View Full Version : First trip to dentist en-femme went well

08-16-2018, 01:07 PM
Last week I started 100% full time living as a female. This week I had a dentist's appointment scheduled. So I dressed nicely, in a skirt, a tank top, a sweater that matches the tank top, and wedge heel sandals, and just walked in and checked in for my appointment.

The two receptionists, who both know me on sight, but only as a male, didn't miss a beat. One greeted me and asked if they could help me, and I gave my male name and said I had a 9 AM appointment. They just looked up my name, and asked me to take a seat while they told my dentist I was here.

15 minutes later, a dental assistant came to get me. She said "Welcome back. Good to see you again." and took me back to the room for my treatment. Only when we were back there did she politely ask if I had a preferred pronoun. I thanked her, said I will be using female pronouns, she/her/hers, from now on, and that I was now living full time as a woman. I also told her the legal name and gender change would probably be in 3 to 6 months, when I change over my driver's license and birth certificate. She then asked if I had a female name I preferred to use, and I told her Ceera, and that I was planning on demoting my male first name (which is a unisex name) to my middle name, and adding Ceera as my new first name. So I'll still answer to my old first and last name, but yes, the new name would be appreciated. She and I also chatted about a few other people she knew who were transitioning, and she was very welcoming and supportive for me.

Dentist came in, and did not even comment on my gender change. He just did the exam, and turned me back over to the dental tech for some minor treatments.

All told, I couldn't have asked for it to go any better!

08-16-2018, 01:12 PM
That's great Ceera! I'm really pleased that it went so well.

Crissy 107
08-16-2018, 01:38 PM
Certainly, Good for you and I’m very happy all went well at the dentist. Time to check that box!

08-16-2018, 05:40 PM
Ceera you are looking very good. I have to ask did you have to reapply your beautiful lipstick after they finished with their fingers in your mouth? For some reason I saw your lipstick and that thought popped in my mind.... Lol

Tracy Irving
08-16-2018, 06:08 PM
Here's to a cavity free appointment!

08-16-2018, 10:48 PM
Jaylin: I use the cream lip stain from Sephora. I bite a piece of tissue once, just after applying it, to blot off any excess, and it stays smudge free, all day. Wasn’t smudged at all after the appointment!

Beverley Sims
08-17-2018, 02:51 AM
I am glad it went well, although I would not do it.

08-17-2018, 04:54 AM
Ceera, Lovely story thanks for posting it . On question did you leave your lipstick off before the appointment , I wonder how happy they are having it smeared on their surgical instruments ?

I had the same treatment when I checked into my GP, the receptionist asked if I wanted to change my registered name , I told her it wasn't a problem but I'd kept it simple by using an I instead of a Y if and when the time comes . The GP was fine with me being dressed . I also attended my blood donation session dressed without any problems , again I had the reistered name question. I did have to smile as I sat in the waiting area , out of about twenty people with a 50-50 mix of men and women I was the only one wearing a skirt , the screening nurse just told me I'm doing fine , I was perfectly comfortable with the situation .

08-17-2018, 08:33 AM
Teresa, my cream lip stain doesn’t rub off easily once applied. A hot coffee mug might get just enough transfer to show adorable lipstick prints when I drink from it, but I am sure they got less of my lipstick on their instruments than other, much more yucky stuff that routinely ends up on them in an exam. Nothing that routine cleaning and sterilization would not easily remove.