View Full Version : Lost Earring

01-21-2019, 08:19 PM
I just now realized that I've lost an earring in the house. It didn't fall out it came apart leaving the wire in my ear.

Fortunately, I'm not hiding my dressing from my wife, in fact it's part of a pair she bought for me. But now I have to look all over the house, in the chair cushions, etc. And of course it might have gone down the drain, toilet, etc.

I'm just really glad I don't have to find it before my wife gets home or make an excuse if she finds it first.

01-21-2019, 08:39 PM
Oh that would have been a nightmare if you were still hidden. I can imagine tearing the house apart and racking your brain trying to come up with some semi-plausible excuse, some other woman who might reasonably have been in the house (and not having an affair). It might have come in on somebody's shoe (ya right). Phew. I'm sure you don't miss that stress.

01-21-2019, 09:01 PM
Good luck finding it.. Glad Im by myself--so done with the hiding & stresses. DO have a bazillion jewelry pieces here. Many are home-mades. Have magnet tools that can help find the ones with some ferrous metal. The non-ferrous ones are found with a high-power flashlight. Had instance when displays were out front--and wind-gust knocked over the earring trees onto the landscape gravel. Now That was a Challenge to find a hundred little pairs that scattered all over those rocks!! :) Toni G..

01-21-2019, 10:05 PM
If the missing part went into a sink, bathtub or shower drain, it's probably in the trap immediately below the drain. Barring removal of finishing materials, it's normally a five minute job to open the trap drain. If it's in the toilet, you'll have to make a decision on the value of the lost item. Chances are good you'll have to lift the toilet and use a camera to find it, and even then there is no guarantee of finding it.

You'll have to retrace where you have been since you last had the earring until now.

Hell on Heels
01-21-2019, 11:32 PM
Hell-o Krisi,
I’m sure that earring will show up somewhere, and what a relief that you wont have to do any explaining when your wife happens to find it for you.
I had lost a fake nail a few years ago, long before my SO knew anything. I had no idea where it was, only that it was definitely somewhere inside the house. I had searched for hours that night, only to come up with nothing but fear!
A few days later, while doing some “deep thinking” in the bathroom, you’ll never guess what I spotted peeking out from under a baseboard.
Happy hunting! Or fishing???
Much Love,

Jean 103
01-22-2019, 12:08 AM
A couple of times come to mind
one, when I got home one was missing. I found it the next morning on the front step as I was leaving for work.
Another one was lost at a friends going away party. It's mate is now a charm on my ankle bracelet.

01-22-2019, 02:59 AM
I am fortunate my wife is accepting of Danielle but it is still funny she gets a little irritated when she finds any evidence of a Danielle day. I get that eye rolling when she finds a a fake nail or a trace of lipstick or makeup on a bedspread where I was taking photos. I try to to be meticulous in my cleanup but I swear sometimes she is like a CSIS team. It must be extremely stressful when someone is totally closeted from their SO.

Beverley Sims
01-22-2019, 03:53 AM
That's okay, I went swimming in the sea the other day and lost a chick fillet.

Moral of the story, don't wear clear chick fillets when swimming.

A coloured one you can see floating about. :-)

Awkward when you are in the closet and the article pops up in the most unlikely place.

01-22-2019, 06:00 AM
I've been given a look when things turn up that aren't mine, a girls watch, a neckless, we have a late teen daughter and I'm sure they're her friends but she always says not. As i'm semi dadt there is often that look Danielle describes.

01-22-2019, 09:04 AM
Well, I found it! In my bra, between my boobies. Last night when I was getting undressed. This was after I had searched the floors and chair cushions but before I went through the nearly full garbage can. All I have to do is put it back on the wire and bend the wire back to how it's supposed to be.

What a relief!.

01-22-2019, 09:37 AM
Krisi -- Good for you. Losing or misplacing something can drive one absolutely bonkers. And then you find it when not looking for it. After a quick search I don't waste a lot of time anymore. I just know my wife will find the item no matter how much I search. Of course, her finding it is accompanied with a short lecture.

April Rose
01-22-2019, 10:12 AM
Toni, the high power flashlight really does help when looking for small objects. The room I sew in has a dark hardwood floor, and if I drop a needle it will disappear, not to be found until I apply the flashlight, or a bare foot.....

Beverly, Once, while swimming in the ocean I forgot to take my wallet out of my bathing suit pocket, and lost it in the ocean. 24 hours later I got a call from the lifeguard station. Someone had found my wallet and turned it in. In was ruined of course, and I had already cancelled my credit cards, but the cash was still in it, and I was saved the aggravation of replacing my license and all the other stuff. To this day, I won't by swim trunks with a pocket.

01-22-2019, 09:45 PM
Good luck with your search. I have had earrings come off before also, some I have found in really weird locations some have never been found

01-22-2019, 10:44 PM
I hate losing earrings. A lot of times, they just get stuck on my wig.

01-23-2019, 02:35 PM
My best lost earring story was when I visited my son in law's mother to see my granddaughter as Teresa. While I was there a friend of hers dropped by unannounced , we had a lovely chat and as I got up to leave the friend stood up and gave me a hug in doing so she caught my clippon earing . The clip came off and I found that on the floor but the decorative part went missing . After a few minutes the lady friend started to giggle , she then announced I've found the missing part , and she retrieved it from her cleavage !

Alice B
01-23-2019, 02:44 PM
I must have 5-6 single ear rings in which the matching one has gone to ear ring heaven. Have tried empting the vacume cleaner and sorting through the material with no luck.

01-25-2019, 09:22 AM
My best lost earring story was when I visited my son in law's mother to see my granddaughter as Teresa. While I was there a friend of hers dropped by unannounced , we had a lovely chat and as I got up to leave the friend stood up and gave me a hug in doing so she caught my clippon earing . The clip came off and I found that on the floor but the decorative part went missing . After a few minutes the lady friend started to giggle , she then announced I've found the missing part , and she retrieved it from her cleavage !

That's where mine was!

Those things are more than just fun things to play with, they have a purpose. ;)

BTW: My wife had moved my jewelry pliers but I found them and fixed the earring today. Good as new and I am wearing them. They match a necklace.

01-26-2019, 08:49 PM
I try to to be meticulous in my cleanup but I swear sometimes she is like a CSIS team. It must be extremely stressful when someone is totally closeted from their SO.

Yes, it can be stressful, particularly when my wife knows and remembers that I dressed long ago. She has seen zero evidence in fifteen years. She mentioned it then because I did Abby's laundry and closed the washer door. She remembered leaving it open. She is your whole CSIS team wrapped up in a single person. Reminds me of my Mum and three sisters. I usually dress at my rented storage unit or on business trips, but when she is gone on a trip herself, I dress at home.

Inventory control is how I keep from making mistakes and keep the stress down. And no makeup, period, in my house. I double check all the places that I wear jewelry right before locking up the storage unit to be sure that I have not forgotten to remove a ring or bracelet. I shower at a nearly abandoned old gym at my workplace. In this part of the world, we have the motto, "Pack it in. Pack it out." I inventory carefully every item that leaves the storage unit. That works for successful camping and for clean and successful dressing. Fifteen years without an announced error.

As for lost clip earrings, that has happened to me twice. And to some nice earrings, too. After the second time this happened, I started to buy two identical pair when I buy earrings. If I see a pair that matches earrings that I already have and like, I grab a spare pair of them also. That way, it takes the loss of three earrings, not just one, to leave me with an orphan. So far, I may have lost one, but I have not lost three of the same earring. And I never wear earrings in my house.

01-27-2019, 01:21 PM
I lost an elf ear in the living room just before the entire family came over to our house on Xmas. I was doing a Sherry Xmas shoot. By Xmas day I still hadn't found it!:doh:

I struggled with telling the adults if one of the kids found it to say one of Santa's helpers dropped it. Or, just plead ignorance if it turned up!:straightface:

Tracii G
01-27-2019, 01:32 PM
I would have never thought to look in my bra.

01-28-2019, 09:37 AM
It's not so much that I thought to look there, as I was getting ready for bed, I felt something in there that didn't belong. It was a fairly large earring.

Alice B
01-28-2019, 02:20 PM
Just added another to my collection. Have torn the house apart with no luck.

01-28-2019, 07:01 PM
I loss one. I thought it was in the car or on my cloths. But no it fall off in the kitchen the next morning my wife found it. Asked if it was mine I said no. Said I found it at a gas station just put it in my pocket. She knew it was a lie just left it on the counter for me.

Genifer Teal
02-02-2019, 05:03 PM
One day I had just gotten off the subway and I'm still walking along the platform next to the train. I hear this plink sound followed by another faint metallic sound. I thought to myself, that sounds like a hoop earring just hit the ground and is rolling along. To my chagrin I reached up and noticed one of my earrings was missing. Search for a good 5 minutes but never found it. My assumption is it went off the platform.

02-04-2019, 11:34 AM
Found it in your bra? There's no room in mine for anything else! LOL. I often wish.

02-05-2019, 09:28 AM
Between my boobs!

02-05-2019, 12:33 PM
After the second time this happened, I started to buy two identical pair when I buy earrings.
^this. It's way too easy to lose earrings. Now I buy them in several pair sets on fleabay. Funny, since I always have a spare now, I don't lose any, anymore. Part of Murphy's laws, I guess.

Amber Love
03-12-2019, 10:03 PM
I didn’t loose any but I did forget to remove them one evening when I got back to my hotel room. Was on a business trip and had to share the room with another employee. He saw them and asked me what was up. They were clip on. I made up the story I was at a friends house and they had a young daughter who put them on me and I had forgotten all about them when I left. Don’t know if he bought it but nothing was ever said. Hugs. Amber

03-16-2019, 09:45 AM
Hi Krisi :hugs:, Glad that everything is good again.

One thing that I learned is to close the vanity drain when putting studs in while standing at the bathroom mirror.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Orchid ..O:daydreaming:O..

Teri Ray
03-16-2019, 12:06 PM
And............I thought I was the only one who had a piece of the twilight zone in my house. While dressing I have lost nails, lipstick, earings a breast enchancer, not to mention various items of make up. They were right there in front of me and then "POOF" gone lost in the twilight zone. I like others here am currently very lucky to have a wife who I can just inform of my missing piece of crossdressing. But there was a time that panic would set in. I am so happy to learn that I may just be clumsy and forgetful.
