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View Full Version : Guidelines for successful Crossdressing

03-21-2006, 12:35 AM
I was out and about today running several erands in different stores. I got to thinking "how is it that can do this and not give a thought to wether or not
anyone cares who I am? Well, I believe it's because I have adopted several
guidelines which I feel necessary for a happy home and a more presentable me. Here are my guidelines:

Be honest- I've been out for several years so I don't have to hide anything
from my wife. I'm sure if I were confonted with the "are you a
man question" I would answer it affirmatively since a spent a
week introducing my male self while crossdressed.

Be respectful- I'm respectful of those things which my wife wants to covet as her own. I'm respectful of those whom I come in contact while out in public. All are entitled to their own thoughts and opinions and do not deserve deception

Be legal- I try not to do anything against the law

Be presentable - Represent myself favorablely being pleasant, curtious and
a non standout

I'm sure you girls have more and would like to hear them. Maybe we could
establish a code to live by or something:)

03-21-2006, 01:06 AM
Penny, My Sister.

I love your story about being out and about. I really believe that in a couple generations this will be common. People in other parts of the world don’t have the problems we have right here in the USA over Gender issues. It’s like we are 20 years or more behind everyone else in issues regarding sex, gender etc. I believe that what is causing this might be the special interest groups and certain religions in the USA. It seems that over time things will change. It’s just not going to happen in my lifetime, I believe.

Thanks for this thred.

Lisa Baby
03-21-2006, 01:14 AM
Everyone is intitled to their own opinion, no matter how wrong they are.


03-21-2006, 01:43 AM
I have one to add:

Be thrifty - For example, don't spend $30 on a skirt when there may be a similar one at a thrift store for $2.

Cathy Anderson
03-21-2006, 01:53 AM
Be honest with yourself. Before dressing, ask yourself: Is this something I really want to do right now, or am I just doing it out of habit?


03-21-2006, 02:17 AM
I think that's very well put, Penny. If I could add one thing...be yourself.


03-21-2006, 02:19 AM
Everyone is intitled to their own opinion, no matter how wrong they are.



03-21-2006, 09:50 AM

You put it very good, and i am sure your comments are very appropriate.
One additional thing I have found to is confidence, be confident in what you are doing.
When out shopping, I just go about my shopping when femme as it is the most normal thing I do. Wear clothes to blend in with the shopping crowd. IE: don't wear a short skirt in the middle of the winter when all the other girls are wearing heavy coats and slacks just to keep warm.
By wearing clothes that will blend in with the crowd, you become just one of the girls, and no one will give you a second glance


03-21-2006, 10:37 AM
I think Penny's original four are almost perfect. Simply showing respect is such an obvious and important thing to do, I can't be doing with winging "wah wah no-one accepts me they're all swine boo hiss!" speeches from people (not just TG folk, there are people guilty of this in every scene) who fail at this simple thing, the sort who see respect as something to be expected without the need to show it back.

Common infractions I can think of;

-Deriding GGs for not wearing your idea of femenine attire, as if they should be grateful for unsolicited (and often impractical) fashion tips and criticism offered by trannies.

-Failure to respect personal space, eg insisting on muscling in on GG's private conversations because "I'm a girl too".

-Getting carried away with the "me vs. the world" feeling and being ignorant and uncivil to everyone you meet. In this vein, if someone makes a joke, don't take it any more personally than was intended, and definitely beware of making pre-emptive strikes against imagined persecution. Such things will only alienate you more.

-Putting other people in positions where they are forced to take account for or suffer the consequences of anything you choose to do yourself. That's just not fair.

Most of these are pitfalls and symptoms of nerves as much as anything else, but being honest, respectful, legal, presentable and, may I add, responsible, will get you far. Everything else is just details.

03-21-2006, 10:11 PM
Penny, You mentioned in your original post about if someone ask if you were a man. I have had that happen. My response is--"Thank you. Yes I am. It's flattering that you weren't sure and had to ask".


03-21-2006, 10:21 PM
Good post Penny. Your guidelines and those added are good guidelines in every aspect of our lives, not only in cross-dressing.