View Full Version : Photos advocating violence against Transgenders

09-11-2018, 04:59 PM
This photo has been making it's rounds on Facebook. Crazy how these social media tough guys are advocating violence, assault and murder, to anyone who they deem shouldn't be in a certain restroom. Very insecure people make these pictures, let alone plaster it on your vehicle.

Yet thousands of transgendered men and women have used opposite restrooms without incident everyday!! The odds that there's a transgender in a stall beside your and you not even knowing it are huge. And nothing happens other than using the restroom like everyone else does.

Nothing but scaring the uninformed and closed mined people about false claims of the Transgendered.

Rhonda Jean
09-11-2018, 05:40 PM
A side effect of awareness. I'm 60. I've always been a little uncomfortable using the women's restroom, but I've done it when I had to since I was a teenager. Only once did I even have the hint of a problem. One reason is because transgender people were not on anybody's radar. It was easier to pass because of it, and people didn't have a prepared response when you didn't pass. There is much greater acceptance now, but those hold-outs are crazier and angrier than ever.

09-11-2018, 06:49 PM
If anyone does have the opportunity to take such a picture and post it, please make sure you post the license plate. It would be helpful if there were actually an assault on a transgender woman in identifying a possible suspect.

09-11-2018, 06:59 PM
Problem is there are way to many with simple minds.
I think they are afraid of some thing rubbing off onto them,
and turning them into a girl.

09-11-2018, 07:07 PM
What if the wife and daughter follow me into the ladies room, does that change the paradigm such that I no longer need the wheel chair? Really, I'm just poking fun at the stupidity of this bumper sticker. Is this really such an issue that someone spends the money and time to put this on a truck.

Kelly DeWinter
09-11-2018, 07:41 PM
I examined the picture in detail, and just so everyone knows. Its a photo-shopped picture not a bumper sticker. Still the idea that people would actively promote hate is sickening.

09-11-2018, 07:45 PM
What if the wife and daughter follow me into the ladies room, does that change the paradigm such that I no longer need the wheel chair? Really, I'm just poking fun at the stupidity of this bumper sticker. Is this really such an issue that someone spends the money and time to put this on a truck.

Sadly today, it's amazing and crazy what decals people make to put on their vehicles.
What about Female to Males following boys into the restroom?

Research has shown that crimes committed by transgender men and women in restrooms, changerooms, ect are extremely rare. 1.4 million transgenders in the US and only one reported crime perpetrated by them in the restroom/changeroom. Crimes and harassment against Transgenders are far more numerous.


09-11-2018, 07:49 PM
I think they are afraid of some thing rubbing off onto them,
and turning them into a girl.

That doesn't sound so bad to me Rader :laughing:

09-11-2018, 07:53 PM
I examined the picture in detail, and just so everyone knows. Its a photo-shopped picture not a bumper sticker. Still the idea that people would actively promote hate is sickening.

Ya, when I looked closer at it, I could tell. Just the fact that someone also went through the time and effort to photoshop it, then post on Facebook. But it also won't be a stretch that it exists somewhere on a real vehicle as well. It was definitely made to promote hatred and violence on social media. Judging by all the comments on the Facebook post, it's doing it's job.

09-11-2018, 07:58 PM
I have been using women's facilities for a while now without a problem , if I feel there could be one I would head for the disabled ones instead , so the sticker maybe partially true but I do realise it is inciting a violent reaction aginst the TG community . I agree with Stephanie and take the number or better still a picture of the vehicle and report the owner .

It needs an extra sticker adding to it showing a prison cell saying , " And this is where the owner of this vehicle will end up !"

09-11-2018, 08:11 PM
It was definitely made to promote hatred and violence on social media. Judging by all the comments on the Facebook post, it's doing it's job.
Can't be. I've been assured right on this forum, that any hatred towards us, as well as any danger of potential violence, is all in our minds.

Tracii G
09-11-2018, 08:16 PM
A man like that would be an easy mark for me.
I would just talk him to the point he fell asleep.

Crissy 107
09-11-2018, 10:20 PM
I find photos advocating violence against anyone to be disgusting. Truth is if that was really on someone’s vehicle he would be inviting violence against himself. Unfortunately jerks like the one who posted it will always be around.

Aunt Kelly
09-11-2018, 10:24 PM
Sadly today, it's amazing and crazy what decals people make to put on their vehicles.
What about Female to Males following boys into the restroom?

Research has shown that crimes committed by transgender men and women in restrooms, changerooms, ect are extremely rare. 1.4 million transgenders in the US and only one reported crime perpetrated by them in the restroom/changeroom. Crimes and harassment against Transgenders are far more numerous.


Purported and alleged. None successfully prosecuted. Not one. The violence is a direct result of campaigns intended to sow fear and discontent, among a group that is ripe for it. This is not nearly so much politics as it is an historical pattern. Exploiting fear of "the other" is a tried and true method to align with your side those who might not otherwise be so inclined. The tactic goes back thousands of years. And of course, nothing provokes emotion like "think of the children".

Let's say it again... Not. One. Single. Case. It is a non-existent "problem".

Can't be. I've been assured right on this forum, that any hatred towards us, as well as any danger of potential violence, is all in our minds.

Really? Where? I must have missed that.

09-11-2018, 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by sometimes_miss
"Can't be. I've been assured right on this forum, that any hatred towards us, as well as any danger of potential violence, is all in our minds."

I agree with Kelly. I have not read here that violence against trans people does not exist. However, I have read that if you pick the right venues, time of day, and have a companion you are probably as safe as most other places. I would also like to read those posts that I may have missed that said that.

09-12-2018, 01:01 AM
Always plan my short trips out so that No Pit Stops are necessary. I know that for TGs, the sits are different. But many of us Part-time Dressers that are not out for long periods-- we can avoid the "restroom " issue. Have seen many versions similar to this photo.. Given the state I live in- I avoid the ladies room purposely. Be Safe. Toni G..

09-12-2018, 01:53 AM
Can't be. I've been assured right on this forum, that any hatred towards us, as well as any danger of potential violence, is all in our minds.

And, all our national and local politicians are out there proposing legislation for equality for all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-12-2018, 02:36 AM
Men and their motors,usually sufferers of small man syndrome.Oooooh a scary bumper sticker that'll send me into a fit of the terrors....not.Maybe being from the U.K. The dangers of a crazy coming after me all guns blazing (metaphorically speaking,or not) aren't as high.And yeah although I've said a lot is in our heads It doesn't mean I'm not going to take measures to keep myself safe


09-12-2018, 02:45 AM
You know what I see in that picture? I see barely concealed hatred of women and a repressed anger at himself at his own inability to father a son. I see a man who hates himself, which is why he has to externalise his rage at those he thinks are weaker than himself. And of course, we can never discount the possibility that he's a closet dresser himself. Perhaps that's a contributory factor too? He secretly dresses, but, like many of us, knows that he will never pass and so has a great jealousy of those among us who can and do. At the end of the day he deserves our contempt for his attitudes, but he also deserves our pity, as showing him pity would break his spirit more than our contempt.

09-12-2018, 01:19 PM
And this shows this much larger problem men encounter in general. The thinking that all boys and men are sexual predators.

Beverley Sims
09-13-2018, 07:06 AM
Statements like the one illustrated show a lack of knowledge and we have to live with that until society's outlook changes.

This goes for any bigoted statement.

09-13-2018, 07:29 AM
I'm no criminal law expert but I think here in England you would be committing two offenses by displaying that sticker, one of inciting violence and one of a hate crime towards a minority group. If someone complained I also expect the police would give them the opportunity to remove it along with a caution (verbal warning) before taking further action.

09-13-2018, 11:23 AM
You say thousands of trans folks use the restrooms every day without incident. I would also like to point out to the uninformed that there have been several cases of women being raped or assaulted by men in public restrooms. In exactly 0 of those cases (that I know of) has the man been dressed as a woman. Banning Trans people from public restrooms does NOT protect ANYbody.

Rhonda Jean
09-13-2018, 12:30 PM
They're not really worried about a TG person doing anything. They're just disgusted by seeing us (or they claim to be to enhance their public he-man persona) and want to rage against something that is of no real danger. We're an easy mark. I know a lot of you are a lot more capable of defending yourselves than I am, but I'm pretty much a sissy when it comes to such things. I'm not very big, not very strong, never been in a fight and I don't want to be. Guys who get off on being some sort of a bad ass, even those who aren't really, can feel like a real tough guy around me. Thankfully, not many are bent that way.

09-13-2018, 02:42 PM
Really? Where? I must have missed that.


That's only the most recent; if you really want to know, feel free to look through the past forum threads about it. Many here like to ignore the potential dangers that we may face, when going out in public en femme, and encourage others to do so. While I strongly support those who wish to, I believe that it should also contain a bit of a warning to maintain a constant situational awareness to the potential danger that might be right behind you; and you won't know it, until it's too late.

Be careful. You want to experience what women do? That would be always the potential of being a victim of violence.

09-13-2018, 10:28 PM
So a Female to Male walks into a Woman's restroom because they are using the restroom that they were born to use? What would these self claimed heroes do?

Either way, it will still be assault, which is a crime. And if you assault a person to the point they are confined to wheelchair, that's pretty a serious crime. Also pretty hefty lawsuits.

Crissy 107
09-14-2018, 05:22 AM
If I actually saw that on someone’s truck I feel very strongly that I would say something. I get very upset with that sort of bigotry and hatred. I know my wife would be telling me to not get involved but sometimes you just have to let the chips fly.
I’m not saying I would physically confront them by getting into an altercation but I would want to say my piece. Crissy

09-14-2018, 05:47 AM
Sometimes_miss......The key part in my post that you've saw fit to bring up is "we've come to realise that a lot (not all) of fears we have had are all in our heads" no where in my post did I say we weren't aware of what could possibly arise.We use our common sense to know where to go etc.All I can say is up till this point,other than the usual funny looks neither myself or my friends have had any cause to feel fear.Maybe it's the difference between being visible here in the UK and in the US



09-14-2018, 05:18 PM
till this point,other than the usual funny looks neither myself or my friends have had any cause to feel fear.[
It's kind of like saying, I've never known anyone who's car has broken down, so I don't have to worry about it ever happening to me when I go out for a drive.
Stay safe.

Aunt Kelly
09-14-2018, 09:34 PM
The rest of that thread was testimony to the fact that, with any modicum of judgement, one is in no danger. Nobody suggested that there was no danger, but I believe that we've established that the fear many harbour is unfounded. That is the statement we are making, not that all fears are such.

09-14-2018, 09:39 PM
I want to get some really long, sharp, titanium stiletto nails glued to my fingers in case I ever run into that truck.

“Why no officer this is not white paint under my fingernails, it’s ummm......”

09-14-2018, 10:04 PM
Its so ridiculous, transgenders abusing people in bathrooms isn't a thing. Another man or another woman could just as easily abuse occupants anyway. Its nothing to do with how you dress or identify as. People just fear what they don't understand. Some people also have the mistaken belief its all made up. Which is just so ignorant in itself.

Anne E
09-14-2018, 10:16 PM
Spreading fear and hatred is weakness and cowardess.

Aunt Kelly
09-15-2018, 11:12 AM
Spreading fear and hatred is weakness and cowardess.

In this case though, it is a calculated maneuver, aimed at the ignorant and fearful.

09-16-2018, 12:38 AM
A few times in the last few years I've been in a discussion with women who were upset with the Feds making a rule that people could use the restroom of their chosen sex. Much of the problem is that the way it was brought in gave many to think that a man could just go into the women's rest room or into dressing rooms and showers with them. One of the problems has been that voyeurs and voyeurism has resulted in men sneaking into places where women are in a state of undress. When the equal access rule was instituted I heard both men and women say, "well now men will just announce they are going to use the women's restroom so they can come in.

I've used the women's restroom years ago, but I did look the part. I've been to events where women used the mens stalls while they used the urinals. On the other hand I know women who can't go to the bathroom except at home.

It isn't the trans people causing the problem, it is the assumption that others will use the rule and create the problem. Most people don't know much about trans people. It is out there more, but it will take time. I think most people accept that if you look like a women you can use that bathroom.

09-16-2018, 02:31 PM
If I am dressed as a female, I use the restroom associated with my appearance. I have never had a problem. That being said, there was an article in the Greenville, SC newspaper about a male dressed as a female and was taking photos of women in ajoining stalls. He was arrested. These types give crossdressers a bad name.
Love, Sabrina

Alice Torn
09-16-2018, 10:28 PM
I always have made sure i did not drink or eat much before i have gone out in public. i have never used a walk in nonlocking womens room. I have used the locking womens rooms, as a guy, when i had to go bad, and the men's room was busy and locked. At over six foot ten in heels, and not passable, i don't take the chance.