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08-10-2018, 09:46 PM
so I'm visiting my family right now and I've been sharing a bed in my sister's room. My sister knows about my crossdressing and is completely ok with it (she gave me a couple of bras today) but I haven't talked about it to my parents yet. The last few nights before I've gone to bed, I've been putting on dresses in her room while we just hang out with the door closed. Last night we were doing the same thing, but she decided to go to sleep early so I stayed up watching tv on her bed while wearing my favorite little black dress. I assumed my parents had gone to bed, so I was really startled when I heard the door open. It was my dad who opened the door to say good night and I was really surprised and said a quick good night before he closed the door. It was pretty obvious that I was wearing a dress but either he didn't notice or didn't care since he hasn't mentioned anything about it or seems unusual around me. I was kind of nervous about it but I felt surprisingly calm when it happened, I even think its pretty funny that it happened lol I guess I should have been more careful

08-10-2018, 10:05 PM
Three possibilities.

1) He didn't notice.
2) He noticed, realized what was going on and chose not to say anything because he doesn't care as long as you're happy.
3) He noticed, realized what was going on and hasn't figured out what to say (if anything).

Only the third scenario requires any thought - mostly you just have to think about what to say if he brings it up.

Probably best to be honest - many parents don't care what their sons/daughters do behind closed doors as long as they're happy and not hurting someone.

Sami Brown
08-10-2018, 10:37 PM
Almost sounds as if you have already come to terms with the discovery! I wouldn't have been able to sleep or eat for a couple of days. How do I know? From personal experience!

Anyway, I am glad it is going well so far! Please let us know how it turns out.


Beverley Sims
08-11-2018, 04:02 AM
Just wait till the question is asked otherwise let it slide.

Why stuff up a good relationship.

Your sister knows and she may be quizzed after you leave.

08-11-2018, 07:58 AM
I would think that no one is to worried about anything there. I would be more concerned with a brother and sister sharing a bed, but then maybe it is just that things have changed a whole bunch since i raised my kids?

08-11-2018, 11:08 AM
One thing that really amazes me is the idea that our parents or siblings are clueless to what we may do while growing up. If I was making a bet your family has known for some time you like to dabble in wearing women's clothing. They may not know how to open a discussion about it for various reasons, but, they may know.

08-12-2018, 04:18 PM
What seems strange to me is that no one respects anyone's privacy. I never entered my kid's bedroom before knocking first and getting permission to enter. They did the same with wife and mine's bedroom. Was I too trusting? I don't think so. They all would come and be open with us about personal questions.

08-12-2018, 06:30 PM
Wow, when I was about 16 my mother caught me dressed in clothes she kept in the attic.
She said se didn't mind and to just put everything back when I was done.
She said it was just a phase I was going through. LOL

Tracy Irving
08-12-2018, 06:40 PM
It is amazing how little we see when we are not looking for it.

Alyssa Lane
08-13-2018, 08:04 AM
Id bet your sister has already said something to your parents about it. They don’t care that it happens, and just said good night.

08-13-2018, 08:46 AM
I'd say tell your sis and see what she says!

She will guide you. Best case is everyone is tentatively ok with it, or maybe she will bring it up at the breakfast table, and tell your parents she helped you experiment, and she thinks it is fine, and no one is going to dislike you, all the young people are experimenting, etc. or that you are all family and should support you, etc.