View Full Version : All the things a girl needs just to go out of the door

11-26-2018, 05:52 AM
I thought long and hard about where to place this post, here in the main "Male to Female Crossdressing" section or in "Clothing, Shopping and Beauty", but on balance I have opted for here and this is more about my continued journey and it includes shopping, rather than it's a post which says, "This weekend I went shopping and I bought X, Y and Z"

Anyway, this weekend I went shopping. As you may know I've recently flipped from being a long term closet dresser to now out and about in the wide world. Briefly what changed was my understanding of myself, my acknowledgement that mt dressing stems from my gender identity and my wish to go about in the world in that gender identity. You see, and this won't be news to the vast majority here, and it shouldn't be news to me, but now I go outside there is suddenly a whole lot of things that I need in order to operate on the far side of the front door.

This weekend me and my SO had a night away in the quaintly named Lancashire town or Ramsbottom (yes it really is called Ramsbottom). Our journey there took us past one of the Boundary Mill shops. These are vast barns of places that sell huge amounts of clothes, mostly at not too bad prices. It's not all tiny prices, in that something expensive will probably still cost a lot of money but not necessarily as much as in a high street shop. Yes, you can buy online but I find it hard to beat the touch, feel and trying on test that you get in a proper shop.

So, on Saturday morning we set off and drove all the way over to Colne in Lancashire, the nearest Boundary Mill to Ramsbottom. I had a short list of things that I needed (I won't say wanted, as now I'm out, I really do need these things). Top of my list was a coat, followed by hat and gloves, a purse (something for carrying cash money) which goes into my handbag (purse (US), I got a handbag last week), an umbrella (it rains a lot) and a pair of ladies shoes.

As I, now, like to present all ways around, the coat and the shoes had to be able to pass a casual glance for when I'm presenting in a more male way (though this is done wholly in ladies clothes) and also for when I'm presenting wholly in girl mode. Boundary Mill is huge and covers two floors each bigger than a football pitch (both UK and US), and looking round requires time and patience.

Anyway, as we were driving to the place, I was able to knock the need for a hat from my shopping list as my SO is going to knit me one, (I have to make the bobble though :) ), and then, in the Marks and Spencer outlet bit I was able to get the gloves and an unmrella fairly quickly. In the accessories section by the main entrance I was able to get the purse, This left the coat and the shoes.

We went off to look for a coat. There we had much less success, in fact we failed and I couldn't find one that I liked and there were plenty to choose from, bearing in mind my need for it to pass (at a pinch as a men's coat), but none was just right, they didn't have, 'the coat', but here's the point, I tried plenty on, and not only did I try them on, but I did so in the main body of the shop even though I was in drab. Now, when I look back, even a couple of weeks, there is no way then that I would have been willing, or probably even able, to try on ladies coasts in full view of everyone else. But, of course, everybody is all too wrapped up in what they're doing to bother about anyone else. But, we drew a blank when it came to the coat.

So, we moved through to the rear part of the shop where the shoes were on display. When it comes to me wearing women's clothes there are a number of things that are stacked against me (size and looking just like my father to name two), but, as I've mentioned before I still have plenty of my own hair and I have size 8 (UK) feet. This means in women's sizes, a 9 will do for me, unless it's thin, I do need a wide fitting. I'm essentially after two pairs of shoes, one a smarter pair and one a more rugged outdoor pair. My hope was that Boundary Mill would be the kind of place tht might have a few pairs in large sizes and so size 9s would be plentiful. They weren't, as most ranges stopped at an 8 which is too small. However, the other half with great vigilance found a pair of Hotter size 9 Mary Jane shoes. And again, I tried them on, there in the shop, alongside where everyone else was trying their shoes on. Not only did they fit like a glove there are so comfortable that it's like wearng a pair of slippers. Being black too, it's perfectly possible to wear them when I'm presenting in male mode, something which I proved at dinner in the hotel on Saturday night and all day Sunday on the long journey back home. As an aside to this wearing the shoes in general wear I wore them with what now quaintly are called trouser socks but back in the day were known as pop socks and I'm an instant convert.

Apart from the coat, the trip to Boundary Mill was very successful.

When we got to Ramsbottom we had a look around the town centre and in a vintage shop / antique centre I was able to find a really nice pair of Austrian crystal clip on earrings. Yes, I know that they can be painful and I can only really wear them for shortish time, but I'm going to add earrings to what I wear just to see how I get on with them particularly when presenting in the more male way. If I'm comfortable with it then I'll seriously consider getting my ears pierced, something that the other half has wanted me to do for years. But before I can go down that route I need to be sure in myself that I'm happy permanently changing my body in a noticable way.

On Sunday we came back home and when we saw a TK MAXX we decied to call in to have a look around - it was a weekend devoted to shopping :) and don't you know, there on the first rail that I looked at was just the coat (French Connection, yes I hate myself :) ) I wanted and on a red ticket too. Again I had no trouble in trying the coat on in the shop and checking myself in the mirror just to confirm that all was just so.

So a fully successful weekend after all. I managed to get all I wanted, I was happy to try things on in the shops as needed and I was able to spend a whole day in ladies' shoes with no one noticing.

And this finally is the other thing that I've noticed with this change to how I'm going to live, when you go from being only inside, to going outside, particularly when you live in high and remote places which have a proper winter, then you suddenly need a whole lot of stuff just to get by. But that just adds to the overall adventure :) :) :)

11-26-2018, 08:31 AM
:thumbsup: :) well that's all tickety-boo Charlotte. I love it when a plan comes together.

Two things:

1. I'm a UK8 shoe which is usually an EU42 BUT in a lot of ladies shoes it is an EU41 (nearer a true UK7). If you ignore the UK size and try on a 42 (even if listed as an 8) it will more often than not fit quite well. Some makes differ of course, Fly London for example you need a 9 which they equate to a 43 and even then they are a smallish 8. Anyway, if you see that UK8 is as high as they go but they say EU42 rather than 41 then they are always worth trying on. :)

2. Get those ears pierced for heaven's sake. :)

11-26-2018, 08:48 AM
Hi Charlotte

I was also going to suggest trying anything from 7 to 9 based on my experiences as another UK8. There appears to be little consistency in womens shoe sizing.


Tracy Irving
11-26-2018, 08:50 AM
Glad you had a successful weekend and got everything you wanted / needed.

11-26-2018, 04:50 PM
I'm very lucky having a Boundary Mill and a Downtown combined in one large outlet just ten minutes drive away . I love their warehouse clearance .

I know it's all just happening for you , I can see some apprehension in your shopping style , the great thing is you have a willing partner , can you imagine doing it alone ? I must admit I don't mix the two anymore in fact I find it awkward and uncomfortable shopping in male mode now . I can tell so many funny stories of when I shopped in male mode but it just doesn't feel right now.
The shoe sizing is misleading , I fell into the trap of thinking male sizing equates to one size larger in female shoes . Shoes like other womens clothing items vary far more than male sizing , I have some 7.5 shoes that fit as well as a wide fit 8 from another supplier . Next shoes do appear to be oversized , Dorothy Perkins true to size and at the moment I'm finding the same applies to Matalan .

I find a good source of handbags and purses are charity shops , I don't think I've paid more than £5.00 for one , my everyday one is a black soft real leather one , I love it .

I'm sure you are aware that the name Bottom refers to a valley dweller , not only are there place names but also surmames . Sidebottom is someone who lives on the side of a valley .

Wendy me
11-26-2018, 05:23 PM
Charlotte sounds like a good shopping trip

As far as what is needed to pass/ blend in as a woman look around there is no "standard look" my. likes in women's clothing is what I like and what I think looks ok on me .....

And this 60 plus t girl wears a skimpy bikini on the beach .... so Charlotte wear what you like and rock it .....

11-26-2018, 06:06 PM
Hi Charlotte, the Colne Boundary Mills store is very close to me, and is my go to store for much of my wardrobe. In fact I was there on Saturday also. We might even have seen each other because I was also shopping for shoes. Well in my case boots, size 9, and yes the choice was limited. But I did find what I wanted, knee high boots in a brown leather,and at a decent price.
It's interesting that you couldn't find a winter coat because three or four weeks back that's just what I was looking for. Found the perfect item,a camel coloured duffle that would have met your needs perfectly. Didn't buy it though because not one of the coats on display were priced up, and even after 20 minutes searching nobody could give me a price. They eneed up taking the whole lot off display.
But I do agree that regardless of your presentation, you can try on anything that you want, no problem.

11-26-2018, 06:35 PM
Great shopping trip!

I love going shopping (so far always in drab) for female clothing and shoes. I find it an experience, always thinking what ifs, but more often than not deciding to go for whatever item I want. If it’s shoes, I try to find a quiet corner to try them on, although last time in a mall near Boston I decided to try them in front of the SA. If it’s clothes, I don’t have the nerve yet to ask to try them on. I usually buy them and try them on in some restroom nearby so that I can exchange them if need be. But more often than not I buy my things outside the country (little chance of being spotted by some acquaintance...), so my “bravery” is not that big...

As Daisy rightly points out, get those ears pierced!! I’d love to do that but ain’t gonna happen for me any time soon unfortunately...

11-26-2018, 06:48 PM
Charlotte, now that sounds like a brilliant time of it :) will you be modeling the new shoes for us?

Beverley Sims
11-26-2018, 08:48 PM
The more you see the more you want.

Get out in the shops and you can come home with a load of parcels and a maxxed out credit card.

Be frugal when you buy.

Just get a couple of things on every trip and you soon accumulate all the accessories you want.

That includes the clothes you wear. :-)

11-26-2018, 08:51 PM
Charlotte, sounds like you had a great shopping weekend.

11-27-2018, 02:49 AM
In fact I was there on Saturday also. We might even have seen each other because I was also shopping for shoes.

And that is only the members of this forum who have read this thread so it makes you wonder just how many crossdressers there are shopping in the UK, let alone West Yorkshire! :)

11-27-2018, 03:03 AM

What a great shopping weekend.

It made me smile with the memory of shopping in the Sheffield Boundary Mills with my ex. First time I tried a shoe on. We went down to the end of one of the long aisles, but still a couple of quizzical stares. I found there was a reasonable selection of Size 9s, which is my size (am I doing something wrong?). Subsequently I have found I fit in some 8s.

We both ended up spending a fortune.

11-27-2018, 03:16 AM
And that is only the members of this forum who have read this thread so it makes you wonder just how many crossdressers there are shopping in the UK, let alone West Yorkshire! :)

Daisy! Daisy! Daisy! You're geography's let you down, Colne is over the state line in the red rose county of Lancashie! On your other point there was definitely a cross dresser (in drab) shopping at the TK Maxx we visited on Sunday afternoon.

Kayegirl, if you were there between 11ish and 1ish, then yes we were there at the same time. If you saw a harassed forum member trying, but failing to buy a coat, then yes, that was me!!

11-27-2018, 03:51 AM
Ah well now you see Charlotte the things is I've always wanted to re-ignite the War of The Roses because I know how much you Yorkshire folk love Lancashire. I mean you did travel there from West Yorkshire and Colne is only 2 miles from the Yorkshire border but I guess that when regional rivalry goes back that many centuries then these things matter (perhaps more than they should)! :)

11-27-2018, 05:33 AM
Charlotte , I was there from 11ish, but had done by 12. Not long I know but with the store being so close to home, I do get there rather too often for my bank balance. Sorry that I did not spot you, but then I never go shopping looking for other crossdressers.
Helena, I always look at the continental sizes when buying shoes, a lot more meaningful than UK sizes.
Now Daisy, I am just 2 miles from the border on the West Yorkshire side, but be very careful, we Yorkshire folk often venture across the border to do our missionary work. It is very easy to bribe the border guides, just a few Uncle Joe's mint balls, and that's it!!

11-27-2018, 05:49 AM

What an adventure! I'm sure many here will aporeciate the difference between want and need. Going out requires the possession of certain items. Coat and a handbag are essentials.

Shoes; I've found Next to be good for size 9's. Unfortunately they don't tend to carry many in store but you can always do what I did and click and collect. Nothing to stop you then trying them on while in the shop so if you don't like, simply send 'em back.

Next is also good for doing tall ranges, 5'10" and above. I bought two coats, one for warmth, one a raincoat that fit a treat. Quality is good to.

Stacy Darling
11-27-2018, 05:52 AM
Growing up with sheep stations I wonder if the dags on the rams bottom could be the problem Charlie?

Just joking, shopping is so fraught with danger!