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View Full Version : Being seen and the person is not fazed at all

08-06-2018, 04:54 PM
For some days now I have been waiting for a parcel of bras from Brastop, over here if one is not fast enough outside when the post person beeps the horn ones parcel gets taken up to the post office and one has to then make a specail trip to get it, knowing this I was dressed in a skirt and being hot even inside my house I had on a white bra which at a glance could be taken for a bikini top so the horn beeped and i nipped out the post lady was one I had seen from my lounge window before but never had the oportunity to actually speak to her but she greeted me nicely as I did to her, she handed me this bright pink plastic bag, anybody holding the packet would know it held bras, however throughout all this it was a nice friendly exchange I thanked her, she went and I took my eagerky waited for packet of bras inside my house. All my neighbours know about me as you all doubt know this fact so it is highly likely that the post lady knew of my dressing from the neighbours, so no worries all round.

08-06-2018, 05:25 PM
Yes, so annoying to have to drive somewhere to get packages.

I hope everything fits!

08-06-2018, 05:31 PM
Thank you yes all three bras are just perfect! I guess all the post people now know! having said that this is the second pink parcel to come in the post. happenings like this are all helping me to be more out each time.

08-06-2018, 09:45 PM
It's funny, Bobbi. How many of us think that being crossdressers is the most exciting and unusual thing to vanillas. :eek:

So, image your postwoman back at the station: Do u think she'd say "I dropped off some bras to a guy on Fallon Ave."? Or more likely, "What a long day I've had. R we meeting at Murphy's Pub after work?"

08-07-2018, 12:58 AM
Doc very true indeed, are we so common now that, in this instance the post lady did not bat an eyelid ? I am beginning to think this could well be so the more I am seen the more comfortable I am just as I was with the post woman.
yes probably our perceptions of peoples surprise or lack of is because of our gender orientation and maybe what we think people are thinking of us.
Probably the post lady went back to the depot and said whos for a beer? rather than the former in your comment.

Beverley Sims
08-07-2018, 04:06 AM
I know it is confusing, most just want to deliver the parcel, all they see is a couple of hand grabbing the parcel, sometimes they look you in the eye.

08-07-2018, 04:37 AM
I hope this means no more errant boobs ?

I'm not sure if it's safe for me to post another thread about postmen , look what happened last time !

I know my postman will find somewhere to hide parcels if I'm not in , so it may take some time to find them , at least he knows the sort of thing he's going to deliver , lets face it without our packeges he would be out of a job so he's not really bothered what he delivers .

Maybe you could persuade the post company to do what our ice cream vans do and play a jingle as they enter the village ! Now theres an interesting thread question , what jingle would you choose ?

08-07-2018, 11:15 AM
Very true, most of the time it is a case of delivery and get going again here in a rural location the delivery people all have a bit of time to chat because that is the sort of rural life we have here in this case there was eye contact a bit of chat to and fro and then goodbye for sure as I approached and got closer she must have realised I was wearing a bra and in fact it was not a bikini top, none of this made blind bit of difference, it was once again just a nice time to have and knowing that I was not offending anybody (not that i would anyway) and also knowing that here was a post lady who I did not realy know before accepting me for who and what I am.
The days of boobs falling out of bras! during weeding is long gone! as for a jigle the best one would be the theme music from The Full Monty which originally was titled You sexy thing and sung by Hot Chocolate! now that I would enjoy!

08-07-2018, 12:12 PM
She probably has other cross dressers on her route

08-07-2018, 01:47 PM
That’s awesome, to be able to live like you want without having to hide

08-07-2018, 02:42 PM
A while ago at a shop I frequented for my en femm things I got to know the SA's quite well and one day Marinette told me that she knew 3 other dressers that came into the shop so yes it is quite probable my post lady has seen another CD if not more.
Tolerant, Thank you I suppose I am in a different situation compared to others, I live in a Hamlet of 11 peopole all French and they all know I dress and jhave seen me dressed as well so as regards post people and other delivery people I have no problem going outside to meet them dressed, the exceptional thing this time was I did not have time to put a top on and my bra at a distance looked very much like a bikini top so when the post lady saw me close up nshe would have noticed I was wearing a bra but despite this fact her expression showed nothing it was like I was jiust another habitant receiving a parcel.
The delightful thing as well is that Brastop send everything out in bright pink, soft to the touch plastic bags so the post people handling the packages will know in my case it contained bras plus my letter bow outside only has my male name on it (I live alone) another indicator that only a man lives her he dresses.
All of this makes for a very nice life here.

Lana Mae
08-07-2018, 02:51 PM
Glad you had such a good experience and got some bras! Pink bags are used by Woman Within also and Women Within in large bold letters! I have received a few! I don't know what the post lady thought or if she thought anything! Hugs Lana Mae

Rachael Leigh
08-07-2018, 06:15 PM
Good for you miss Bobbi we all just have to be who we are. I’m glad it went smoothly

08-08-2018, 05:03 PM
Lana Mae and Rachel, thank you both for your lovely comments, it makes such a lovely difference to ones way of life being able to be just you and not having bother attached to it at all. By the way this is second package to come from Brastop the first one made it through the flap of my male box this time round it was too fat so yes as both packages held bras my post lady must have felt the contents but still she was so nice when out to her get the package.