View Full Version : 1 year

12-06-2018, 02:49 AM
Sooo.. lol

Quite a bit has taken place in the last few months.

My first foray into dressing in public was last December 2017 and it involved a taxi ride to my first therapist appointment.

All subsequent therapy sessions involved me driving and parking my car a 100 feet from the therapists front door.

January 2018 I think it was, not even sure, I went to a support group session, then another, and another, this would be my last one as I

didn't feel I belonged, but as fate would happen I met a friend.

From this friend I made my first day time excursion and attended a trans march back in August, I didn't do the walk but rather waited in a park where all the attendees would enter after finishing the walk.

Also from this friend I found out there was another group that met and started to attend it instead. Going to these groups gave me a reason to dress and to build my confidence.

During this time I started to go to electrolysis , going to a beauty salon and having hair removed is quite an en lightning experience, so much so, I quit seeing my therapist

because telling my electrolysis that I was Transgender was better money spent, plus I was ridding of hair, :)

I started to make friends and finally made a date to go out in November with 2 other gurls.

The week before my wife had a function in the city so we decided to book a hotel, I wanted to go out before meeting my new friends so I be more comfortable, so I decided

this was it, I would go out by myself while my wife was busy.

I got ready and drinking liquid courage but was scared as usual, im not sure if I would have went out, but surprise , surprise, my wife texted me and told me her event was

boring and She would meet a bar 5 minutes from the hotel, I jumped at the chance.

I flew down the road to the bar, if people looked I didn't notice, seen my wife and She was sitting at an outside enclosed patio because inside the bar was packed.

All the practice from little steps seemed to pay off because I felt no fear at all and walked in and sat with her, we ate and drank wine, then left and walked to another place up the road.

This time I took my time walking , enjoying the night air.

The only stressful thing during the first night was the fear of using a woman's bathroom, but the bars I visited both had gender neutral bathrooms so it was all good.

The following week, I went out with the 2 gurls I met from chatting online and we had an amazing night, and ended up in a night club and danced away, even though my calves ached

the next day, when they hurt, it made me smile.

Things I learned, dressing up makes me happy in fact happy isn't a Big enough Word.

Everything everyone has been saying on this board is true, No one cares, I didn't get any negative reactions.

I also learned my wife is a Saint, She doesn't understand it, She wishes I wasn't doing it, but if im going to do it, She wants to be there so I am safe.

Thank you all for the support,


PS: I did a shopping trip also with some gurls, but that's another story.

12-06-2018, 02:58 AM
Things I learned, dressing up makes me happy in fact happy isn't a Big enough word.
"Complete" might be the word you're looking for.

Glad your wife is sort of on board with your dressing. Many are not.

Beverley Sims
12-06-2018, 03:00 AM
May the next 12 months bring you as much satisfaction.

12-06-2018, 03:30 AM
Samantha, great conclusion of a full year. I'm glad your wife gives you suppoert and even goes out with you. Is she ok with it or are there more problems with tha dressing on her side, except she doesn't really like it?

12-06-2018, 03:37 AM
What a wonderful year! Double kudos for the relationship you and your wife have :)

12-06-2018, 04:06 AM
A great year for you - may you have many more just as happy :)

12-06-2018, 07:39 AM
An inspiring story! You’ll have to give us updates on Year 2.

12-06-2018, 07:48 AM
Samantha, congratulations on year with many steps forward.

12-06-2018, 07:49 AM
Thanks for the great story!

Best wishes to you and your wife! A real keeper!

Karen RHT
12-06-2018, 09:33 AM
Yup, another terrific story and thanks so much for sharing Samantha. Kudos to both you and your wife. Keep going and keep enjoying.


12-06-2018, 02:41 PM
Thank you all,


My wife never had a problem with me dressing, but like me She didnt ever think it would leave the house.

I posted all this in the past so I wont go into detail here, but our daughter finding out changed everything.

It opened up the ability to come and go as I please and not having to change in a car or something.

I know my wife never thought She would be comfortable going out with me, but some how as time has gone on that changed.

Her biggest fear isnt unlike mine in some ways at the beginning, and it's what if someone we know sees me.

For me I dont really give a rats ass anymore and dont want to hide, I am hoping as time goes on I will let other people into my circle.

But for now I will respect her wishes. She knows it makes me happy, and in someways has been my biggest supporter, and always encourages me

to go out, but at the sametime wishes I was the man She married..

There have been some humorous and ironic things that have happened on the way.

Like sitting in a bar and realizing I was the only one dressed and yet most likely the straightest male there...:)

I no longer wear stockings, once leaving my therapist one stocking decided to leave my leg, I had to lock my arm against my hip and leg to stop it from falling.

Must have looked like I was having a health issue with one arm straight as a board...lol horrible at the time but pretty funny now that I look back.

Thank you, Samantha

12-06-2018, 03:00 PM
"Things I learned, dressing up makes me happy in fact happy isn't a Big enough Word."

Yes, Samantha, that is the key to everything you have said here and exactly how I felt after going out the very first time so many years ago. It is kind of funny how a simple statement like that has so much meaning for some of us. That happiness has led me down that path even further with zero regrets except for that nagging question, "Why didn't I know this about myself much, much, much sooner in life?" Thanks for bringing me back to that true focus point, the importance of my own happiness!

Crissy 107
12-06-2018, 04:04 PM
Samantha, Good for you! That was a very inspirational story!

12-06-2018, 08:20 PM
Everything everyone has been saying on this board is true, No one cares, I didn't get any negative reactions.

Yay! No angry villagers chasing you up the street with pitchforks and flaming torches!! LOL

That's such a nice story Samantha and such a great year. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. Best of luck with everything and I hope it just continues to get better and better.

Sometimes Steffi
12-06-2018, 11:38 PM
Things I learned, dressing up makes me happy in fact happy isn't a Big enough Word.

I think the big word you're looking for is "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious".

12-07-2018, 10:39 PM
Great story. I’m still a stay at home, but hope in a year i’ll be as comfortable as you are.

Tina June
12-07-2018, 10:49 PM
Samantha -
Keep up the progress. Life looks good when you have a positive outlook!

Tina J

12-08-2018, 02:22 AM
Keep on keepin on, Sam!:thumbsup:

I HATE going out to vanilla venues dressed by myself! :doh:

But, I LOVE going out to T friendly ones with my T girl friends!:hugs: