View Full Version : Beards

09-19-2018, 09:13 AM
Unlike many here, I hate seeing myself in the mirror without my beard. Even with a skirt or tunic and leggings, I like my look as more of a "contrarian male" and not female at all.

Anyone else wear a beard regularly?

09-19-2018, 10:41 AM
Since I don't like makeup and such, I don't really look at my face in the mirror when dressing, it is more about the clothes and silhouette. I also identify as non-binary now so I have no problem mixing male and female aspects (skirt and heels with a men's button up shirt, stubble and leg hair). I usually only have a beard in the winter though (helps keeping the face warmer when running or shoveling) but I keep it trimmed once a week (which is a nice break from daily shaving during the rest of the year). But even when I shave daily, I am using a crappy electric razor that doesn't do the closest shave so I usually always have noticeable stubble and it doesn't bother me in the mirror.

09-19-2018, 11:16 AM
I used to; had a full beard for about 40 years. When I started turning gray, and got told that I looked like a homeless man / grandfather, I shaved it off. After that, I was told that I took 10 years off my appearance. Worth getting up early every day to shave. It wasn't until I started shaving every day that I found out just how much better modern razors have improved since the early 70's. The 5 blade hydro is so good, I can shave in every direction without nicks, cuts, or any irritation. Makes for a very smooth, non scratchy skin, as per the ladies who've experienced it on their own sensitive skin areas. Damn, I was born too soon.

09-19-2018, 01:08 PM
Hi Bea

I feel you. A lot like you, I like my face more with a beard. I'm not alone in that, my wife really doesn't fancy my clean shaved look.
The thing is, however, that I would like to put on make up from time to time whilst being dressed. I hope now my wife knows I'm a crossdresser, I can take the beard of sometimes.
Luckily, as is the case with hair, it grows back :) ... sometimes too quick ;)


Cheryl T
09-19-2018, 03:13 PM
Sorry, but any facial hair is just YUCK for me.

09-19-2018, 03:31 PM
I used to shave daily but now I just let it grow till Saturday the.n use my electric razor to get 95% of the beard hair off then use my hydro to smooth it out and get the stuff the electric razor misses. If I know I'm gonna be dressing on a Monday or Tuesday then I'll go over it again on Monday. I think the make up works better with zero hairs on the face.

Gillian Gigs
09-19-2018, 03:53 PM
I have supported chin whiskers and a mustache for several years, and I keep it closely trimmed. I wouldn't pass, and have no intention in trying either. My thing is lingerie, hose and skirts, with heels on a rare occasion. I'm just a guy who likes certain clothes that don't fit the typical male mode. I support anyone who wishes to do their own thing, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.

The irony of it is that I epilate, or shave the rest of my body. Yah, yah I know, I'm quirky about more than one thing.

09-19-2018, 03:58 PM
I do. Haven't clean shaved in more than several years. I just wear the clothes, and don't have any interest in makeup, so there is no need to shave. Anyway, I like having beard.

Ineke Vashon
09-19-2018, 04:17 PM
Like sometime miss, I also was told I look a lot younger without the (grey) beard. Been clean shaven for six years now. Fits better with the dress :battingeyelashes:


09-19-2018, 05:23 PM
My beard is definitely gray but it camouflages a weak chin well and I really don't mind looking 'older'. I feel like i earned every gray hair and i pretty much just own it.

Oddly, I love the beard, even with a femme style, but i could lose the leg and chest hair and not miss it. The wife has requested that it stay so I keep the furry legs for her.

09-19-2018, 07:24 PM
Only had a beard for the last year or so. Not for any particular reason, mostly because I hate to shave even though I normally ONLY shaved once a week for years. One advantage of not having a SO of the 2 legged variety! As I make no attempt to "pass as a female" it's no problemo for me.

I DO shave my arms and legs (OF COURSE!) but just once a week. After several years of (self) waxing, what does still grow is mostly fine/hard to see hair.

09-19-2018, 09:32 PM
Hi Bea,
There are several of us, bearded ones, on the forum. Check out various "MIaD" posts to see how we look.

Beverley Sims
09-20-2018, 08:14 AM
No beard for me.

When I was younger I could not even raise a whisker and shaved only once a week at most.

09-20-2018, 09:22 AM
Up into my thirties, I never had enough facial hair to support a full beard (and no chest hair for that matter). i was baby faced and probably could have passed if I'd tried. I never considered dressing in those days. I tried on a couple of my wife's things and they fit for the most part, but it was so infrequent and just curiosity. I think that I just never considered women's clothes to be an option.

09-20-2018, 12:14 PM
I use a trimmer and always have a shadow or even a beard or goatee. I don’t mess with makeup unless we are going out which hasn’t been done several Halloween’s ago.

09-20-2018, 11:43 PM
Yes. I never shave when dressing at home. Unlike u, I HATE my male face. Beard, stash, and all!:doh:

Another thing I like about my masks: On or off in seconds!:D

Kiwi Primrose
09-21-2018, 04:16 AM
I have had a beard for almost 50 years. It is always well-trimmed and very few people see me when I am dressed in my skirts or dresses.
Thanks to Conchita Worst I have more confidence than earlier years.

09-21-2018, 01:25 PM
I have a mainly grey beard, at over 6ft & large would never be passable, but still love being dressed.

Sorsha Willow
09-21-2018, 01:41 PM
If I was gonna go out for a "night on the town" I'd surely shave up all pretty-like, but otherwise I like to have a bit of a shadow/stubble. I've got a bit of a babyface, and the beard helps with that.

09-22-2018, 12:09 AM
I had a full beard and moustache for about 25 years. I kept it trimmed short though. Then, a few years ago when big, bushy beards suddenly became the vogue, I shaved mine off. It's something I'd wanted to do for years.
I always thought that if I had a beard, no-one would ever suspect that I was a CD.
But that way of thinking was incompatible with going outside, which I was yearning to do.
So when the beard went, I was able to realise another desire.

09-25-2018, 01:54 PM
I RARELY fully shave my face... I almost always keep a 5 o’clock shadow or a decent solid beard going. On the rare occasions that I do shave it’s really just for when I want to dress girly and take pics. Thea rest of the time when I dress, I really just focus on my clothing and the body/silhouette...

09-25-2018, 02:15 PM
No beards and dressing for me are incombatible , it's a shave from head to toe every day before heading out the door . Integrating with the public is my main aim, to me it's a wonderful feeling nothing is going to mar that feeling .

09-25-2018, 05:23 PM
I shaved once - so eager the first time- then when it grew back I was WTF?

And I have fun by dressing bearded men I see in feminine imaginary outfits and I am now fully used to the look- no longer feel that it spoils the femininity achieved with an outfit.

So please y'all come over and post pics in the ongoing MIAD sharing thead in the pics section!

09-25-2018, 07:07 PM
No! Not for me... I think body hair is uky

10-05-2018, 03:11 PM
I love Beard and sideburns and I grow them in Winter, I love clean shave too, I just dislike shaving.

Tracii G
10-05-2018, 03:21 PM
I kept a hairy face for 48 years and in 2006 I took it all off and never want it back.
If I had a beard I wouldn't go out in womens clothes.
If you like doing that thats fine its just not for me.
Its not about the clothes for me because I am trans.

Joanne Curl
10-05-2018, 03:36 PM
I’ve had a beard most of my adult life. When I got serious about cross dressing I got rid of all my hair. When I told my wife I was a crossdresser we came very close to splitting up over it. That and breaking her trust. Now she doesn’t like it if I not have at least some facial hair and hates it when I shave my body hair. I love her more than I love being hairless.

10-05-2018, 03:43 PM
I am with the clean shaven folks here, beards are just not for me. I have to admit some people look rather good with them, but I just can't stand my facial hair and have plans to either get laser hair removal or electrolysis, at some point. One thing people with beard's have going for them is you don't have to spend so much money on razors!!!! I just wish I could have started with the hair removal earlier in life, it would have paid for itself by now many times over.