View Full Version : The other week!

10-24-2018, 08:48 AM
So Fran had a fun week recently

First, a bit of background - I am married and very much DADT/so far in the closet... I get Fran time when my wife is away. And she was gone for an entire week recently. She left late Saturday and returned the Sunday a week later.

It was mostly a great week.
The not so great parts (from Fran’s perspective) was that the usual household chores and so on had to be done - but even then, I always wore satin panties, panty hose and a bra. AND had my toe nails polished bright red and often my fingernails an innocuous pink.

Work was similar, no bra or fingernail polish, but I wore women’s skinny jeans (for some reason women’s skinny jeans are ok with my wife ... I have a pair of Calvin’s size 10 on now ... even though CDing is forbidden territory). You might say that Fran was “camouflaged”.

The best part was, of course, was while I was home. As soon as I got home, it was off with the boy clothes, on with some fingernail polish, bra, dress or skirt&top, makeup, and wig. I slept in bra and panties every night. I also get up real early - 2-3 hours before going to work - so I could be dressed then too, including walking the dogs at 4:30.

A couple of things I did during the week that stand out

I went to an ATM in full Fran mode .... ok, it was at night, but still. The ATM was a bit out of the way ... but I knew it would be deserted _and_ safe, lots of lights, etc. The best part was that my card wouldn’t work at the first ATM so I had to go to another, in a much more active area - I’m sure I was seen by some people in the parking lot ... but nothing happened; the national guard was not called out, the police didn’t come to protect the population from a You Know What, etc. And to top it all off, driving back home I had to go through a work area on the road, so who knows what the hard hats saw!

I also went shopping in semi-Fran-mode - basically fully dressed, but in women’s jeans and clingy top (no dress/skirt/wig/...). I was wearing a bralette with a bit of padding, giving me a completely natural A cup so the I had some small bumps in the right places showing! I bought some real, honest to goodness, lingerie - a bra and some boring panties. The bra is purple and matches some of my satin panties! It’s also a c cup and shows nicely under a sweater or the like - not the small bumps either.

All in all a great week!

Now my wife has returned from her trip and Fran has to go hide out. Probably for 4-5-6 months. Oh well. There still are the women’s jeans to keep the spark alive, as they say.

And reading and (occasionally posting) here


Beverley Sims
10-24-2018, 09:00 AM
Take little steps now and after a bit of practice the bif steps are easier.

You do have to work on your wife, but use an honest approach.

After a while you will see how to press the issue.

For now, skinny jeans will suffice.

10-24-2018, 01:41 PM
Fran, I'm glad you got a chance to ho out enfemme.

10-24-2018, 01:48 PM
I'm glad to hear that you got some Fran time and she got to go out.
Little steps add up.

10-24-2018, 02:10 PM
Hi all

Thanks for the responses ... it was good to go out, though for me it was probably more enfe rather than enfemme, but I’m cool with it!

Beverly, I’d like to work on my wife - I started once a year or so ago and it wasn’t going well, so I decided that discretion was the better part of valor and go back into the closet (I had been for a year or two before this, so it was “back to normal”). I need to work out a bunch of stuff first, such as what I actually want(how far to take dressing, etc) , best time and approach, and so on.
For me, dressing right now is more than a hobby, less than an existential part of me, so, worst comes to worst, I can drop it and live vicariously through you girls here.

And yes, skinny jeans and men’s bikini brief undies are decent at being second best.

Thanks for the support and friendship