone knew. Since the winter i have underdressed on all but one day. Underdressing is great for those whose situation doesn't permit full public dressing.
Obviously be mindful that some garments are harder to hide underneath than others and remember that just because people haven't commented it doesn't mean that they haven't noticed....

08-05-2018, 04:59 PM
Have uinderdressed for years and have become more and more bold in doing so. I really enjoy Winter when I can wear my bra anf roms under baggy sweaters and jackets, etc. I have never had anyone notice or comment on anything showing. It's just really fun and nobdy really looks or cares any more!

Tracii G
08-05-2018, 06:47 PM
You will learn that its no big deal that you underdress and that most people don't care what you wear.
At this point the only one that is worried about it is you.
After a while it won't be all that exciting and just be normal.

08-05-2018, 08:23 PM
Most of the time here. Panties most everyday. Bras when it gets cooler. Ladies socks often regardless of which sneakers. Often wear somewhat "nondescript" "Boyfriend Tanks/ Ladies Tanks right out-in-the-open, over some pull-on Cords and Jeans I found. Not "skinny-jeans"-- but straight-legs that are not "obvious"--- but Yes they are ladies pull-ons ! Have some "leisure/sports bras" that "lay flat" under manshirts quite well. The step-in design can be annoying--but provides an option to consider. Found them on the Hanes site. Happy Underdressing! Toni.. G...

08-05-2018, 08:30 PM
I've spend all day in my yard and around the house in shorts panty and a tank top with saddles. Even walked the dog. It was so hot and it felt great.

08-07-2018, 10:18 AM
Just came back from a stroll to&from the wallymarket. 30 min ea way in 93 deg heat! Green Ladies Tank over pull-on ladies jeans. Off-white Ladies sneakers w/ girly socks. Panties underneath-of course. In my grocery-cart thing is my Gray Ladies zippered Wallet. Went a diff dir yesterday with a Blue Tank on -into a place filled with senior GGs----nooobody says a thing! IF they ever did---wd say that my stuff is in the laundry, so I wear Girlfriend Tanks because its Hot. Toni...G...

08-07-2018, 03:10 PM
When it's inappropriate to wear skirts and dresses (like when I'm at work), I tend to wear pantyhose under my shorts. I've done this for years and not a single soul has said a word. I assume they just don't notice, but even if they do, it doesn't bother me. I think I'll try an experiment on Thursday...I'll either wear black or super glossy nude hose under my shorts and see if I get a reaction. It does imply an element of danger, but I honestly doubt anyone would say anything, even if they noticed. Afterall, nobody said anything last week when I spent a day bopping around Chicago in a skirt...

08-07-2018, 08:44 PM
I’ve worn pantyhose under my shorts many times. A few weeks ago I started wearing them to my massages. Of course I would take them off before the massage and hang them up next to my clothes. After a few outings in them, my masseuse asked me if I came from the gym because I was wearing my tights. I loved it!

Crissy 107
08-07-2018, 09:09 PM
I have been wearing panties, some prettier then most women, for over 4 years. I do wear tights in the winter under jeans. I always wear panties to the Doctor and he has seen them on me and did not bat an eye. Crissy

08-08-2018, 10:20 AM
I've underdressed in drab for years, never had anyone notice, that I was aware of. I can wear anything under my work cloths and no one can tell.


08-08-2018, 07:12 PM
I have underdressed for about 20 years, and most recently I wear a bra 4-5 days/week. It's now part of my clothing. I don't wear forms.

08-09-2018, 08:41 AM
I wear pantyhose and shorts every day, all day, to work, to friends houses, bars/restaurants, everywhere. I've worn all colors, suntan to black. I wear cargo skirts a lot as well. I've done this for 20 some years. The only time I ever get a comment is if I wear heels.

08-09-2018, 04:35 PM
hello Harry,
I think that panties are more comfortable than men's underpants, so wear them most of the time.
When I have worn a bra, underdressed, I am sure some people have noticed; but never any comments.
luv J

08-09-2018, 05:26 PM
I've been underdressing all my life and on a daily basis for many many years. But I still avoid situations where I have to undress in public. I also do my best to avoid being caught, I'm not sure I've been successful in that area... Sometimes I wear jeans without a belt, shirts untucked, you seat, you bend, it's hard to keep it cover at all times. Some of my panties are very discreet, plain cottons, plain colors. Others are pure lace, shiny satin lycra, flowered. Not something to confuse when you can see half an inch of it. Not to mention pantyhose... I also like to wear teddies in winter, they're so warm and comfy. The plain cotton ones are rarely a problem, the ones with lace cuffs or with girly patterns... I have to be careful with my sleeves. One thing that I don't do anymore is garter belts. I had a couple very uncomfortable incidents wearing them under my male pants. Those hooks are not street safe!!! And thongs... I don't like thongs, period. I have a couple because... just because. I wore them once to go out and it was another very very very very uncomfortable experience.