View Full Version : Dodging the kids in the supermarket !

08-13-2018, 02:08 PM
I had forgotten the school holidays when I visited the supermarket today but didn't have a choice my supplies were running low . So the kids were everywhere trying to be mum's little helper but steering the trolleys like L plate drivers on something high ! Maybe not the best place for going out dressed , kids will pick up on anything . OK lets not go down the passing issue again but not one of them singled me out or gave me the stare . Better still some of the mums and dads stopped to have a few words so we ended up having some fun with the kids . I also learned a new experience today walking in heeled wedges when a young boy opened a packet of aniseed balls near the check out by accident , anyone tried pushing a loaded trolley in heels when trying to walk on ballbearings ?

08-13-2018, 02:29 PM
Kids can be mean; especially young teen Girls. They seem to have Radar that goes off if they sense anything different.
Yes, I would run away from the Pre-Teen group.

Beverley Sims
08-13-2018, 11:57 PM
You have learned another skill, clever you. :-)

08-14-2018, 04:22 AM

With young children there is always the possibility of their curiosity getting the better of them if they suspect things aren't what they seem. Often it canbe down to just how engaged they are in whatever they're doing. It seems in this case trying to put up the accident figures.

I am intrigued by what you mean in saying "having a little fun", I hope you didn't leave the little dears utterly confused. Plus what caused the parents to engage with you? Was it because they recognised you as being trans and were curious or wanted to be supportive?

I must admit that crossing the threshold of a supermarket was one of the hardest things I've done. I just found the prospect very daunting possibly due to being confined by the isles.

08-14-2018, 06:06 AM
Teresa, You are always putting your self out there. I don't like kids, so I'll give you points for being around them. Sent me to google for L plate, not a term used in the US.

08-14-2018, 06:24 AM

L = Learner driver = Red capital L on a white square background, plus you need what's called a provisional license in order to take lessons. Not wishing to go off post but what happens in the US?

08-14-2018, 06:25 AM
Oh ok well understand that things are different the world over but kids and teenagers are not a whole lot to worry about these days....
Young kids might ask mom is it a man or woman but it is not likely to be in front of you at worst they may stare as they try to figure things out...
Older kids can’t be bothered... they know what trans is and it’s like oh look there’s one...unless you unlucky enough to get a total shit and they can cause grief however you present
The truth is the fear lives inside of us more than it will exist out there....

08-14-2018, 06:37 AM
Helen, driving schools will have a bumper sticker that says student driver. But if you are driving with your child in your own car while they are on a learner's permit, there is no indication of their status.

08-14-2018, 10:49 AM
If little kids did not stare at you or asked their parents questions whether you're a man or a woman, you are doing well in terms of passing as a woman. Little kids have not yet learned all the social graces of society. They seem to just blurt out whatever is on their minds. I do agree with other comments as to harassment by groups of teenage girls. Group dynamics are worse with them than with older females.

What was the "fun with the kids" part of your adventure?

08-14-2018, 01:10 PM
Uh, "aniseed balls"?:brolleyes:

08-14-2018, 01:28 PM
The question of having fun with the kids , somethimes you see something in their basket or on the checkout conveyor and tease the kids by saying the sweets belong to dad and maybe suggest the beer is for the kids , they know I'm kidding with them . If I see the customer if front has a trolley full I sometimes joke with them about moving the customer divider bar at the checkout to include a few of my items , saying they wouldn't notice they'd paid for some of mine , it always raises a smile and funny comment back !

I don't get much of a response from older kids and teenagers , I find they've usually walked passed me before noticing anything different .

I try and stay away from the passing question so I take your comment as a nice compliment.

I can't truly answer the question . How do they see me ? All I know is everyone I've spoken to have always replied in a normal way , lets face it most people don't make converstaion in supermarkets because to most it's a bearable chore . I really don't mind being a trolley dolly , it's another opportunity to integrate with the public dressed . Also I'm preoccupied because I don't make a shopping list so I tend to trawl up and down the aisles to jog my memory ,OK I always spend too much !

Jamie ,
A L plate driver is only allowed to drive with a qualified driver before passing their driving test , maybe not always a good idea to pile the whole family in under those circumstances .

08-15-2018, 10:10 PM
Big test for me regarding youngsters came in City centre of Glasgow (Scotland's 2nd city) when a troop of teens (is there a colloquial term for them :confused2::heehee:) were walking my way,but as they passed me they cared not a jot.Think these days there's far more info out there,Inc at school for kids to get their heads round Transgender issues
