View Full Version : More CD's ???

08-24-2018, 08:25 AM
Do you wish there were more crossdressers? Would you like to see more out and about in society? Society see's more so they begin to accept. For example would you like to go shopping and see a male dressed nicely in girl pants or jeans with coordinated top and shoes and the girl clothes fit him nicely. With winter coming a male wearing heeled boots and boot cut jeans. A short but what would be considered a feminine hair style with ear rings and a little makeup. A male totally dressed as a female and very attractive and passable? "Me" in a store wearing sandles, girl jeans with a tucked flat front and V neck girl T. So again I ask how would you feel to see this, how about your wife? If the male wanted to wear a bra and forms to complete the womanly look he liked is that going to far from just the clothes????? Do you look better in girl clothes than men's? Ever see any male to female transformations and how a plain guy can become a beautiful woman? In Your Opinion should clothing designers have moved forward from the 1930's in male clothing and have made it more accepted (unisex) by society for males to wear some women's clothes since they do control people's minds especially women with what people wear? Hey Designers, there are three times more women's clothes in stores than men's $$$$$$$ That said remember changes on men such as long hair, ear rings, piercings.

Can't wait to hear.

Tracy Irving
08-24-2018, 08:36 AM
As a crossdresser, of course it would be nice to see more crossdressers out there!

With a large enough presence, most of the general public may eventually see it as no big deal.

lynda o
08-24-2018, 08:56 AM
I do quite often go out wearing women’s jeans in male mode, I find they fit much better. The only problem is the pockets are too small to carry anything.

08-24-2018, 08:59 AM
I would be happy with more acceptance by the non cross dressing/ non lbgt people.

08-24-2018, 09:00 AM
Personally I believe that there are a lot more cds out there than we like to think. It's just that some may not be that obvious. For example your description of a male totally dressed in female clothing and boots, a little makeup, that is exactly how I presented all day yesterday and again this morning when out shopping. All that was missing was the female hairstyle and the ear rings, but then I don't have any piercings at all. Wether or not I look better in girls clothing is for others to judge, but I do feel a lot better.
Yes I have seen a plain man transformed into an attractive female. My very first professional transformation showed me just how much can be accomplished. But I should also say that being dressed male does not mean that your clothing choice has to be dull and unexciting.

Beverley Sims
08-24-2018, 09:07 AM
I feel there are a lot more closeted CDs out there, I am not necessarily interested in men wearing female clothing, it is the art form of disguise that interests me more.

dana digs sweaters
08-24-2018, 09:49 AM
More crossdressers out there?
Just the tip of the iceberg has been seen in public.
Kind of a shock to see about 80 (eighty) CDs with a few of their S.O. at my first Tri-Ess meeting at age eighteen


a pic for reference


Princess Chantal
08-24-2018, 10:43 AM
I wish there more crossdressers like Phili and Martha B visible out in society than the passable and fully feminine appearing crossdressers you are describing. I am sure the more visible “MIAD”, the less pressure to look like the magazine model women (gg or trans) to enjoy our crossdressing freely.

Btw congrats on refraining on mentioning panties, I had to do a double take on who started the thread LoL

Sami Brown
08-24-2018, 11:02 AM
I would like to see more crossdressers in public. As far as my wife goes, she does see them at her workplace, which is a truck stop. She goes out of her way to make them feel welcome without letting them know she knows they are crossdressing. In other words, she treats them like anybody else.


08-24-2018, 11:17 AM
I’m not going to say I wish there were “more CDs”. I will say that I wish the world was more accepting and understanding so that the CDs that are out there would feel safe in expressing themselves in public as they wish. I feel like wishing the world was populated with “more of our own kind” is a slippery slope.

Gillian Gigs
08-24-2018, 11:42 AM
I tend to lean more to getting more CD'ers out of the closet. Like I should talk, for the most part I'm an underdresser. If things were more accepting in my red neck small town I would be tend toward wearing a skirt, pantyhose and my usual guy clothes the rest of the way. Society changes in small steps, one of the easiest ways to start the trend would be to wear skirts in the hot weather of summer.

08-24-2018, 11:46 AM

Yes it would be great if even those who currently would call themselves a CD'er felt that the world was so non judgemental that they had the confidence to go out enfemme with out fearing the worst. It's never, never say never, going to be the case that the average hetro male is going to go out in a skirt and blouse. That said even now there's a blurring of styles for men and women especially amongst the young.

Many 16+ males now wear skin tight trousers that. apart from having pockets and a zip fly, are in all but name leggings. One major retail firm has stopped having girls and boys clothing sections and now just has children's. Add to this that it does seem that there are more young people who don't conform to the gender binary model with ever more coming out as Gay, it does seem that things are moving towards a more inclusive and less judgemental society.

08-24-2018, 12:04 PM
1. I believe there are a lot more crossdressers.
2.Yes I would and I believe there are quite a few out there already.
3.Im not real sure why they would have to be very attractive and passable. No problem with it
4.I believe most people are a little more open minded than they were 10 or 20 years ago
6.Yes I have had a lot of people tell me that
7.I don't believe the clothing designer's control people's minds.
I do believe that know one really cares what you are wearing they are to busy with what there lives.
My first few outing I was scared to death with what people would think or do. That was my own fear because everyone that I encountered was nice and respectful. I know there are some people out there that won't treat you that way.

08-24-2018, 02:24 PM
Princess Chantal

So sorry I forgot to mention panties, I have gotten older since my last post, that must be it. I always find a way to mention them, my mind must be slipping and my boobs are sagging too. However I am wearing the most sexy, feminine pink thong right now, it's the softest silky feeling nylon with lace just not on the legs but on the waist too. And it feels so comfy and feminine, almost like commando but better. Just passed a few young ladies in the mall, I'm sure my thong looks better than what they are wearing and they didn't even notice my girl shorts. I have a new word to drive you and our members crazzzzy, it is not panties anymore, it's thongs, thongs, thongs.

Chantal I know you just can't wait until my next posting, the three pack came with lavender and black, I'll be sure to let you know how they feel.

08-24-2018, 03:36 PM
I agree with Kaye , once you talk to people it is surprising how many there are , I have been told of many in my new town, so far I haven't met them .

Should there be more ? I'm not sure if that bothers me or not , I dress to blend well enough to comfortably do my jobs . So far I haven't had a problem, the buzz may be wearing off I'm just feeling perfectly normal, I'm 100% now in my new town it doesn't feel right going out in drab , I prefer how I look dressed it certainly doesn't bother other people .

Chantal ,
I could never say I look like a magazine model , it's not my intention but I do prefer the complete look because I prefer to integrate into the community , I'm living that part of my life as a woman just going about my everyday jobs, it feels good to be accepted by people dressed as such .

08-24-2018, 04:35 PM
Un fortunately I was not able to find out any more but a shop I use the SA told me that she had 3 CD custpomers who came in fully dressed unfortunately that SA left soon after and I was unable to gather any more info otherwise I would have tendered the hand of friendship, near me is an English ex pat who is cd and so far I have been unable to find.
Yes I wish there were a lot more sadly this is something which will take the muggles out there a lot of time to understand I can only be thankful for my neighbours understanding and accepting me for what and who I am.
Times will change for sure and acceptances will spread but alas it will take time.

Rhonda Jean
08-24-2018, 05:58 PM
I see more now than ever. For years (decades) the only one I saw was me! If you include males who are somewhere along the spectrum, that's becoming common. Not everywhere by any means, but certainly common enough in certain circles and areas that it's no longer a surprise.

08-24-2018, 06:22 PM
I’m of two minds. I personally wish to blend in and go about life like any other woman. At the same time I realize that every personal interaction will be between me as a transgender person and regular folk. More of the latter interactions by ‘us’ will hopefully improve societal perceptions of us.

08-24-2018, 07:14 PM
I would like there to be more crossdressers out there, but of course it's always "them, not me".

08-24-2018, 07:23 PM
We will see more crossdressing as time goes on. The younger generation has many more accepting people who know more about the variation in gender and sexuality. But it will take time.

Kimberly Adams
08-24-2018, 07:46 PM
I think society at large is more accepting of the cd/transgender community than ever before. Everybody gets judged for one thing or another, it's just human nature. I've been out dressed in the general public many many times and can only recall one bad experience. I think life is best lived doing what pleases you and not worrying about what anyone thinks as long as you are not harming anyone else.

08-24-2018, 10:23 PM
Hopefully history repeats itself. If I understand correct there was once a time where men wore very feminine clothes and shoes.

08-25-2018, 01:49 PM
Seeing more CD's is simple, if that's your goal. Just go where the CD's R!:heehee:

We'll be seeing nearly 500 at Hamburger May's next Sat. nite in Long Beach!:daydreaming:

08-26-2018, 09:29 PM
I can't imagine how many people would dress in women's clothing in public if it was more socially acceptable.