View Full Version : Any "Burners" out there?

10-03-2018, 05:19 PM
While at Burningman this year, i bounced into "Ginna" again at SUnset Camp. Ginna looked totally pasable and dressed appropriately for her age. What a knockout! Had a chance to reminise about a gay wedding on the playa a few years back. Found out the last day about a Drag Camp and tried to connect but missed the tribe. Hoping to make a conection with anyone with information aout the camp. Hoping to get a few dress tips.

Had a chance to dress up one night and go wout with my wife. What fun!


Beverley Sims
10-03-2018, 10:32 PM
Not a Burner, but it sounds like you are leading an interesting life.

10-04-2018, 12:13 AM
I haven't been there yet, but it is on my bucket list. However, I have talked to several people who go there, some first timers and others for the 7th plus time! From what I have heard, you just be who you want to be, explore life, your partner, yourself and anyone else that happens by. No one cares what you where, the wilder, the better! A lot of drugs, semi nudity and mutual trust with whomever you meet. One friend went this year with his very attractive daughter. They danced had fun and hooked up with others for fun and games. Most I have talked to say that something happens to them there, opening their minds to other thoughts, lowering of barriers and fears, and so on. I really do not understand why you didn't dress every day, if your wife was OK with it. You do not need a drag camp to be yourself, just some more inner courage and confidence. Everyone else really doesn't care.

10-04-2018, 12:48 PM
I would go nuts there. Waiting until nite fall with nothing to do every SCALDING HOT day!:doh:

Since u "bounced" into Ginna, I assume u were dressed as a clown or something inflatable? Why not a female clown suit, then?:straightface:

10-06-2018, 04:38 PM
When bouncing into Ginna, i was in one of my favoriute short denim jene skirts and 3" platform heels, with both his and my wife present chattinf for a bit. Everyday at the burn i was in a skirt of some sort and my everyday 3" platofrms or heeled boots...and loved it. When i mean dress up, i mean full monte, something my wife is accepting at the right time and place...BRC. However, still a project in the works as much as accepring though. Drag camp would have been a great place to practice with makeup and snag a few new outfits and accessories, which the camp was "gifting" to participants...way cool, way mornal at BRC!