View Full Version : Week of Jamie

08-12-2018, 03:50 PM
I started a new job last year so lost a lot of vacation in the process, I was at my old job a long time. So my family is on vacation for the week without me. I am really struggling and depressed about that. My wife is hoping I make the most of it and seize the opportunity with all Jamie time (except at work).

I am going to give it my best shot. Got a mani/pedi today with color to the toes and did some shopping. I have an outing planned tomorrow night. And then I have taken Friday off and have a waxing scheduled and then a makeover and photo shoot! Super excited about that.

And then I may go to a mixer as Jamie on Saturday. A little nervous about that but I really think it could be a lot of fun.

Sami Brown
08-12-2018, 05:36 PM
Sounds like you are making the most of your opportunity. I think the mixer is a great idea. Being a little nervous shows you it is an opportunity for growth!


Beverley Sims
08-13-2018, 04:43 AM
Enjoy your Jamie time, and with your wife's blessing also.

08-13-2018, 05:50 AM
Jamie, enjoy your week of dressing. I know I would. Don't be nervous about the mixer.

08-13-2018, 08:51 AM
Nervousness about the unknown is inescapable. All of it is safe, and as and after you do each thing you find there was nothing out of the ordinary to be nervous about. But absolutely go to the mixer- a few moments of feeling totally accepted lasts a lifetime.