View Full Version : A close call.

09-29-2018, 08:07 PM
Went for a drive dressed tonight something I've been doing every weekend for quite a while now. I 've been leaving the house just before dark , not ready to go out in broad daylight yet. The plan was to hit the drive thru at the coffee shop. On the way driving down the two lane main street a car ahead of me on the right suddenly cut in front of me , I must have been in the blind spot. I swerved left and the car just missed taking off my front bumper. When I'm out driving dressed I'm not worried about being stopped by the police because of some traffic offence or by the R.I.D.E. PROGRAM (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere).I'm sure the police wouldn't care what I was wearing. The thought of being involved in a traffic accident while dressed and having to deal with the police ,the other driver, a tow truck, possibly an ambulance ,scares me. Don't know how I would have dealt with it and hope I never have to find out.

Alyssa Lane
09-29-2018, 08:29 PM
I have gone out a few times around here. Nowhere too far yet, maybe some night soon

09-29-2018, 08:34 PM
Maybe you two should go for a drive together, to build confidence?

Sami Brown
09-29-2018, 09:08 PM
I am glad you were safe! I can only imagine how disastrous this could have been. It is bad enough to have an accident anytime. Being dressed would only add more stress.

Having said that, please don't let fear of this overwhelm you. Fortunately accidents are rare.

I also suggest you think about different scenarios so that you can plan for how you would handle them. This will add confidence.


09-29-2018, 10:38 PM
Glad that you are OK. Have been nearly hit in crosswalks several times. But was underdressed both times- to include an unfilled bra. Was kinda scary to think about-- but not a lot I could have done except own it in case I was crumpled in the street. Never did drive Dressed anywhere- when I was able to drive. But did have Panties on occasionally. Be Safe. Toni G..

09-30-2018, 01:20 AM
I wonder if the police would allow you to change into a pair of flats if you have to walk in a straight line at a sobriety checkpoint?

09-30-2018, 09:54 AM
I totally understand. I’ve gone out for drives and am very careful, but one never knows, like your experience. I fear 3 things...a flat tire, an accident and being stopped by the police. Discovery in our small town would not be good. Yes, knowing all this, I continue to take my chances.

Beverley Sims
09-30-2018, 09:56 AM
Not happened to me yet, but that is one of the hazards of driving when dressed.

09-30-2018, 10:17 AM
I wonder if the police would allow you to change into a pair of flats if you have to walk in a straight line at a sobriety checkpoint?

There's been a few episodes of "Cops" where women have asked if they could remove their heels before doing the field sobriety tests, and the officers have allowed them to do it bare-footed.

09-30-2018, 11:05 AM
I've been out for many drives and the thought of an 'incident' is always at the back of my mind. I could cope with being stopped by the police (my city is noted for being LGBT friendly) but I have a bail out bag at all times just in case.

09-30-2018, 01:24 PM
There are no guarantees , you can't predict what another driver will do and at some point it is going to happen . So how will you deal with it ? All you can do is dress sensibly maybe not wear excessive heels and certainly don't drink alcohol .

I an incident in a supermarket carpark , I was about to reverse into a parking space when a BMW clipped my front, ripping off my license plate , I was looking back over my shoulder and maybe he was exceeding the speed limit in the car park , hard to say where the fault was . We exchanged details , unusually I was in drab because I was going to buy some flowers for my nmother's birthday .

09-30-2018, 02:06 PM
Karen, I was on my way to an event in Vegas dressed one afternoon. Became the meat in a 3 way accident sandwich! The guy I hit softly checked and found no damage to either car and drove off. The woman who hit my behind had a badly damaged front end. But, was not hurt. Involved in the accident, I forgot I was dressed!

Thru my dealings with both of these muggles, how or why I was dressed never came up! We exchanged insurance and contact/license details and I went on my way. Missed the event but my car was totally driveable the rest of the T week in Vegas. Her insurance picked up the bill on my car.

In times of trouble, I don't think how u r dressed matters to anyone!:battingeyelashes:

Genifer Teal
09-30-2018, 03:30 PM
I was involved in an accident once and it was never an issue. I mean the police came and dealt with everybody statements so I didn't really talk to people directly other than the police and some people who offered me some comfort. There was one person that shouted in my direction maybe it was those heels can you drive in them? And my response was do you see me walking in them I think I'm doing fine. I remember posting online I found a new way to break a nail besides the loss of my car the loss of the nail was almost as tragic. Bottom line how I was dressed meant nothing.

09-30-2018, 04:29 PM
I was once stopped in daylight by a deputy sheriff (registration lapsed). I was dressed from the waist up (no wig) including earrings and lipstick. I did not try to quickly remove anything. He was very nice to me and gave me a citation. I asked him if any of my appearance would be reflected on the citation and he smiled and said, No. As he started to walk away, I called him back and thanked him for being so nice and understanding. He replied, you're welcome. I actually felt good about the whole thing!

09-30-2018, 05:16 PM
when a BMW clipped my front, ripping off my license plate , I was looking back over my shoulder and maybe he was exceeding the speed limit in the car park , .

A BMW?, exceeding the speed limit??? hard to believe....:eek:

09-30-2018, 06:17 PM
Hi Karen :hugs:, You just don't what is going to happen when you are out there,
Glad you made out OK. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Orchid ..o:daydreaming:o..

Tracii G
09-30-2018, 06:36 PM
I was witness to an accident not long ago but I was in the gas station pumping gas in my car and saw the whole thing.
I stopped and asked them if they were both ok. It was a minor wreck but you never know.
The girl asked me did you see what happened because she wasn't sure.I said yeah I saw everything.
I stayed until the cops came because she asked me to and said she would feel better with another woman being there.
I explained and she said Oh ?? OK I still want a woman here.
She referred to me as she to the police and the lady police officer called me she as well.
Our police are trained on how to deal with trans citizens and they do a great job.

Maria 60
09-30-2018, 08:26 PM
I get all excited to go for drives and then I'm all dressed and driving and I get these thoughts about an accident or something. I always think to myself why I do I do this if I have to worry instead of enjoying it.

10-01-2018, 08:44 AM
I was once driving dressed on a dark rural road when a guy on a bicycle came around the corner headed towards me on my side of the road. Luckily, I was able to miss him but it was nerve wracking. I don't drive just to drive but I have to drive to get somewhere. That's mostly in the daytime.

10-01-2018, 09:26 AM
Sometimes I think we all worry too much. Sure we might get pulled over or get in a wreck when driving, but just how likely is that? Does the fear of getting in an accident keep us from driving when in drab? When dressing in the privacy of our homes, we could have a sudden medical emergency that would render us unable to change back before help arrives. Does fear of that stop us from dressing?
