View Full Version : Purging?? Can I really call it that?

08-10-2018, 12:25 PM
This past weekend I went through the closet and boxed up almost everything Sarah owned in why of clothing to be donated at a later date. The clean out left me with a couple of T-shirts, 1 Regular Bra, 3 sports bras, 3 active wear capris, 1 pair of pants, 2 sleep shirts (that used to be t shirts), and 10 pairs of shoes. But the clean out was for a good reason the clothes no longer fit. I have lost 30 pounds since May and still have a good way to go to meet the goal. It was a great feeling and a sad one at the same time. I will not replace much since I would just be doing it all over again in a few months and really need to save the money. A little bit more work out wear and some shorts will be about it for the time being.

So the question is does that count as Purging?

The Back story: So in late December 2017 early January 2018 I came to the decision that I was going to start the long process of transitioning. I mentioned this to my doctor in April 2018 (first person I have ever told). She told me before I was ready for HRT I would need to lose weight before any doctor would let me put my body through the process and of course it would be easier to lose it before I started than after. We talked about the right why to lose the weight and how much I should lose to help reduce the stress on my liver and kidneys should I decide to do HRT. She has been trying to get me to lose weight for years. We came up with a weight lose goal of 100 pounds. That is a huge number! In all honesty I really should lose a little more than that but I digress. We also came to the conclusion last week when I had a follow up appointment on the weight loose that my weight gain over the last seven years was more than likely due to my unhappiness with my body (she didn’t want to call it depression). Since I have decided I’m going to transition that is the reason diet and excess are working and I’m sticking to it. She was very happy with the results and told me to keep up the good work.

08-10-2018, 01:04 PM
I'd say nope. First, it's not a purge if you keep stuff. Second getting rid of clothes that you cannot/will not wear is not a purge -- it's called cleaning your closet. ;)

08-10-2018, 01:37 PM
Sarah you are on the right path keep going and the best on your transition.

Felicia M
08-10-2018, 01:57 PM
Pat nailed it.

Keep going Sarah! Wonderful story and good luck with the process.

08-10-2018, 03:36 PM
I hate purging but have done it so many times............oh how I'd love to have all the heels back

08-10-2018, 04:00 PM
hello Sarah,
in my book "purging" is throwing away treasured clothing because you are in fear of being found out or because you are ashamed of your dressing.
clearing out old clothes that you will never plan to wear again from your closet is de-cluttering.
best wishes for your life journey
luv J

08-10-2018, 04:56 PM
I believe the accepted definition of purging has to do with the motive behind the act.

Fear, guilt, shame, the "I can't keep doing this!" kinda stuff.

Whether you got caught, or some kind of change in life (environment, new dating partner, etc.), or just a want/need to be "normal." Whatever it may be.

Probably more of an emotional response. I mean, logically-speaking, how difficult is it to simply obtain some new stuff? :heehee:

I've gone through plenty of purges in the past. And how does that usually work out? Hint: I'm still here -- in leggings & panties. ;)

I've even had a bit of a "quasi-purge" as a member here. When I first started back up again a little over 2 years ago, I just (erroneously) assumed that I'd go down the same path as I've always gone. So, I picked up some basics, like a couple dresses, heels, fashion tights, etc. Figured I'd eventually grab some make-up (I did a little), a wig, body-shaping stuff, etc... You know, so I'd be able to go the whole 9-yards, at some point.


Turns out I feel very much at home now, presenting as a guy, but wearing women's activewear.

IOW, I had no use for that "ultra-femmy" stuff like dresses & heels. And while I own & wear some leggings in some pretty darn femmy colors & prints, those other things were just way too over-the-top for me. It's like, yeah, I can be somewhat girly -- but not *that* girly!

So, one day, out went the dresses & heels & perfume & that little bit of make-up. No qualms, no regrets. Just not for me. Not where I want/need to go with this. I'm done presenting as female. Seriously. Just not in me anymore. There's been a fundamental shift somewhere along the way.

Was *that* a purge, of sorts? In my book, yes. It was more than just a "closet cleaning," due to the targeted way I did it, as well as my mental & emotional reasoning. Though at the same time, obviously it wasn't a full-on "I need to stop all this!" kind of purge, either. Heck, earlier today I picked up a couple more pairs of women's work-out leggings. :heehee:

Anyway, I do believe that there may be a sort of "quasi-purge" that can happen sometimes, depending on circumstances.

Elizabeth G
08-10-2018, 04:57 PM
I say you're absolutely purging... bodyweight that is - congratulations on the weight loss!

08-10-2018, 07:08 PM
Congrats, my body really thanked me for losing weight. Just keep doing what you're doing.

Crissy 107
08-10-2018, 07:19 PM
Sara, Nope not purging just cleaning out clothes you know you will never wear again. Continued success!

Beverley Sims
08-11-2018, 04:05 AM
Purging is throwing everything away and vowing never to dress again.

This is usually followed by remorse.

You are just cleaning out your closet, something a lot more of us should do.

I am never going to wear that A line miniskirt of 60s vintage outside, EVER.

08-11-2018, 05:40 AM
Sarah, congratulations on the weight loss and the pending HRT. Hope you get some lovely new clothes.

bridget thronton
08-11-2018, 10:01 AM
Well done on weight loss

08-11-2018, 10:34 AM
Discarding clothing whether female or male due to weight gain or loss is not purging. As others have stated purging as relates to this forum is ridding oneself of women's clothing due to non acceptance of who you are. Whether transitioning or not weight control for a healthy body is essential. Good luck on your journey.