View Full Version : A dream.

09-18-2018, 09:27 PM
Everyone has a dream of some kind. My dream takes place in early fall. I am wearing a nice knee length skirt with a nice, light pull over short sleeve sweater. I am completely dressed (No make up except a light amount of lip gloss, pink) I grab a small blanket out of my car and proceed to walk up a small knoll or hill where I spread my blanket down next to a tree. I sit down on the blanket with my skirt pulled slightly over my knees and look to the west and watch one of God's beautifully sunsets. Where I find the peace and tranquility to be myself. No one else around, just me.

Crissy 107
09-18-2018, 10:08 PM
That is a very nice dream and I am very fortunate to see some pretty sunsets over the Chesapeake Bay.

09-19-2018, 03:12 AM

Frequently I get to see gorgeous sunsets (and sunrises!) off the coast of Maine (northeast corner of the US). I’m not en femme there ... would love to be someday ... but a girl can daydream, a bit, can’t she?


09-19-2018, 07:33 AM
That's a lot nicer than my dreams.

09-19-2018, 08:15 AM
Yeah my dreams as of lately been about various things and usually the crazy things that have happened within the last few weeks.
We do have beautiful sunsets out here in West Texas and from the hill at the farm they are stunning. I love setting in my jeep at the top of the hill watching the sun go down. It is relaxing.

09-19-2018, 09:21 AM
To quote Bob Dylan if my thought dreams could be seen they probably put my head into a guillotine

09-19-2018, 10:18 AM
I unilaterally decided to let my gray hair grow some 10 years ago. My hair is past my shoulderblades and is fairly fine so i have to wear it back in a ponytail or it's completely unmanageable. My wife's response when i first put it into a ponytail was that she was surprised that she found it to be sexy. Now, it would be totally disappointing for her if I cut it.

My dream would be that i'm wearing something totally femme around the house and that she'd find herself surprised that she found me to be completely sexy in whatever it was I was wearing.