View Full Version : Crossing your legs

11-08-2018, 07:32 AM
The issue of crossing your legs has always puzzled me. As a rule of thumb, men tend to sit with their legs apart, and women close their legs, if not crossing them all together.
Trying to emulate female behavior, I close my legs (and cross them when needed) but I must say it feels somewhat uncomfortable. Even when I am fully tucked.
Is it some sort of a behavior conditioning (where women are taught to close their legs over their childhood) or is it a physical issue (without the "junk" between your legs it is more natural and comfortable to just close them)?

How do you explain it? Is it something you adjusted in yourself easily? Does it feel comfortable and natural to you?
I would love to hear your take on this!

11-08-2018, 07:43 AM
Crossing your legs in a skirt or dress, just sounds sensible to me. I've crossed my legs so often, in both guy and girl mode, that it comes natural to me. That being said, I have also discovered that crossing them too long can weaken your legs, cut off circulation, sometimes, unnoticeably until you stand up and walk. After several times of my leg falling asleep, and then tripping over myself in the grocery store, I am a lot more self conscious about leg crossing. Cross your legs at the ankle, if you want to cross them, but more importantly, keep your knees together. I think the idea of just taking up less space than a man is key. Elbows in, knees together, whether sitting or standing.

11-08-2018, 07:48 AM
I always cross my legs when sitting, dressed or drab. I do tend to find that I have to switch legs regularly though.

11-08-2018, 07:53 AM
This is a subject that was discussed at home the other evening. I was sat on the sofa and my wife suddenly commented that i sit very "properly" when i wear a skirt.
I sit with my knees together, sometimes legs crossed at the ankles. I guess it's supposed to be a modesty thing, especially if a skirt is very short. I sit like this even tho there are only the two of us in the house. It just feels like the right thing to do.
I don't necessarily bother to sit like this when wearing leggings/jeans tho.

11-08-2018, 07:56 AM
In gurl mode, I cross my thighs ... One over the other, minimizing exposure between them. (Unlike Sharon Stone)
In guy mode: right ankle on left knee ... Wide open, so to speak. Jaye

11-08-2018, 08:05 AM
It's a matter of being ladylike. Women with any sense know that men get too excited if panties are exposed. Many women also pull their sweater to cover their boobs if they sense a man is staring at them.

Of course I understand that it would be painful if your sitting in a way that's crushing the boys. Fully tucking isn't necessary if you're wearing a skirt that isn't too tight. Just sit with your knees close to touching each other. If they're spread out at all with a short skirt on, you're showing more than you should.

11-08-2018, 09:10 AM
I'm not sure when it started, but over the years its become a natural part of how I sit, and do it regardless of whether I'm presenting as female or not, even double crossing at my ankles.Many times I'm not even aware I'm doing it. I'm partially out and to those I am, I could care less, but to those I'm not, I have received remarks on several occasions on why Im sitting like a woman with my hips sideways crossing my legs. For me, I honestly think it's just who I am inside,since I naturally sit this way without thinking about it.

Cheryl T
11-08-2018, 09:26 AM
Girls are taught to sit with their legs together from an early age so that their panties aren't visible.
As for crossing my legs, it's difficult the last few years due to physical issues so I've taken up the "Royal" position and sit with my knees together and ankles crossed instead.

Another thing you don't think about is if you toss something to a guy he instinctively closes his legs if it's in the lap area so he doesn't drop it, yet a woman in a skirt will open hers for the same reason and use the skirt as a net.

11-08-2018, 09:41 AM
Some of the posts above hae touched on the many reasons for this but for quite a good explanation and what some GG think about it all, this is quite a good read:


11-08-2018, 09:44 AM
Is it some sort of a behavior conditioning (where women are taught to close their legs over their childhood) or is it a physical issue (without the "junk" between your legs it is more natural and comfortable to just close them)?

It's both!

BTW: I can't say have I ever seen my wife sit with her legs crossed, but she does not "man spread (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manspreading)" either.

So don't think this is one of those things "all women do".

Beverley Sims
11-08-2018, 10:06 AM
I do sit with my legs apart sometimes when under a table, generally I sit with them close together or sometimes crossed.

11-08-2018, 10:14 AM
I usually sit with my legs crossed regardless of how I am presenting. After a while it seems to be the natural thing to do. Personally, I do not like the "man spread" look at any time. It is symbolic of dominance and, IMHO, "I am important".

11-08-2018, 10:36 AM
Please see KatrinaK’s post titled something like “I need this one explained to me” :heehee:

11-08-2018, 12:28 PM
I think it the hips of women are wider apart from birth, so the knees join easily. I have no problems crossing my legs, do it all the time.

11-08-2018, 12:39 PM
It was very foreign to me at first. And, I have been told countless times by various T's to close my legs!:doh:

I became so conscience of it that over the years it's become a habit to cross my legs like women do.:battingeyelashes:

Now, I have to be careful. Because I find myself automatically crossing them in MALE MODE!:eek:

Alice B
11-08-2018, 01:16 PM
I always sat with my legs crossed when dressed and a lot of the time when not dressed. But I just had a hip replacment and find I can no longer cross my legs. Have to rethink my presentation. Bummer

11-08-2018, 01:24 PM
... Elbows in, knees together, whether sitting or standing.

Have you noticed how many women stand akimbo (hands on hips and elbows pointing right and left). Something that I try not to emulate.

Crossing legs way from someone is a sign of distrust of that person, as it offers more protection. However, it is always best to alternate the crossing to avoid circulatory issues/pins and needles.

Here in Portugal girls tend to cross legs above the knee or have knees tight together when sitting, that was certainly how all the t-girls were sat in the photos of the last night-out I attended.

Fran in skirts
11-08-2018, 03:55 PM
I tend to sit at an angle with legs close at the knees and feet together and off to one side.
I find this to be much more comfortable than trying to cross them at the knees. Because of arthritis I have a hard time trying to even cross them at the ankle.

11-08-2018, 04:13 PM
I have always done it occasionally as a male on one side only. I notice I do it more often now in a skirt, but I can't do it as well as the ladies.

Hell on Heels
11-08-2018, 04:50 PM
Hell-o Michal,
I think the when, and why, women keep their knees togetheror legs crossed may largely be due to social conditioning, although there are several differences between male and female pelvic anatomy. Some of those create a natural difference between the postures of men and women. Those posture differences can make it easier, or should I say more comfortable to sit with your legs together.

Try sitting with your legs crossed. For me, it’s more comfy if I’m seated with my back in an upright, straight”ish” position. Now with my back in the same position...giveing man-spreading a try seems unnatural. It’s much easier/comfy if I relax my back a bit.

So...by all means, do what ya gotta do to remain comfy, at home.
But please...no matter the pain level, DO NOT be flashing everyonewhilst in public.
Much Love,

11-08-2018, 05:49 PM
I actually cross my legs quite often.
So much so that when I was in school and some kids saw me sitting with my legs crossed, they made fun of me and said I must have no balls...
I can't say it's a comfortable postion to hold for a long time. Your junk does get in the way.
It's especially warm in the winter, as your body isn't as spread out, so it loses less body heat.
I like it, I really do. I sometimes even wish I had no manly parts there. It's really something I envy the ladies for!

11-08-2018, 06:18 PM
The issue of crossing your legs has always puzzled me. As a rule of thumb, men tend to sit with their legs apart
It really depended upon where we were sitting. Casually in a living room chair, yes, usually legs spread apart. But in a lecture or many other places when sitting up in a straight back chair, you will find lots of men with crossed legs, especially when using one leg as sort of a desk to write on something such as a clipboard; I did that a lot when I was a teen, whenever we had lectures in places with no desks or tables. Being right handed, I crossed my right leg over my left knee, and rested the clipboard or notebook on my right thigh to write on. What I didn't understand, was why I could cross my right leg over my left knee, but was uncomfortable doing the reverse; I had to do the left ankle over my right knee thing, which did leave the legs spread apart a bit. But I couldn't do that the other way either.

And I see plenty of women in dresses and skirts, who sit perfectly comfortably for long periods of time with their legs together, but not crossed; which I can't do. I suppose it has something to do with how the pelvis differs between males and females.

11-08-2018, 07:01 PM
Crossing your legs is NOT female behaviour. Lot of men do it. My father did it. I do it (however I am dressed).

11-08-2018, 07:03 PM
"I see London! I see France! I see your underpants!" as the little ditty went back in grade school to torment the girls. Modesty prevails. It's bad enough that young guys go horny without encouraging them. When en femme I always sit with knees together. Or one thigh crossed over the other knee. In guy mode my wife is always yelling for me to get my feet in so she can get by me since I splayed all over the place.

A little side bar on the issue. My older brother worked once as a shoe salesperson in the women's shoe department at Macy's on Herald Square. He told me a lot of women intentionally splayed open their legs to reveal their panties or to show they were not wearing any.

11-08-2018, 09:28 PM
When I was young, I naturally crossed my thigh over thigh until I was told that boys don't cross their legs like that. So I paid attention to how males crossed their legs and taught myself to cross them with the ankle over the knee like I was supposed to. Recently, as I finally accepted myself, I went back to crossing them like I did until I was redirected. Feels more natural to me.

11-08-2018, 09:35 PM
I cross mine from time to time and it has gotten easier the more do it and yes it was uncomfortable at first. I think it is easier for women because they don't have the equipment we do. I do find my leg goes to sleep if I do it for awhile and have to let my legs rest some time.

Maria in heels
11-08-2018, 11:20 PM
Its definitely in the hips...women have different structure and I think thats why they can "tuck one leg behind the other" where many of us can't even bring the calves close together, no matter how much we try. Its no different than when we walk...with our feet apart where women tend to almost step one foot in front of the other, which gives them that hip sway too

Diane Smith
11-08-2018, 11:31 PM
I almost always sit with my legs crossed at the knee, feminine style. I've always done it that way and don't actually feel very comfortable when I have to sit with both feet flat on the floor.

- Diane

Tracii G
11-08-2018, 11:38 PM
Too much meat on my thighs to cross them lady style over the knee. I wish I could still do that tho'
Tried leaning over to see if I could actually do it I did manage to get one leg over top but it wouldn't stay and slipped right off.
I have no problem crossing them at the ankle sitting or when putting my feet up.

11-09-2018, 08:24 AM
Some of the more homophobic men find crossing legs (for men) at the knee effeminate (gay). Crossing ankle over knee is more manly. Hardly ever see a woman cross her legs like that.

11-09-2018, 09:35 AM
I cross my legs all the time, no matter what I am wearing. Never ever nobody told me anything about than in male mode. My legs are quite skinny, and the position does not produve disconfort, on the contrary it is usually more confortable than not having them crossded

Genifer Teal
11-09-2018, 10:04 AM
No issues here. I feel that if you're going to wear a skirt in public at the very least you need to keep your knees together. What you do at home, that's your business.

11-09-2018, 10:55 AM
Females have been taught from an early age to cross their legs to hide their crotch. Boys, on the other hand, have learned that it is "macho" to sit with their legs apart.

Now, most of us are men trying to look and act like ladies so we have to think about how we sit. The danger is in letting sitting like a woman become our normal way of sitting. Someone's going to notice and comment. Then what?

Tracii G
11-09-2018, 11:27 AM
I see a lot of older men cross theirs at the knee and no one says anything.
If you wear a dress just be mindful how you cross or hold your legs seems like a good idea.

11-09-2018, 12:56 PM
Females have been taught from an early age to cross their legs to hide their crotch. Boys, on the other hand, have learned that it is "macho" to sit with their legs apart.

Now, most of us are men trying to look and act like ladies so we have to think about how we sit. The danger is in letting sitting like a woman become our normal way of sitting. Someone's going to notice and comment. Then what?

Simple answer, you are just trying to avoid getting ticketed for man-spreading, which in some places illegal, NY Metro for instance.

11-09-2018, 02:14 PM
In fem mode i definitely cross my legs. In fact, I often double cross them. I know that the "double cross" is difficult/impossible for most men and many women but I seem to have the flexibility and it looks quite "lady like"!

Leslie Mary S
11-09-2018, 02:56 PM
Too much meat on my thighs to cross them lady style over the knee. I wish I could still do that tho'
Tried leaning over to see if I could actually do it which I did but my leg slipped right off.
I have no problem crossing them at the ankle sitting or when putting my feet up.

I am in the same boat as you Traci. I always do the ankle cross all the time. I have the same trouble of keeping the knees together. Even when I am sleeping flat on my back my ankles are crossed and my hands are joined in the middle of my chest near the bottom of the rib cage.. I have even put it in my while I am to be buried with my boots on and my ankles crossed right over left. (I'm a south paw). and in my death pose my antique Turkish sword is to be in my hands crusader style.
After the viewing the sword is to be removed and given to my son or grandson.

11-09-2018, 05:36 PM
Uh, guys have external "stuff" down there. Most of us kinda need to make a bit of physical room... You know, so we don't develop medical issues, and so we can have somewhat healthy sperm in order to perpetuate the human race. ;)

Please don't buy into this whole "man-spreading is bad!" garbage. Because that's exactly what it is. (And frankly, it's also sexist. Anything with a preceding "man-" buzzword is.)

And as someone else already mentioned, an adult-GG's pelvis is built wider & differently, from a structural point of view... You know, so they can squeeze out kids. Kinda intentionally designed that way.

Not rocket science, here. :p

Tracii G
11-09-2018, 05:48 PM
All the anti man bashing going on these days is sexist and I agree.
You can't regulate physiology or anatomy but the activists love to try and would love to pass laws pertaining to men and not women. Rant over.
Any man on this planet has man spread (ewww I hate that term) more times than Carters got liver pills.(you millennials may need to google that)
Don't women sit the same way sometimes if they are wearing pants? Sure they do.

11-09-2018, 05:53 PM
I think its a physiology issue. Women's skeletal structure has wider hips (to accommodate childbirth?), and since they have no boys to get in the way, it is much easier for them to maintain modesty and cross their legs at the knees. I love to wear tight pencil skirts which help me keep my knees together as I walk - and especially when driving. It really helps me to feel much more feminine! Also I am in chastity cage most of the time, so leg crossing is particularly difficult for me.

Roxanne Lanyon
11-10-2018, 08:30 AM
I hate trying to cross my legs like my ever so sweet sisters do! Now I think I understand why I cannot! Oh, another hurdle to overcome!
Roxanne Lanyon

"Being feminine is like adding sugar and cream to coffee!"

11-10-2018, 08:59 AM
Not only is a woman's pelvis wider than a man's, but the angle of the femoral neck is more acute causing a more oblique slant to a woman's thighs, so women's legs tend to point more toward their centerline rather than straight down. This makes sitting with one's legs crossed more comfortable for women than for man - in fact it makes it more possible, a woman can place one thigh over the other at a more restful angle than a man. I find sitting with my legs crossed something that requires practice, but it's never entirely comfortable.

Stephanie Julianna
11-10-2018, 09:13 AM
When I was younger I could not cross my legs over the knee because my calves were too muscular from being in Track and working as a caddy walking with heavy golf bags hanging on my shoulders. Then I got older and heavier which continued my issue. Then last year I finally decided that I needed to take control of my health, weight and even my body image. I lost 20 pounds but because of my age I lost it differently than I had in my youth. I lost it in my waist, and legs. My thighs got much thinner and my calves, although still bigger than I would like, also lost some mass. Now I can easily cross my legs over the knee in a feminine manner. As for the boys getting in the way, I always tuck in drab or glam so they never get in the way.

11-10-2018, 10:42 AM
Crossing my legs or holding them tightly together in a skirt or dress just sounds sensible and normal behaviour. Even in male mode, I often cross them or hold them together like women. I guess it became a habit. Sometimes I get a remark from friends because of that. They don't know about my crossdressing.

11-10-2018, 11:05 AM
Yes, I think women keep their legs together when sitting, especially when wearing a skirt and the shorter the skirt the more they pay attention to this. When wearing a longer skirt that is below knee they sometimes allow their legs to open enough that their thighs are parallel. Crossing the lower leg is a way to sit "modestly" I think. And they think the same about crossing the upper leg or thigh. Some especially in short skirts show a lot of thigh on the under side when they cross their upper leg though. I don't think some realize this. When I wear a short skirt I am aware of all this and even though I only dress at home I find myself adjust my skirt and position for proper modesty. Sherrii

11-10-2018, 11:51 AM
I actually like standing with legs crossed and elbows close to body, it can produce a more hourglass figure that way.


11-10-2018, 01:09 PM
In fem mode i definitely cross my legs. In fact, I often double cross them. I know that the "double cross" is difficult/impossible for most men and many women but I seem to have the flexibility and it looks quite "lady like"!

"double cross", is that thigh over knee and foot/shin behind calf/ankle? I can manage that, but it is not too comfortable on my shin and ankle of the leg that is crossed.

Tracii G
11-10-2018, 01:14 PM
Double crossed legs even when I see women do that it looks kind of painful.

Becky Blue
11-10-2018, 01:45 PM
At school, boys were teased if they sat with their legs crossed. I reckon today about 20% of men have their legs crossed in any given room full of people. I don't like it when guys manspread, often taking over 1.5 seats. When I am in dressed enfemme I always have my legs crossed or my knees together. When I am in drab i sit naturally with my legs together. I found sitting cross legged takes some practice before it becomes comfortable, I can sit for hours now.

11-11-2018, 05:25 AM
As I sit writing this I'm tucked, in a skirt, bare legged, no shoes and with legs crossed.

I've sat with legs crossed so often it has become second nature. True I need to swap legs after a while but it's not as if it's every two minutes. Fifteen to twenty I would guess if more the norm.

I must admit that I enjoy the feeling of smooth hairless leg sliding over smooth hairless leg as I first cross.

What I do find more difficult is crossing when in heels, especially if sitting on a low chair. Then I find I need to twist the supporting leg at the knee so the lower part is off to one side. If I try to place the supporting leg straight in front of me then it's uncomfortable both on the ankle and the hip of the suppoted leg. I guess my anatomy only allows so much flexibility.

11-11-2018, 06:31 PM
I don't know how much of this is social conditioning for me, but as a guy I don't cross my legs, I just put my ankle on a knee. However, when I wear skirts or dresses I just can't imagine doing that, so I cross legs just because no one would be interested to see what is "under the hood" if I were out.

11-12-2018, 10:49 AM
Crossing my legs just feels natural when I’m all dressed up. They don’t fully cross like they used to because I’m thicker than I used to be in my girlish days. I also sit with knees touching.

Miss V
11-12-2018, 11:17 AM
I sit with my legs crossed at the knee about 90% of the time I'm sat down. I just find it comfortable.

It's not unusual for guys to sit like that where I live, so it doesn't "out" me or anything :)

11-12-2018, 12:01 PM
Yeah I always sit with my legs crossed when dressed. But, because of increased dressing time, I find myself sitting with my legs crossed more often than not, especially at work where I work as a nurse.

11-12-2018, 04:15 PM
I’m not sure how many of you are aware, but proper etiquette for women says women should avoid crossing their legs at all, especially when wearing a skirt or dress. If you HAVE to cross your legs, you cross them at the ankle. But otherwise the proper way to sit as a lady is knees and ankles together but NOT crossed. Watch Kate Middleton. You’ll see she NEVER crosses her legs.

Leslie Mary S
11-12-2018, 04:27 PM
Yeah I always sit with my legs crossed when dressed. But, because of increased dressing time, I find myself sitting with my legs crossed more often than not, especially at work where I work as a nurse.

I was a medic. When does a nurse on duty get a chance to sit? grin.

11-16-2018, 08:47 AM
I think it is the way boys grow up. I have been trying to cross my legs for while, It is uncomfortable to me. I had knee surgery three years ago and the Doctor told me that I was very tight in my joints, I said I was a man and the doctor said I was tight for a man.
I would like to take a stretching class, to help me in all areas of my life, and hopefully I will then be able to cross my legs in Lady like fashion.

11-16-2018, 09:36 AM
I do Bikram yoga. It's great for to toning and limbering up the body and I have seen people in their 90's doing it.

I cross my knees occasionally with the traditional one knee over the other pose, and switch legs as dictated by comfort. Sometimes, I ever practice the pose in drab.

However, my most frequent femme leg crossing pose is the one where one keeps one's knees together and legs are crossed at the heels.

11-16-2018, 10:54 AM
I work in surgery, so lots of sitting during big long cases. Pretty boring actually!

11-16-2018, 01:43 PM
I cross my legs female style in man or girl mode and have for the last who knows how many years. It has just become natural for me.

My wife and myself are good friends with my ex and socialize quit often. When the two go out together I wonder what they talk about. LOL. I have been married to my second wife for 28 years and the first for 23. We three were out to lunch the other day and my wife went to the restroom. As soon as she left my ex started pumping me for information, she does not know I crossdresser. She says Sidney there's something different about you. I say, what? She says like the way you cross your legs, longer fingernails and just some mannerisms you have developed. My answer, there's a reason why your my ex. Her response, Oh. Maybe she does know? Well it started with crossed legs.

11-16-2018, 08:16 PM
Being an older person when started cross dressing and was natural to keep legs apart, I found that keeping legs together is a habit to be formed consciously or will appear as a loose woman who is looking for sex. I am not easy able to cross my legs due to the fact that I have thick thighs and crossing is just plain uncomfortable. But I am working on my thigh thickness and hopefully after months of exercise I will be able to cross them no issues.

11-16-2018, 10:24 PM
It comes quite naturally to me. My problem is remembering not to sit femininely when not dressed :)


Alexandra Collins
11-16-2018, 11:48 PM
As crossdressers, so much of what we do is about how it looks, and I think the most important thing about crossing your legs is that it looks good, at least if you're wearing a skirt or dress.

11-17-2018, 02:57 PM
It makes a big difference to how feminine you feel when you keep legs together e.g when out say standing at a bus stop.