View Full Version : Positive/negative reactions?

08-08-2018, 08:43 PM
Has anyone ever gotten a reaction from someone while being dressed in public? What was said? Was it positive or negative? Did you enjoy it?

08-08-2018, 09:48 PM
At a a meeting of T girls at a local hotel, a guy at the bar started pointing at me and others. His wife tried to get him to stop. Could hear him say they are so f-ed up. Really I didn't care, I was among friends and was just happy to be dressed.

Crissy 107
08-08-2018, 09:53 PM
Jamie, It’s too bad there are jerks like that around. How about just letting people have a good time without the bs. It really gets me upset for sure.

08-08-2018, 09:53 PM
That’s great! I would love to attend one of these meetings.

Beverley Sims
08-08-2018, 11:10 PM
Both negative and positive, just walk away from the negative and engage with the positive comments.

Always smile and say thank you. :-)

Helen Waite
08-09-2018, 06:46 AM
At a a meeting of T girls at a local hotel

Was that at one of the soirees? :eek:

08-09-2018, 09:18 AM
Of course, I'll quit when no one reacts. Most are comments like "love those heels girl" and the like. A few "faggots" now and then. I did have some girls go into an in depth query as to why I would dress like I was in Roswell no less, with the mean one insinuating I must not be packing much man equipment. It didn't bother me, sometimes I feel as if I actually yearn for a bit of humiliation.

08-09-2018, 09:50 AM
This isn't exactly related but I feel its similar or at least the reaction is probably similar. I was coming home from a mountain bike ride and I realized I had to stop and get something from Wal-Mart and didn't want to drive back to town. I was wearing tights, a form fitting jersey, and a vest. I felt like it was no big deal. A couple 20 something good ol boys stopped in their tracks and just started cracking up when I walked by. They said something about checking out my ass. It really ticked me off.

On another occasion me and a few guys were out mountian bike riding all in lycra and yielded the trail to big group of horseback riders. Most groups are fine but this group was not and they were all cracking up at us. One of the younger guys on the horse couldn't stop laughing at us, and said out loud, guys check out these faggots. We had to restrain one of my friends who just happened to be a college football player and powerlifter. He could have deadlifted the horse.

Tracii G
08-09-2018, 09:58 AM
I have had both positive and negative reactions over the years.
It is just part of things you have to deal with if you go out dressed as the opposite gender.
If you can't handle a negative reaction then you don't need to be out there because it will happen at some point.
Most reactions are positive tho'.

08-09-2018, 10:43 AM
I've experienced both end of the reaction spectrum. When I first started going out, I was clothing shopping with a few other CD friends. In the check out line the cashier addressed me as " Sir" and wanted to know if I had found everything I was looking for. The woman who had checked out in front of me overheard this, came back and made the cashier apologize to me. It was so empowering! This hasn't happened to me in a long time. At the last monthly meeting of our CD group, I strolled into the restaurant and was stopped by one of the regulars sitting at a bar table near the entrance. He told me how pretty I looked that night, but would I please go back to our group, find the girl in the black dress and dark hair and please ask her to put some makeup on! I thanked him for the compliment and went back to join the girls in back walking on air!
Generally I either attract no attention now or get complimented on my appearance by men and women.

08-09-2018, 11:03 AM
I went to River City Sparkle one year, It was my first time being at such an event and I was very nervous. I had never been in a non-LGBT environment, as the event was being held in the hotel. I start walking through the hotel to the main hall; I was feeling pretty in the gown and starting to get excited. I was just to the door of the event when I see another gurl in front of me also walking to the event. Now I’m feeling great when all of a sudden two guys walk past us in the other direction. One of them said to his friend, ****’n freak Tranny’s everywhere. He said it so that we would hear it. Now I’m pissed, the Alpha male comes out, the Martial arts training wants to let loose and the “hood” comes out of me. I strop, go to take my 4” pumps off and go to ask him how he would like to get his ass kicked by a guy in a dress. Before I can say anything the turn and go through a door into the pool area. Dam they got away, probably for the better, I would have ruined my night and maybe my dress. I can now let that stuff go:)

08-09-2018, 11:31 AM
I receive a lot more positive reactions than negative ones, especially from young women.

08-09-2018, 11:41 AM
Yes, I have had many reactions while in public. Fortunately, they have all been positive.

Crissy 107
08-09-2018, 01:39 PM
The comments I get come while at my nail salon getting a pedicure with color. Almost entirely all positive from women near me. One woman liked my color so much she put hers aside and complimented me and used the same color. Only once a 30 something woman was talking with another woman about me. I could not hear what was said but I just did not care. I’m there to enjoy myself.

08-09-2018, 01:52 PM
Countless reactions to me and Sherry, dressed. Mostly in Vegas. Where I've been going to week long T events for 7 years!

Pointing at me, laffing, eye rolls, loud comments like, "OMG! That was a guy!", etc., etc.

Mostly GG's giving me a thumbs up, smiles, sometimes a comment about something I'm wearing. Being hit on by a few guys.

Elizabeth G
08-09-2018, 02:00 PM
I've had both though I will say the positives have outnumbered the negatives. I just ignore the negative ones.

08-09-2018, 02:12 PM
I've never had anything negative said to me in public, no insults the sad thing is I've had more from members on the forum !

I still smile at a couple I overheard debating if I was a woman or not . They walked past me in a hotel lounge , as they turned the corner I heard the wife say, "did you see that ?" the husband asked what ? She replied , " That CDer !" He told her she was wrong and that I was a woman . They came back from going to the toilets and I heard her say , " I told you so !" he replied , " I'm telling you you're wrong !" I was treading the local newspaper and drinking tea , I heard the wife say she would like to read the local paper but couldn't find one so I stood up and took my copy over to her , the look on the husband's face was priceless when I spoke !

I've posted many good recent outings to encourage others here to try and overcome the nerves , believe in yourself and just give it a go , I don't have a single regret .

08-09-2018, 06:27 PM
My experiences have been mostly positive. The most negative reactions I've have been laughter, which is OK, there's not enough of that!

08-11-2018, 09:22 AM
On a few occasions I heard people talk to each other "look at this queer" or they laughed at me, but that was most negative reaction I got. But I don't get out fully dressed during the day much, because I don't pass at all when I get close to people and at night I usually try to avoid direct confrontation with people, mostly for my own safety, because you never know what might happen on the street during the night. On some occasions, mostly by store assistants, I got some positive reactions too. They usually really admire how I can walk in high heels or how some female clothes would fit me.

08-11-2018, 09:35 AM
I'd imagine GG's get a mix of positive/negative too?
Teresa I love everything in your post!

08-11-2018, 11:01 AM
My first adventures were getting dolled up on Halloween. On my first outing I wore a knee length jade and black floral print long sleeve dress, black heels and hosiery with blond wig and full makeup. I got a nice compliment from a cashier at a Winchell's doughnut store. Another Halloween I was similarly attired but in a knee length solid black dress. I bought a bottle of Coke at a Safeway. The young female cashier did not say anything. I think it was because she really had not encountered a man in a dress before even though it was Halloween. However, a young guy nearby laughed his ass off. Those instances were when I was in my thirties.

More recently with the last ten years I took an evening stroll in my neighborhood. I went as far as the community mailbox to get the mail. It was dark so I thought I was not being observed. Nothing happened that night. The following night I did the same thing. I heard a young woman who lived across from the mailboxes say to someone she had "called the cops the night before." I was fairly sure she did not see me leave my house which is four houses up the street, so I decided to continue on my walk around the neighborhood and eventually around the block so she would not see which house I left from. I decided after that episode I would take my evening walks on the other side of town. That encounter reinforced the fact that my height and male size, although nice for a male, is rather the exception for a woman.

Nikki A.
08-11-2018, 03:01 PM
Overall I'd say I've had more positive than negative remarks. Maybe a few smart alec remarks, but nothing that I can't deal with.
Women are the most positive though, they at least recognize that I am putting in the effort to look decent. I've been complemented on the effort I put into my clothing and so even admit to being jealous of my make-up. I respond I need to put in the extra work to look decent, they are beautiful naturally and don't even need make up. A complement for a complement.

08-11-2018, 03:32 PM
I've never had a negative reaction in the 50 or so times I've been out since late 2016.

Most of the time there is no reaction. Kandi and I spent two hours yesterday at a very crowded Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and didn't seem to be focused on us at all.

And there is the occasional positive reaction. Yesterday a cute GG walked by Kandi and I and said we were looking good. My first time in a woman's bathroom and a woman said to me "that's a beautiful dress" (not what I was expecting). And I had another GG say "so cute".

So all in all, our fears are generally unwarranted.

08-11-2018, 03:58 PM
Reactions I’ve received have been varied. For the most part, I’ve only been out dressed a few times over the past year, and only once or twice ever before that.
I do keep my nails painted 24x7, and carry a canvas satchel, so have a feminine touch visible all the time.

For the times I’ve been out fully dressed, I only received positive feedback. I did get some undesired attention from a guy at Diva’s in San Francisco. After telling him ladylike for the fifth time that I wasn’t interested, I had to drop the voice and remind him that the dress and heels didn’t weaken my ability to break his hands if he grabbed me again in a very inappropriate place.

Sarah Louise
08-11-2018, 04:48 PM
I've only experienced positive comments. I was out last week in a bar and a woman told me I was beautiful! I've occaisionally been complimented on my appearance but generally I don't get much of a reaction.

Jean. Ann
08-12-2018, 12:05 PM
If I get a negative reaction. I try to handle it like I think a proper
Lady should and simply ignore it . Works most of the time .

Jean Ann