View Full Version : Catcalled

10-13-2018, 06:24 AM
Last night I went out dressed for the first time in my life. I went to a professional make up artist and after almost three hours of a beautifying session I went out with her by my side. We walked around the jam packed streets, me in heels and a short skirt. I was terrified, averting people’s eyes and cursing myself for choosing tight fitting heels.

In reality most people minded their own business, there were very few stares if at all (that I could see since I was not looking) and despite my terror it went quite well... until a couple of guys catcalled at me. The lady GG I was walking with told me to be proud, and to take it as a sign of passing with flying colors, but I wonder if the catcall was more a joke for attempting to pass.

I wanted to stop by one of the many cafes around to have a quick drink as Carolina but I was too afraid of stopping, so we just walked for about 30 mins (toes hurting) and managed to take a quick pic (attached)

Great new (giant) step for me on the road to... who knows? I’d love to know what people were thinking or what that catcall meant (I know, I know we shouldn’t care less about what strangers think, but it’d be a plus to know if one passes somehow)

10-13-2018, 06:38 AM
From your picture, your legs look quite fetching, I think it was a legit cat call.

10-13-2018, 06:38 AM
Agree with your GG friend. You passed beautifully! So cute, and you have gorgeous legs!

Luciana Vitale
10-13-2018, 06:45 AM
Very nice Carolina, not only you did a big step, you look very beautiful and natural

10-13-2018, 06:54 AM
You look great

10-13-2018, 07:33 AM
Carolina, you look beautiful. The catcall was definitely for the femme you.

10-13-2018, 07:36 AM
Yay! Congratulations! Doesn't it feel great to be out? No wonder you got catcalled in that red skirt. Nice legs!

There are folks here for whom being catcalled is nothing but a dream. Way to nail it your first time out the gate!

Just one question: why was the makeup session three hours? It sounds like a long time to me. Then again, l only had my first makeover less than a week ago.

10-13-2018, 09:00 AM
Thank you all for the compliments. They are hugely appreciated for someone who is less than confident as Carolina, but who wants to continue taking steps to... potentially become Carolina? Believing I could pass makes a huge difference for me. Thank you again.

Patience, unfortunately it took the make up artists quite a bit of time to work their magic. They have some easy tricks I never thought about, like simply taping the side of the eyebrow pulling it upwards with a transparent tape, suddenly showing the eye far better. Then the different powders and creams to disguise a man’s face shape and trying to emulate a woman’s. That must have taken at least 45 mins. Working on the eyes took them forever too, then false eyelashes (and I thought mine were pretty long!), selecting the wig, attire, complements, literally the works. It seems that unfortunately one needs quite a bit of work...

Tracii G
10-13-2018, 09:19 AM
Glad to hear you had a successful outing.

Anne E
10-13-2018, 09:22 AM
Hi Carolina,

The catcall was for your beautiful legs, I’m sure. Thank you for being an inspiration and congratulations on going out for the first time!


Tracy Irving
10-13-2018, 09:57 AM
Without zooming in and with a quick glance at the photograph, it looked like you were wearing some type of headpiece with ears. Maybe cat ears...

Upon closer inspection those "ears" turned out to be the balconies from the background building.
Looks like we see what we want to see.

That is a very nice skirt. Glad everything worked out!

Beverley Sims
10-13-2018, 10:03 AM
Naah! Those are big square mickey mouse ears.

Not available at Dizzy Land. I know. :-)

The fountain looks nice.


I love the whole presentation Carolina, I think you did well all round.

Aunt Kelly
10-13-2018, 11:23 AM
Yeah, those legs... That catcall was the real deal, sweetie. Next time, relax and put on a winning smile and you'll get more than one. :)

Crissy 107
10-13-2018, 11:50 AM
You look awesome and your legs are gorgeous. The catcall was for the beautiful you. Crissy

Fran in skirts
10-13-2018, 01:17 PM
I must say your legs got you the cat calls for sure. So revel in it and do it again and again. The more you go out the more confident you will become.
Wish I had legs like that. :)


10-13-2018, 01:31 PM
I thought was illegal. You do look adorable and I love your outfit.

10-13-2018, 02:45 PM
Few of us pass all the time. And some, like me, never pass!:straightface:

I get hoots, comments, giggles, and, "Hey that was a guy",s all the time. U get used to it, eventually. When I have time, I'll engage the cat callers. If I'm in a hurry, I'll just smile, wave, and walk off. After all, I'm not doing anything wrong and neither r u, Caroline! Once u realize that, u can relax and enjoy your outings a lot more.

Acting relaxed and having someone along with u will legitimize u with most vanillas! It means you're NOT just some weirdo!:thumbsup:

10-13-2018, 02:56 PM
I think you look wonderful. It takes some gut to go out, I have been a few times and it is kind of terrifying. Maybe that's what makes it so tempting and stimulating. Go for it girl!!!

10-13-2018, 03:14 PM
congrats to you! you look great and i love the skirt.
your amazing legs go well with the skirt and heels.
i would accept the catcall as a sure sign of passing!
i could only wish i looked as good as you my first time out! :)

10-13-2018, 03:40 PM
Vale Chica!

10-13-2018, 04:37 PM
Wow...fantastic 👏 kudos for great preparation and presentation. Great picture...great legs...ummm fantastic legs. Some might take a cat call as disrespect, but for your first outing , I can see your delight. I’ve never had a catcall, but several smiles. Nice.

10-13-2018, 05:21 PM
You look fabulous!

10-13-2018, 05:40 PM
Hi Carolina :hugs:, How could anyone not just see a very lovely young lady there. >Orchid ..O:daydreaming:O..

10-13-2018, 07:27 PM
Oh, yeah, you're looking really beautiful and the catcall was for real. Unfortunately, because most women don't like being catcalled and want it to stop.

The only thing out of place was your own level of comfort. Of course you were nervous your first time out. But I hope that you become more comfortable going forward, because looking that beautiful makes most people feel more confident about going out. It can only get better for you. Good luck!

10-14-2018, 01:21 AM
Good job! You look great.

10-14-2018, 01:28 AM
You look amazing!

10-14-2018, 03:28 AM
Good on you girl very well done


10-14-2018, 09:11 AM
I can see why they whistled with those legs. You look great, enjoy!

10-14-2018, 10:20 AM
I would hope that the catcall was acknowledging your great looks, although it is something that a lot of women do not like and are campaigning against. Seemingly it must still be legal in Spain, whereas Spain's only neighbours, France and Portugal, have outlawed it this year with "Street Harassment" legislation.

10-14-2018, 10:34 AM
I think you look amazingly feminine. The legs and shortness of your dress and your slender figure would strongly suggest the catcalls were for some lovely lady.

10-14-2018, 04:38 PM
Fantastic! You look amazing in these pictures!
Estas preciosa.

10-15-2018, 06:52 AM
Anyone seeing those legs and figure would have a good reason for legit catcall - not for a joke.
Hugs, Ellen

10-15-2018, 07:59 AM
Hi Carolina

Your first time out ... wonderful. Congratulations. You look gorgeous!

I’m sure the catcalls were for real ... random people saying the same thing your sisters here are saying!


10-15-2018, 08:07 AM
Definately one up to you! what a fantastic outcome for you get ready to be goosed! maybe that's illegal too! Seriously though you have done well and done us all proud.

10-15-2018, 08:21 AM
From just looking at your picture I'd say it was a legit CatCall. Beautiful legs and dressed nicely.

Roxanne Lanyon
10-15-2018, 10:53 AM
Oh my! It should happen to me!
Roxanne Lanyon

10-17-2018, 02:16 AM
Hi Carolina.
You look great and very feminine in that picture.
I know it takes time and courage to go out in the beginning. Since you had a GG friend on your side that night, you should have stopped for a drink.

I've been going out for years, don't be afraid sitting down at a street cafe or bar. From my many experiences, once you sit down, people won't look at you anymore, if the even did before. You'll experience a very calm time while sitting and watching the scene, people and the street and sidewalk. I even met people while having a coffie or a beer in the evening.

Keep us updated and take more picture, pictures can really built up your confidence.

10-21-2018, 04:27 PM
In reality most people minded their own business, there were very few stares if at all (that I could see since I was not looking) and despite my terror it went quite well... until a couple of guys catcalled at me. The lady GG I was walking with told me to be proud, and to take it as a sign of passing with flying colors, but I wonder if the catcall was more a joke for attempting to pass.

You're wearing a long blonde wig, a short flirty skirt, and high heels. Of course you'll get cat-called! As you pointed out, most men who saw you minded their own business, but there will always be some men who feel entitled to overtly objectify body parts.

You don't say whether you enjoyed the cat-call. I agree that we should all be able to wear what we want without eliciting unwanted attention, but until all men in our society re-educate themselves to believe that revealing body parts doesn't signify consent to sexual activity, if you don't want jerks to make audible noises when they see your legs, then you might consider wearing slacks?

If the cat-call didn't bother you, then by all means continue to wear what you want.

10-21-2018, 05:11 PM
Thank you all for the great comments. It is a major morale booster!!:)

Reine, thanks for your perspective as well. At the time of the catcall I was too focused on looking at the floor (averting any eye contact with anyone) and holding on to the GG by my side. I never really thought the catcall was for me, and thought that the GG was just trying to help my confidence. Assuming the catcall was indeed for me, I'd be over the moon :daydreaming: I didn't ask for it, but if my appearance called for a catcall (pun intended) that may have meant I passed on that first time out, at least someone may have thought so. More :daydreaming:

I do understand that many women don't like it at all, and they have the right not to be objectified as you point out. But in my view it is the men who are at fault for making women uncomfortable. I put 100% of the blame on the guys, not the women who should be free to dress as they please (in my view)