View Full Version : Topless bars

Darling Micki
10-28-2018, 05:12 PM
So a coworker "Bill" is celebrating his birthday. Another coworker "Ted" is planning to take Bill and myself out to a local topless bar. Corporate chain establishment, though that does not guarantee quality.

Was considering going en femme.
Have tried to call the location to see if there would be any problems with this but they have not returned my call.

Ted has stated "they never return calls"

Has anyone done this?
What was the reaction to you?

I've been to other establishments in boy mode. I don't ride the rail. I don't rush up to tip the dancers on stage. Usually I sit to the side, enjoying the show. If the dancers come by after their set and say "Hi", I will have a tip ready for them.

Best memory from such a place I "snuck" in on my birthday (didn't tell them the occasion). A young lady under the stage name of Mercedes, performed for her first time. I enjoyed the show. Went back 6 months later and Mercedes was still there. She came up after her set, said "Hi". Then asked if I had been there her first night. (Yeah, she remembered me).

10-28-2018, 05:45 PM

Here in California you should have no problem doing that. Now, Fresno is in the long valley away from us in larger more cosmopolitan populations. However, if your friends have your back, then go, enjoy and act like you own the place and the moment, i.e. do not show shame and fear, show confidence, happiness and pride. Happy adventure!

Beverley Sims
10-28-2018, 06:44 PM
I agree do as Ally says, and go for it.

There will be others there with the same mindset as you.

Tracii G
10-28-2018, 07:23 PM
Go ahead I hope you have fun.

Majella St Gerard
10-28-2018, 07:31 PM
I have been to strip clubs twice in girl mode, no problems either time, dancers were very friendly both times.
Gentlemen even asked me if I was going to dance. And I used the ladies room. I did not call in advance, I don't do that. Go and have fun.

10-28-2018, 07:41 PM
they don't care , money is money.. go have fun

Diane Smith
10-28-2018, 10:35 PM
Based on my (ahem, limited) experience, I don't think you'll have any problem with the club or other patrons. Some of the girls may actually enjoy it (and they will let you know who they are soon enough).

But, what do your male friends think about it?

- Diane

10-28-2018, 10:52 PM
Be sure and update us on how it goes. You will have fun I'm sure

10-28-2018, 11:34 PM
In August I went to Portland Oregon’s Pride festival. Spent three days en-femme, enjoying the festival, but also going to lots of straight bars and restaurants. While there, I also went to the oldest strip club in the city, which happened to be an easy walk from my hotel. Small strip club, with just one stage with a stripper pole, and one girl performing at a time. I went right to the seats at the edge of the stage, tipped the girls well, and they were just as happy to perform for me, or for several cisgender lesbians who were also there, as for any cisgender male. They even chatted with me between dances.

In the old days, attending as a male, I often saw cisgender woman customers tipping the girls, with no problems.

I will note that I pass pretty well, so even in a crowd that included several cisgender female customers, I didn’t stand out like a bearded man in a dress would. But I think that if the club is well run, and if you obey the expected behavior rules like you would as a male, you should have no problems.

10-29-2018, 09:06 AM
One of Desiree's funniest outings ever was to a Nude Bar in Atlanta that had one side for straight men and another side for women and gay men with male dancers. I chose the straight side and the girls had so much fun with me and it was hands down the best trip I've ever had to a strip club. One even invited me to her Halloween party and gave me her phone number, which was actually a real number this time. HA! We chatted a few times over the phone but nothing more.

10-29-2018, 12:04 PM
If you're friends r ok with it and will have your back? U should have no problems. Were u planning to dress as a stripper? Should be fun for everyone!:D

10-29-2018, 12:13 PM
I don't understand what you're worried about or why you would contact the club.

Honestly a strip club has a lot more to worry about than what you are wearing.

Unless of course you are trying to compete with the club employee for tips.

10-29-2018, 05:49 PM
One can usually go where they want nowadays.

I went to a strip club in NYC called Billys, it was mostly businessmen who looked at the girls like it was a science class. I went with some punk friends and after ten minutes we got thrown out. I yelled at the girl dancing that my boobs were bigger and the bouncer told us to leave.

Darling Micki
10-29-2018, 06:43 PM
I don't understand what you're worried about or why you would contact the club.

I actually wasn't worried until Ted mentioned the possibility of being denied entry as l might be considered a distraction.

Not wanting to take the time to don the full persona only to be stopped at the door and ruining Bill's birthday event. I decided to be polite and check ahead of time. They still haven't called me back.

As for my outfit, I haven't completely decided. I have a cute black skirt paired with a white off the shoulder long sleeve top, I posted a picture on here. There's also a cute blue long sleeve mini dress I'm considering.

Either way I want to look very femme.

I'll post the pics when I go.

10-30-2018, 08:36 AM
What's the point of topless bars?

10-30-2018, 11:51 AM
I once was invited to a topless bar. It was a big disappointment. It had no roof.

I actually wasn't worried until Ted mentioned the possibility of being denied entry as l might be considered a distraction.
If anyone finds you more interesting than the official talent, that says more about them than about you.

I think it's brilliant. It might be more common than we think. Worst comes to worse, say you're joining a club or lost a bet. Humor the idiot in the unlikely event you meet one.

Have a good time. Let us know how it goes.

Darling Micki
11-02-2018, 03:20 AM
What's the point of topless bars?

Oh the jokes and sarcastic comments that could easily be made as a response. ..

But seriously, basic concept would be an establishment, usually a bar, with one or more performance stages. The performing talent (good edit there) are usually considered to be fine physical specimens. These performers appear on stage in costume and dance to popular music removing the majority of the costume until 1 piece remains, usually a thong.

Throughout the performance the clientele often offer monetary tips to the performers in the hopes of special interest/attention.

Look up "Magic Mike", "Beverly Hills Cop 2", "Rock of Ages", Motley Crue's "Girls, Girls, Girls" music video, as examples.

I've been lucky enough to visit the Moulin Rouge in Paris. While the women do dance topless, there is a lot more refinement associated with it so I don't consider the venue a "Topless Bar"

Over my life, to date, I have had a few friends that were performers.

Twenty years ago when I went often the purpose was mixed. It was an escape. It was fascination with the female form. I enjoyed the music they played.

My reasons and purposes for going may vary than others reading this, and that is ok.

Now its to celebrate a friend's birthday (on hold now due to scheduling issues). To look at the talent with envy (wish I could move like that). Maybe get some ideas how to improve.

11-02-2018, 09:47 AM
I understand the fears about going to a strip club dressed. Even in drab I was on guard in strip club parking lots and such, I couldn't imagine my anxiety level if I was dressed. But it seems like your friends accept you and will have your back and make it easier if you do decide to go dressed. Have fun either way!

Michelle Vinova
11-02-2018, 11:12 PM
Hi Micki- I’m not sure what you do for work, but to be able to go to a strip club with two coworkers and in femme and not worry about your career is pretty unique...I wouldn’t worry about what the strip club thinks.

Do you think Ted offered that as a polite way to ask you not to dress? If not, then just bring a change of clothes in your car as a back up.

11-06-2018, 12:45 PM
You have posted twice that you called and they haven't called you back. Have you tried calling them when they are open?

Genifer Teal
11-07-2018, 08:45 PM
I would base it on whether you call other places before you go there. I mean would you have an issue at a regular bar? If not I probably wouldn't worry about it. If your look is reasonably good I doubt they'd have concerns. Also depends how Progressive your town / area is. As it turns out I randomly wound up at 1 last Friday. I knew people who were going there so I wasn't walking in blind. As expected it was a mixed response from the patrons but a few men even showed interest and I got a few compliments from the girls that work there. Your results May Vary.

11-08-2018, 07:47 AM
If you have the right look you could make a lot of money!