View Full Version : Nationwide Talk Radio

Lisa Roberts
08-15-2018, 07:48 PM
While traveling today, I was listening to Michael Savage on talk radio. One of his topics was the transgender candidate in Vermont. He said he did not understand how or why being transgender was important to getting elected. Most of his callers get 10-15 seconds. I spoke with him on the air for 6 minutes discussing the difficulties of being a Crossdresser and or transgender in today’s society. My question to him was “ “why does it matter-Is the media using us for votes”? We had a very intelligent and educational conversation. At the end of the call, he actually said that I was courageous and wished me well. So with that said, I say to all, stay true to yourself, stay classy and respectable- I find my courage with the uplifting of our “Community”. I wouldn’t have the courage to talk nationwide if it wasn’t for the support I find here.

Lace and Smiles,

Lana Mae
08-15-2018, 07:54 PM
Thanks, Lisa!
Hugs Lana Mae

08-15-2018, 07:57 PM
"Classy and respectable", r the among the reasons I've NEVER, EVER claimed to represent the "community"!:heehee:

Lisa Roberts
08-15-2018, 08:09 PM
Doc- explain??

Tracii G
08-15-2018, 08:30 PM
Way to go Lisa represent!!

Kelly DeWinter
08-15-2018, 08:32 PM
I think Doc was being facetious (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS808US808&q=facetious&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj_5pjXtPDcAhVhiOAKHX08CY4QkeECCCYoAA).

Lisa, It's always nice to hear about anyone who can make inroads for a good cause in politics.

Sounds like Michael Savage was just setting up his show for conversation. EVERY politician has to deal with the Elephant in the room before they can court the electorate . I listened to a candidate once spend a hour talking about her divorce because she wanted to represent Catholic voters in her district . When it comes to politics a candidate has to disclose before the press gets the story.

Tracii G
08-15-2018, 08:39 PM
Michael Savage is a very smart man and I have called his show several times.
With him be honest because he can smell BS a mile away.LOL

08-15-2018, 08:50 PM
Thank you for representing our community so well!

08-15-2018, 08:52 PM
Another good national interview / call, was Caitlyn Jenner last year on the Wilkow Majority / SiriusXM.

Link: https://twitter.com/wilkowmajority/status/852548229237551106?lang=en (sadly the referenced sound file is now gone.. I really enjoyed it.)
Link: http://wilkowmajority.com/previous_shows/thanks-book-caitlyn-jenner/

Caitlyn is a regular listener to the Wilkow program. While a person may not agree with another's life / lifestyle; most REAL people are able relate to other people, be respectful, and find solid common grounds. Beware of those in media and politics (BOTH sides.) who stir-the-pot, try to say they are the champions of X,Y,Z, and create tensions where there weren't any..

As for a select few from the "traditional-values" crowd, sometimes old habits die hard. (no offense to any older ladies here; I'm RIGHT behind you.) The ONLY time I've been given grief in public was from a mouth-breathing, loud-talker, spouting off in my direction about "real-men, and nowadays guys , blah... blah... etc ..", to his grandkids and his very embarrased-looking wife. I felt sorry for his family, he seemed overbearing in all ways.

08-15-2018, 09:00 PM
I've been doing a bit of research on Christine Hallquist, and I do mean just a bit. She demolished the competition in the Vermont Primary, and I was really surprised. David Hallquist was the CEO of Vermont electric Cooperative. He apparently had a really good reputation as a businessman who could make green energy work. The electric grid was 94% clean in Vermont. THere is a really excellent 9 minute documentary made about his transition in 2015. He was caught crossdressing by his his wife early in their marriage, DADT slowly involved into tolerance as long as she couldn't see him dressed. Sound familar? in 2015 he could no longer stand keeping Cristine hidden and began a public transition by meeting other CDs and TGs at a restaurant an hour away from her house, it was his first public outing. His wife helped him dress but was in emotional distress by the situation. At the end of the video he said he admitted he still had to dress as a man for business but looked forward to the day he could walk into the Vermont Statehouse as a Christine.

I'm finding this all very inspiring, and I made a mistake to look at the comments of this old video and the recent ones annoucing her primary win. So much hate.

08-15-2018, 09:56 PM
I listen to talk radio, in general they don't seem to get what or who transgender people are. They seem to reference what a small part of the population we are. Thanks for being courageous and being our voice.
Hugs Jaymee

08-16-2018, 07:10 AM
Lisa, Thanks for educating the masses. I'm glad the host gave you the time the subject required.

Alice Torn
08-16-2018, 11:20 AM
I listen to Dr. Savage almost every weekday. Tracii is right. He can smell a phoney 2000 miles away, and let them know in a strong way. I tried to get on his show once, abut i stuttered and got scared, and the screener dropped me quickly. I respect Dr. Savage a lot. but don't 100% agree all the time with him. 99%/ He is a wise, educated by life, deep genius man, and is not afraid to speak his mind, gutsy. I have heard him talk to a few Cds before. If you are respectful, and intelligent, he will listen, and respect you.

Lisa Roberts
08-16-2018, 03:03 PM
Alice, I agree with you on Dr. Savage. Sometimes I don’t fully agree with him, but to hear his viewpoint really makes you stop and think. I would love to surround myself with people that wise, patient and overall peaceful.
Lace and Smiles,

08-16-2018, 04:41 PM
I would really prefer that we are not made into a one side political argument. Every one sees the world and the folks in it differently. I do appreciate though that you you represented us and thank you. I feel that many out here in the sticks many are against us and why I won't go out other than me promising my wife I wouldn't. It does annoy me though when people make fun of something that they don't understand. If the media can be unbiased and look at us in a nonjudgmental way then we could possibly be accepted and be able to do our normal thing of enjoying dressing. I love this site and also have found much strength and answers to the questions I've always had about why I like dressing.
Once again thanks for your taking 6 minutes to discuss our problems in the world. I for one do appreciate you.

Beverley Sims
08-17-2018, 02:40 AM
Nothing like a well phrased reply on talkback radio.

Unfortunately some people get too emotional to make sense of any interview.