View Full Version : Another first and check off the must do list

Christie ann
10-10-2018, 08:55 PM
Ok, not a big deal but one that I have been avoiding since forever. I do use the woman’s room when out and about as Christine. As everybody does, in and out quick. Make sure I sit down, flush and wash hands before leaving. I rarely see anyone and then it usually through the mirror as I wash my hands. Well, today while driving the coffee had worked it’s way through the system and I needed to pee. There is a convenience store nearby, the parking lot was near empty. I parked, went in, bee lined to the woman room, opened the door and saw the line. My first waiting in line for a woman’s toilet. Check that one off the list. Been there, done that and not buying the T shirt.
Well, pretty anticlimactic, women talk more in the restrooms than men do. We conversed about life and made our way through the line.

My only fear was that I might find someone’s massive husband or boyfriend waiting for me when I left. But no. In fact, while standing in the line waiting to purchase a drink, I finished the conversation with one of the “bathroom”women.

10-10-2018, 09:09 PM
Christie ann, most people don't care. I'm glad it held true for you.

Beverley Sims
10-11-2018, 02:02 AM
Usually I don't let myself get caught short like that.

No waiting in lines for me.

10-11-2018, 02:26 AM
Glad yours was a pleasant experience.
Luckily I've only had to line up once, with 3 ladies in waiting, also had nice chats.
No queue issues yet at shopping malls, but I'm normally shopped out before lunchtime.

10-11-2018, 04:07 AM
Christie Ann,

Not yet expetienced that as yet. I've exited a stall to find women queuing which sort of threw me a little.

I must admit my first thoughts could possibly be to use the disabled/baby changing toilet just so as to avoid making one of the GG's feel uncomfortable with my presence.

10-11-2018, 05:00 AM
Christine ,
Never encountered the waiting line yet , I might double back and find a disabled one depending how bad my need is !

I do check out my hair and makeup when I've finshed but I've noticed very few women bother , I'm also surprised how many don't wash their hands !!

I'm not sure if women feel uncormfotable or just checking you out as a woman , I've noticed they do give ech other a quick look up and down , maybe just checking out their outfit .

Gypsy Sam
10-11-2018, 05:10 AM
One work associate who was transitiong choose to use the women's restroom and caused quite a uproar. Dressed neutral as for presentation did not go over well with GF associates. Using a female bathroom and known as trans been a different scenerio for others?

10-11-2018, 06:02 AM
I like that waiting in line became a positive experience. I hate waiting, especially when I have to go.
And it’s nice that the women were so cool about it. Gives me hope for humanity.

Barbara Black
10-11-2018, 06:47 AM
If confronted by a foul look while coming out of a stall, I would like my reaction to be, "What? Would you want me to use the Men's toilet dressed like this?" It would give them something to think about.

Becky Blue
10-11-2018, 07:06 AM
I have waited in line to use the ladies on a couple of occasions a few years ago, in both cases the women engaged me in conversation.

Nikki A.
10-11-2018, 03:04 PM
Heck, imagine waiting on line in the Port Authority bus depot in NYC during the morning rush hour. Did my thing, washed my hands checked my make-up in the community mirror and went on my way.
NY women don't converse, especially during rush hour.

10-11-2018, 04:03 PM
A Different view. Have not been in any Ladies Restrooms-- and don't plan to. Plan my trips out to be in duration of 2hrs or less. Consumption of food/liquids is Planned so that need-to-go is avoided. Have prostate issues- so Im Very Careful!! In the area that I live---more of a chance to be "confronted" or even "perforated"--- so I avoid any chance for hassles and stay out of the Restrooms. Usually don't touch the waterbottle in my purse till Im on the way home on the bus. May seem "cowardly"--- but not one looking for troubles! Toni G..

10-11-2018, 06:35 PM
Go to the theater regularly and then you will know what a line is during intermission! You get to talk to a lot of different women while waiting and then rushing to finish before they start the second act.

10-11-2018, 08:27 PM
Once I went in and found all stalls occupied and one woman waiting in line.
After my initial inclination to panic, I decided to suck it up, smile, and wait it out.
When the first stall became available, the one woman in line looked at me and told me to go ahead as she was just waiting for a friend. (Would you ever find a man waiting for a friend in the restroom?)
No problems, I guess I was accepted.

10-11-2018, 10:03 PM
I have a question for you ladies that had occasion to have those talks in the ladies room while waiting to use the facilities..did you use your regular voice or did you try and feminize it ?

10-12-2018, 02:56 AM
Normal voice , and it's not a problem , believe me !

Christie ann
10-12-2018, 09:16 AM
I just use my normal voice.

Kiwi Primrose
10-13-2018, 01:56 AM
My wife needs a wheelchair to get around and I am the pusher. We both go into the disabled toilet, normally uni-sex but occasionally not. I am usually dressed male and have never had a problem. As a care-giver I am accepted with friendliness.

10-13-2018, 05:03 AM
I recall one time back during my en-femme days, out clubbing with a bunch of friends...

Had to get rid of some of that excess alcohol, so off to the restrooms I went.

Looked over at the women's... Loooong line. Looked over at the men's... No line whatsoever.

Had to go bad, was a bit tipsy -- and absolutely zero sh|ts were given at the time.

Definitely used my "male privilege" on that one! Even went standing up. :devil:

Though considering it was a typical hetero club, I'm sure the guys in there were probably a bit surprised to see me exiting the stall. :heehee:

10-13-2018, 05:24 AM
When dressed femme, I use the ladies' room. I, too, have been on line there, mostly at theatres and concerts. Guys get the shorter lines in such places. I had no trouble. Women can be chatty in the line to the loo. Even so, I do not join the line unless I really have a need. I am not there to make friends, unlike some of the ladies, apparently. I get in, do my business quickly, wash my hands, and get out. No lollygagging.

10-13-2018, 03:47 PM
thanks Christie, Teresa for your feedback. That's the value of this forum...through the advice and experiences of you ladies and others I have learned a lot and continue to move forward in my crossdressing journey

10-13-2018, 05:43 PM
Hi Christie Ann :hugs:, That is great and there was not any Pitch Forks or Tar & Feathers. >Orchid ..O:daydreaming:O..

10-13-2018, 05:58 PM
Orchid--- depends on where you live, and go. Where Im at-- there may not be pitchforks-- but many that "carry" a diff kind of metal objects! So I avoid the ladies-room contreversity :) by design. Saw that "back-of-the-truck" thing on FB again that's promotes violence--one that was shown in another thread here. So I take the safe route---don't want to be a victim. Most don't care--but it takes only one nutso to cause trouble. :( Toni G..