View Full Version : Not the reason I dress, but...

10-02-2018, 01:23 AM
Women's clothing just feels better. Evan jeans and flannel shirts are softer. Quite frankly, boyshorts fit me better than boxers, I love the way dresses hang and leggings and an oversized sweatshirt or sweater (again, softer than the male versions) feel more comfortable to lounge in than sweats. Hell, even carrying a purse feels better than loading everything into your pockets.

I'm not pretending comfort is the reason I dress. If so, I'd avoid heels, bras and makeup (though I love the feel of mascara on my lashes), etc. Getting all dolled up can be a lot of work, but I also just find some of the clothing to be more comfortable.

bridget thronton
10-02-2018, 01:39 AM
I tend to agree - I just find dressed more comfortable than pants (with or without heels)

Tracii G
10-02-2018, 01:43 AM
I agree 100% about the clothes feeling better but I don't dress because of that, I dress because it feels right to me.
The old matching my outsides to the way I feel inside.

10-02-2018, 02:25 AM
I agree that womenswear is so much more comfortable. If you have the right bra it is perfectly comfortable and if you are mainly inside (which I am) heels are fine too. I don't wear a wig at home - wigs are VERY uncomfortable - and the only make-up I wear at home is lipstick because I like the feeling of it on my lips. I don't wear these clothes to feel feminine or womanly - I like to look good and feel elegant in them. I spend most of my time in a bra, tights and dresses and though I feel at home in them I do not feel like a woman at any point - they are just clothes. Lovely clothes, but not clothes that influence my own gender perception. I am lucky that I look good in them because of my figure, legs and poise, but I would not pass as a woman, even with my wig and make up on. Even after many hundreds of trips out completely dressed as a woman and attempting to act like one I love the feeling of the breeze on my dress and the click of my heels on the pavement. The clothes are fun - nothing more for me.

Becky Blue
10-02-2018, 02:26 AM
Agree 100% not at all why i dress, but i love the softer feel. Also woman's clothes actually fit me better as I have quite thin shoulders and arms so mens shirts always hang off me... I also find the thinner softer material of panties much more comfortable than mens cotton undies ...

10-02-2018, 02:40 AM
No, not the reason I dress either, for me it's about how I identify myself, but wearing women's clothes certainly comes as a big bonus :)

Beverley Sims
10-02-2018, 04:15 AM
I dress because it is completely in my comfort zone for one thing, there are many others but I identify as a woman why wear men's clothing, I'm not a cross dresser. :-)

Elizabeth G
10-02-2018, 05:07 AM
While it may not be the reason I dress either, the comfort of women's clothes can not be overstated.

10-02-2018, 05:31 AM
I don't dress for how the clothes feel, but I do like the touch of women clothes.

10-02-2018, 06:23 AM
Tracii G nails it exactly, apart from the superior comfort against drab its all about inner feelings and dressing to please.

Teri Ray
10-02-2018, 06:24 AM
MMMM I am not sure why I dress. For me that has been the $64, 000 question. I just know that I am drawn to wear female clothing. I always have had the desire to wear and experience everything female. I do find that female attire is comfortable but not necessarily more comfortable to me than male clothes.

10-02-2018, 07:01 AM
Women's clothing seems to be intentionally indulgent in a way that men's clothes have never been. I think I was always somewhat jealous of that indulgence, but never really considered that I might actually be able to indulge myself until I was in my mid-fifties. Comfort is definitely one part of the indulgence, but there is much more involved on an emotional level.

10-02-2018, 07:45 AM
I dress because it just feels right to be in women's clothing and present as female. If the clothes are more comfortable, which is more often than not the case, that is just a bonus. Of course that is offset by wearing a wig, heels and all the necessary underwear.

10-02-2018, 08:32 AM
I don't know why I wear women's clothing. I stopped trying to figure that out a very long time ago. Comfort? For absolute total comfort I wear a "holy" pair of cutoff jeans that my wife will not let me wear off the property. Something about indecency. Those jeans with a tee shirt, no sock and shoes, unshaven...total bliss. Fully attired it depends upon my mindset. I do like presenting as a male. I do like presenting as a female. I have not angst wearing a pair of slacks, dress shirt and tie and shined shoes. Today, I will wear a pretty dress, a wig, heels and hosiery and all the proper undergarments. If anything makes me choose, other than daily mindset, it is the fabric and colors. I love the feel of nylon panties and slips. I love pretty floral dresses. As a kid I loved to draw and did win some prizes. I love to put outfit together, whether in female or male mode.

10-02-2018, 08:36 AM
For comfort yes, but also for the huge variety of pretty colors, prints and styles. So much menswear is limited to drab navy blue, drab burgundy, or drab black, with all the fit and comfort of a potato sack.

10-02-2018, 08:43 AM
I love my girly cloths and agree with everyone they are more comfortable than my guy cloths. But cloths alone is not why I dress. The feelings and emotions inside me are what makes me dress. If I didn't have the feelings then for me there would be no purpose to dress in my female cloths?

10-02-2018, 08:45 AM
When I'm dressed it feels good and natural. It feels like it should be, it's me. The clothing feels soft and comfortable. I just love it.

10-02-2018, 09:06 AM
It’s definitely comfort, styles, colors, variety, etc. for me...panties daily and a bra, most days. My wife’s definition of comfort and mine are night and day. She, like a lot of women, find no comfort with underwires, heels, hose, shapers, slips, etc. I just smile.

10-02-2018, 09:37 AM
Yes, the clothes are soooooo much nicer to wear, but it's much more about the way i feel when i am wearing them. It's not a sexual thing but a sort of happy, comfortable and generally "right" feeling. (Can't really find the exact words to describe it more accurately, but you probably know what i mean.)

10-02-2018, 11:40 AM
I dress because its who I am. Plus, you can't beat the feeling of the hem of a dress or skirt swishing across your stockings at the knee or slightly higher.

Gillian Gigs
10-02-2018, 11:46 AM
Women's clothing just feels better. , even carrying a purse feels better than loading everything into your pockets.

I'm not pretending comfort is the reason I dress. If so, I'd avoid heels, bras and makeup

Nylon not only feels better, but it flows and moves easier against the body. Lingerie is move comfortable than any guy under clothes. A purse makes sense, I guess that is why we are now seeing guys carrying tote bags, aka guy purses.

No pretending, I used to dress for sexual reasons, but not any more. I avoid high heels, bras and makeup for the most part. Two inch, or less low heels are nice to wear with a skirt and hose, I wear a skirt and hose a lot around the house. Bras are saved for when I'm feeling kind of girly and desire something more than what I already have. A push up bra would make what I have show through a shirt. Makeup almost never...too much hassle. I guess I'm now into it for comfort.

10-02-2018, 12:35 PM
Most of the time I dress, it is just a skirt with a t-shirt. Comfort is a big part of it, but it is still secondary to my wants to see myself in a skirt in the first place. I love the way a skirt moves with me. I prefer skirts with pockets (and actual pockets that will fit my phone, not some stupid small pocket) to purses though, but it is probably a result of several decades of training to keep stuff in pockets.

And obviously my love for heels has nothing to do with comfort.

I think another reason is variety, there is just so much variety with women's clothes and I love to have small controllable amount of variety in my life :)

10-02-2018, 01:08 PM
Sorry, but we've been down this road before. There's nothing fem that's more comfy than loose, cotton; undies, jeans, shirts, and drab flats. :D

U may FEEL more comfortable dressed in women's things. But, synthetics, contrived undies, restricting foundations/bras, and heels can't compare comfort wise to my daily drab wear!:heehee:

10-02-2018, 03:59 PM
YES!!! I dress for all the above reasons; and just because I like it.
On the days I have to look like a Man, it sad-en's me to no end.
Then I can not wait to get home and into a dress.

10-03-2018, 12:50 AM
I love the feeling of lingerie under my clothes. I have found jeans, shorts, and tops that are female and androgynous. I love going out like that knowing that everything I have on is female and I am presenting as male. I also love dressing up in dresses with a wig and make up and presenting as a female. Why? I have no idea.

10-03-2018, 05:13 AM
I agree with Sidney feelings and emotions , rule the why

10-03-2018, 12:09 PM
And yet, when real women want something comfortable to put on, they almost always look for......sweats. Unfeminine, unisex, baggy, old and worn in, sweats. Not even new athletic wear. Old worn stuff, things that have been through the washer and dryer so many times that they're the softest clothes that they have. So much for women's clothes being physically more comfortable.
They're more 'psychologically' comfortable, because they're reinforcing what you want them to, giving you back the visual and tactile feedback telling you that you're female. That's all.