View Full Version : Love / Hate

09-19-2018, 07:35 PM
I love going clothes shopping with my wife and hate it. I love going and see all the pretty dresses, tops and skirts. I hate it because I can't buy. The wife doesn't like my CD but is trying in a don't want to know kind of way. I sometimes feel that she is teasing me buy having me go with her.
Just had to say something to make me feel better.


09-19-2018, 07:41 PM
SIMPLE: The next day go buy what she tried on and you liked for YOURSELF.

09-19-2018, 07:41 PM
Hi Christina :hugs:, That is just one of the crosses that some have to bare . >Orchid ..):daydreaming:(..

Kelly DeWinter
09-19-2018, 07:45 PM
You'll have to choose have too choose wisely, Hate leads to the Dark Side (I love mixing movie quotes) . In a previous post your wife said no shopping in her stores. How about suggesting a different for you ?

09-19-2018, 08:34 PM
I have actually considered it a form of deliberate abuse and "teasing" for my wife to drag me through the women's departments of several stores. Torture.
I'm sure she loves to see me squirm, trying to nonchalant about being in the presence of EVERYTHING I COULD POSSIBLY WANT TO WEAR.
Not fair.
Little does she know it inspires fierce Pink Fog reactions and drive me to dress even more, and NOW.

Teri Ray
09-19-2018, 08:57 PM
This thread makes me feel pretty lucky that I can shop with my wife and we both look for items we think each other would like. I am a lucky person. Just wanted to share the other side of this discussion.

09-20-2018, 04:20 AM
I've always loved shopping with women, as I've always loved the clothes, even if they're not being bought for me.

09-20-2018, 06:37 AM
I don't like shopping with my wife as she can't make a decision so what should take 10 minutes take-in hour. She has no issue with me looking at or buying femme articles.

09-20-2018, 07:22 AM
In my 20's I use to go shopping with my wife and as soon as I got around women's clothing they brought out a rise in me. Often I would have to adjust my clothing to conceal this. Once as I was walking with her out of a store in the mall a woman setting on a bench just outside of the entrance saw my "rise" and chose not to take hers eyes off of it. I'm sure she had no idea what caused it. Another time waiting on my wife to come out of the changing room so I could give my opinion the SA said I wish my husband would go shopping with me and be as attentive as you are; I've always wondered what she would have thought if she only knew. Since she worked in women's clothes and said this would she have been easer to accept a male liking women's clothing? It's such a draw to shop for, touch, feel, try on, buy and wear women's clothing; it just feels 100% right. I'm sure I enjoy this much more than the average women. Therefore wouldn't it be reasonable that I should wear female clothing?

Beverley Sims
09-20-2018, 08:35 AM
I am the other way, I get to buy clothes off the same rack as my wife.

I never felt better.

09-20-2018, 08:38 AM
I'm sure I enjoy this much more than the average women.

So I am Deebra, so am I. Pretty sure my wife never got the female equivalent of 'a rise' in a clothes shop.:)

09-20-2018, 09:27 AM
I don't like shopping with my wife as she can't make a decision so what should take 10 minutes take-in hour..

Only an hour?, you lucky thing, try shopping with my missus!!

09-20-2018, 11:49 PM
Christina, Deebra's answer works on 2 levels. U eye the dresses, etc. when you're out with your SO. Then, come back and buy what u saw and liked the day before.:daydreaming:

Once your SO knows your shopping trips with her result in u coming home with ladies things? She'll be sure to NOT ask u to go with her again!:heehee:

09-21-2018, 02:01 PM
Could it be that she's teasing u? After all, she knows about u being a CD and says she'll "try to live with it". Why then would she torture u by dragging u out to a clothing store and trying them on in front of u? If it were me, I'd sit down and explain that I feel she's unintentionally being insensitive to ur feelings, and that maybe she should go shopping on her own. Or if she takes u along, let u buy 1 or 2 things. U could also possibly agree not to crossdress in front of her if u two come to that agreement. If she continues to fight u on this and drags u into stores without letting u buy anything, then it seems to me like she only cares about herself and not ur feelings.

Diane Taylor
09-21-2018, 02:15 PM
Why is it that in situations where the wife doesn't like the crossdressing, it seems as if it's always the CD who has to do the sacrificing?

Karen RHT
09-21-2018, 07:14 PM
I enjoy shopping with my wife, but not just because I cd. In fact, most of the time my focus is solely on her. What looks good on her, what doesn't look good (IMHO) on her. If she finds that something special that just truly stands out on her, or finds that certain something she has spent a considerable amount of time trying to find, I'm genuinely happy for her.

To her credit, she will frequently ask if I see something for myself, or suggest "that would look good on you." The other day while we were shopping, she outright told me to get a couple of tops for myself, and was disappointed when I didn't. Funny thing though, if she tells me to buy something, and I say I will in order to wear it out to a certain venue or an out of town event, she'll give me the "you're not going to start that again are you?" response.

I'll also admit that once I know my wife likes something, I always wait to see if she buys it before deciding to buy it myself.


Paige Dehart
09-21-2018, 07:33 PM
Diane, Not that I am saying it is fair but, in some cases it is because CDing is not what the wife signed up for when she got married and the CD spouse is just trying to keep the relationship together.

char GG
09-21-2018, 08:35 PM
I honestly don't know ANY women who shop with their husbands or even like to shop with a friend. I don't like waiting for other people to decide and I don't like them waiting for me. On the rare occasions when I do shop (not my favorite activity), I go alone.

09-21-2018, 09:06 PM
I have a similar problem. My wife knows all about me, sees me dressed nearly every day, but won't be seen with me dressed in public and won't shop for clothes with me. Too bad, because she sometimes doesn't choose well. So, when I want to shop I do it alone or with a female friend. Wifey might get PO'd if she figures it out, but what do you do when your first choice turns you down? This is what you get......

Michelle Crossfire
09-21-2018, 11:14 PM
I have actually considered it a form of deliberate abuse and "teasing" for my wife to drag me through the women's departments of several stores. Torture.
I'm sure she loves to see me squirm, trying to nonchalant about being in the presence of EVERYTHING I COULD POSSIBLY WANT TO WEAR.
Not fair.
Little does she know it inspires fierce Pink Fog reactions and drive me to dress even more, and NOW.

I totally agree with you IleneD. My wife will go shopping with me, look for things that would fit me, gives me fashion advice on what goes with what or what would look good with what, but then I have to keep throwing the questions back at her, Where and When? She shops, but will rarely go out with me, so when she wants to go shopping, unless I can dress, I do not get the full enjoyment out of it. She likes the fact that I go shopping with her, but it just isn't the same for me sometimes. I have tried, but have lost quite a few opportunities to dress because of this. Just not fair.

09-22-2018, 02:03 AM
I honestly don't know ANY women who shop with their husbands

You do now Char - my wife. We always shop together and we both love it (sad I know). She never buys anything without getting my opinion (opinion that is, not approval, the choice is hers and hers alone). I too value her opinion and prefer to shop with the benifit of her guidance. It helps that we both have identical tastes and love nothing more than to just sit and people watch so that we can criticise the usual fashion faux pas that pass us by more often than not. :)

char GG
09-22-2018, 10:00 AM
That's great, Daisy! Nice way for a couple to spend time together. It's wonderful that you two are so compatible, I love to hear stories like that.

When I truly stopped and thought about it, we do shop together if we are out of town (like on vacation). Shopping is not my favorite activity but the people watching is! I can really get into that!