View Full Version : 3 Days of dressing

09-08-2018, 08:04 AM
As I sit here I'm on my third day of dressing while my wife is away for the second time this week.

The first day was planning what to wear after I got home from work. It was HOT!!! in the 90's. So just short skirt and a tank top and a baby doll nightie at night.

The second day I had to go golfing. I wore my women's golf shorts and polo shirt with a sport bra and panties. The shorts felt like I was wearing panties they were so soft and short my wife doesn't like me to wear them. The top was fit snug but it moved when I swung the club. Wore a little make up eye shadow mascara and lipstick. No one said a thing. My wife set up a dinner date with some friend for me after golf. Came home changed into jeans Tee shirt took off the sport bra put on a pink bra with matching panties. After dinner I came home and shower and shaved for the evening of dressing. I got out 2 outfits with heels to see what make up I was going to put on to go with them. After getting dress I took my dog out for a short walk. Then I went for a drive needing gas I stop at a busy gas station. The wind was blowing up my skirt of my dress. The man at the pump next to me kept looking I could see him in my window of my car. So I open the door of my car and bended over to get something out of my purse so he could look up my skirt. Then washed the windows around the car. I was having fun teasing him.

Today I'm putting things away but my just called and won't be home till later tonight. As I sit here in a white skirt and black white top and white heels. Now that I have more time I'm going to go try on more outfits.

Will post more later.

09-08-2018, 08:51 AM
This sounds like a very fun three days, and like a good novelist you paint the pictures vividly. I hope you will buy a little portable phone cam tripod and take some pics to illustrate! And on the this last day stretch the envelope a little. Nice that your wife and golfing buddies are so tolerant.

I want to offer a caution- it is totally understandable we want to flash someone for fun [just like in the movies or teen years] but unless the ground rules are clear, it can be misunderstood as a come hither- and it is not fun at all if someone decides that you want to play with them, if their idea of the game differs.

09-08-2018, 10:16 AM
Hi Glenda :hugs: Just be sure to give yourself enough time to get all cleaned up
and do a final Inspection >Orchid ..+:daydreaming:+..

09-08-2018, 03:15 PM
Glenda, playing golf enfemme. You are a brave girl than I. Sounds like a great few days.

09-08-2018, 03:32 PM
I had just taken my nail polish off and my wife calls me to tell me she won't be home till tomorrow morning. Great but the timing was bad. Because I had a mani and pedi on Thursday and they looked great.

Maybe now I'll dress and go shopping but the weather has gotten cooler may need to wear a sweater and skirt.

Wish I could post some pics will try later.

Beverley Sims
09-11-2018, 07:55 AM
Three days can be a wonderful time.

09-12-2018, 06:21 PM
Thought I was going to get a forth day in when my wife called and said she was staying one more night. I had cut the lawn earlier so I went in and shower and shaved. Put on my bra and panties when the door bell rang. It was a old neighbor. Slip on my women's jeans and a Tee shirt and answer the door. He had seen me out while visiting another neighbor and thought he come and talk since he more 3 years ago. WE sat for hours drinking wine. All the while me wanting to dress up. He in his 80s so I didn't have the heart to ask him to go. After he left it was to late to go out so I just put on a skirt and top and watched some TV.