View Full Version : Dreams - and the exciting feeling afterwards

12-11-2018, 09:19 PM
Hello Ladies,

Its been awhile since I've posted (busy life in general), but last night I had one of those vivid dreams that felt real and after waking up the feeling lasted throughout the day.
The dream I had was simple, but powerful. I dreamt that I was out with some friend and family at a local mall. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, as I was wearing a t-shirt, blue jeans and a black belt, but then I realized while I was walking that I was wearing a pair of strappy 4" black heels with my bright blue polished toenails sticking out for the world to see. At first I tried to hide them, but it was to late, you could hear the clicking sound on the hard surface below....my heart raced and a burst of euphoria hit me like none other. My sister looked down and complimented my choice of shoes and nail polish and we kept walking. At which time I awoke, but did that put a smile on my face the rest of the day. This dream made me feel free, with on one caring about what I had on, or that I was out in public! Just wanted to share this short story, as the excitement has been with me all day.


Crissy 107
12-11-2018, 09:49 PM
Adriana, Remember sometimes dreams do come true! :)

12-11-2018, 09:53 PM
Aaww that sounds like a great dream! I wish I could have one of those. I'm glad the feeling stayed with you through the day.

12-11-2018, 09:54 PM
Crissy, so true, it could come true as its not out of the real of reality :)

12-11-2018, 11:20 PM
I had a few dreams like that... last one I can remember I was out and about somewhere.... I happened by a mirror and was shocked to see I was completely en femme. I freaked out and was terrorfied the whole dream as I was scared someone wold recognize me. In dream it felt like about an hour or so. When I woke up I was supper excited as no one batted an eye and I was called ma’am and miss.

Beverley Sims
12-11-2018, 11:58 PM
I do have the occasional girl dream that leaves me wanting to get dressed afterwards.

12-12-2018, 12:01 AM
Sounds nice! Unfortunately I'm the type of person that never really remembers dreams past like, a minute after waking up. I'm sure I've had dreams about being out dressed but I'd be hard pressed to tell any specifics.

12-12-2018, 04:03 AM
Y'know, I was going to ask if anyone has 'girl' dreams. I hope I do at some point! Thank you for sharing :)

Georgia K
12-12-2018, 04:34 AM
I've never had a dream like that and now I want too

12-12-2018, 07:40 AM
On rare occasions I have dreams where I am a GG, or so it seems. Very interesting dreams for sure. Doesn't produce a desire to dress, but they are pleasant and the memory of the dream sticks around for awhile. Not really different from other dreams, you know, crazy disconnected story lines and the like. But I am female. Probably don't mean a thing as they are just rather random events and situations. But I suspect it is just a result of being non-binary where the dual gender identity of many trans people are merged into one identity with a spectrum that goes from moderate male/masculine to moderate female/feminine and everything in between.

12-12-2018, 09:36 AM
I learned to practice remembering dreams, and valuing them for their metaphoric expression of my feelings [exploring a big mysterious house]. Sometimes it is quite literal and factual trying on flannel nightgowns in a store with a mirror], and sometimes a pictorial metaphor [I was out standing in a field], an sometimes a weird overly graphic and horrifying Greek play [my hands cut off and bleeding stumps was that I was feeling helpless].

I also took an interest in lucid dreaming, which is being semiconcsious while in the dream, and you can direct the play, or go back into it again the next night.

Bottom line, having a I am a girl dream means whatever it means to you-let yourself just see the pic and feel the feelings again.

12-12-2018, 12:47 PM
On rare occasions I have dreams where I am a GG, or so it seems. Very interesting dreams for sure. Doesn't produce a desire to dress, but they are pleasant and the memory of the dream sticks around for awhile. Not really different from other dreams, you know, crazy disconnected story lines and the like. But I am female. Probably don't mean a thing as they are just rather random events and situations. But I suspect it is just a result of being non-binary where the dual gender identity of many trans people are merged into one identity with a spectrum that goes from moderate male/masculine to moderate female/feminine and everything in between.

I have these as well. Typically, I dream that I've woken up as a girl and have to go about my day. They are fun :)

Debra Russell
12-12-2018, 12:59 PM
From time to time I dream I am a woman and see my self and feel (in my imagination) as though I am truly feminine …. it is truly exhilarating and memorable :daydreaming:...……………………...Debra

12-12-2018, 01:10 PM
I often have dreams in which I am dressed or underdressed, and then discovered. In these dreams I always act as if it is no big deal and so does everyone in the dream. I think these dreams represent a desire in my mind that society would erase the male/female lines of the fashion world and let everyone dress openly however they like. I see this in many of the posts in many of the threads here: I wish we could all accept each of us. Well, it is never going to happen, get used to the frustration. The planet is full of insecure people that point our my flaws to cover theirs.

By the way, I always look stunning in these dreams, way beyond reality. Funny it would be that way!

Francene Lola Dupree
12-12-2018, 02:48 PM
I have girl dreams almost every night, assumed it was common. Possibly helped by wearing fem nightwear and chastity.

Always feel very safe and comfortable wherever the dream goes, and they're rarely x-rated


12-12-2018, 02:52 PM
Dreams do come true, hope yours does

12-12-2018, 03:14 PM
I've had femme dreams, though not too often, so I Googled < how to generate the dreams you want >. Very intellesting!

12-14-2018, 09:57 AM
Once in a while I dream I am wearing breast forms and trying to hide my breasts from other folks.

Mostly, I dream I am working (I've been retired for quite a while). I wake up more tired than when I went to bed!