View Full Version : Another first for me to tick off !

09-18-2018, 11:47 AM
Last week we had an introduction to a new social group member , we exchanged phone numbers so within a short time she rang to ask if I would meet up at a large out of town store . She would have to come in drab but had no objections to me being dressed , I must admit this mix was new to me . I knew she would be looking to me to take a lead so I felt under a little of pressure, wondering what to wear and also something suitable brecause I had several errands to do after our meet back in town . I chose a fine knit striped bodycon dress with my black boots and lightweight coat . We met and did some shopping but it's not easy circumstances when trying to help someone out with items when they are in drab . I found this situation easier with a new member a couple of weeks ago while she was dressed because I could take her into the changing area and help her but it didn't work the same in these circumstances . We then headed for coffee and had a really good chat about dressing matters . When we left she gave me a hug and thanked me for doing the meet , next Friday she will be using my home to change and join us for a social meeting she's really looking forward to that .

The rest of the day was pretty full for me , I did feel a little overdressed but still dropped in on a new seamstress I've found to get a skirt and a couple of Tshirts altered . Then headed off looking for dressing table lights and found a great used furniture shop where I bought two chairs for my new dressing table . I had a real ball with owners , the owner's mother said she read me fairly quickly but still said I look great and then her daughter returned from delivering furniture and she was very impressed and slightly annoyed because I had a better figure than her and a better complexion . The lovely twist was the mother told me she runs WW2 reenactment group and many CDers attend to get the chance to dress , so I may go back to ask for more details, it might be a bit of fun to spend the day in female uniform . My final stop was to buy a pair of dressing table lamps so now I have my bedroom to rearrange with my new dressing table and chairs , time to slip my slim fit jeans on !!

Before any one jumps on me for outing myself again , the mother read me and started to talk to me about the group she runs, she's so use to dealing with Cders she knows all the tell tale signs . So we are back to point that passing 100% very rarely happens , the other point is the more I go out dressed the more people tell me about other Cders . It appears far more know about us than we think and far more people are accepting us .

Gillian Gigs
09-18-2018, 12:45 PM
I think that it would be neat to do a retro 40's day of dressing. Whether it is in uniform, or civilian clothes, it would be fun especially if you could get your hair done in a 40's look also. If you do it, please get pictures to share with everyone.

09-18-2018, 03:05 PM
Why should anyone,even any hyper critical posters on here,have a problem with you outing yourself it's your life and your living it the way you want.I dont think we should get as caught up in the quest for the mythical 100% passing,as we do as it's unattainable for most of us.We should go out and enjoy ourselves,without that muddling our minds.

It's really nice of you to help other dressers out,its always good to pay it forward if you can.Love the idea of a 40s enactment,will you make it really authentic by painting stockings on with gravy juice and drawing line up the back of your legs :) Get yourself a nice tea dress and get your hair done in 40s style


Tracii G
09-18-2018, 03:14 PM
Teresa you don't need to come out to anyone you are already out so no need for excuses.
The WWII reenactment sounds like fun.
I have done Vietnam and a WWI versions in uniform (drab) and to get to do it in glamorous 40's enfemme look heck yes I would do it.

09-18-2018, 03:25 PM
Sometimes the term "outing" is inappropriate. If you acknowledge you're not 100% passable as a woman, and you choose to live your life as a MtF cross dresser without caring who sees you, is it really 'outing' yourself. 'Outing" seems to be appropriate for a man trying to conceal his cross dressing due to some perceived peril. No?

09-18-2018, 04:08 PM
If I was you I be scared but would probably go for it. All day in female uniform not a bad deal. Go enjoy it.

09-18-2018, 04:19 PM
Just trying to cover my tracks from recent verbal attacks !

That's exactly what I do , it's been a long time coming . Another reason to drop all the labels , they really do make very little difference . Just to go back on my thread asking , " Are we just seen as crossdressers ?" The lady in the furniture shop used that as a general term and not the TG one .

I have a nice tea dress but I'm drawn to going with a uniform . I have my old wig which will restyle well enough for a forties look .


09-18-2018, 06:11 PM
Cool Teresa you should definitely go for it, and remember don't tell them your name Pike :)


Sami Brown
09-19-2018, 02:18 PM
I think that wig is a good choice! I hope you have a blast, Teresa.


09-19-2018, 04:33 PM
Teresa, that sounds as though it could be a real blast but do not go as a land girl! I don't think a boiler suit would work not unless it was really close fitting but yes, I think you should go, I think period dresses are so glamourous as well.

Lana Mae
09-19-2018, 06:16 PM
Sounds great! Go for it! Hugs Lana Mae

09-19-2018, 07:48 PM
Hi Teresa :hugs:, After a history of one major train wreck after another,

It really sound like after all this time you are finally starting to live your DREAM. >Orchid ..0:daydreaming:0..

Beverley Sims
09-20-2018, 04:48 AM
Like you I have been surprised at the number of people that have had or have interactions with CDs.