View Full Version : So that happened

02-02-2019, 06:45 PM
So a couple of weeks ago I was in an accident and had to be taken to the ER for my injuries. As I called and told my wife I realized that I had recently painted my toenails the most sparkly red color I had in my collection box and also had shaved my legs within a few days. This was stressing me out more than the injury at the time and my wife responded with "don't worry we can tell them out kid did it".

So after sitting in the ER for what seemed like an eternity I was ushered into the back room and took my place on a stretcher and after waiting a while longer a DR came in to look at the injury which required taking off my socks. There in all their Red Sparkly glory were my nails, and to my suprise not even a second look or reaction. Although I should have seen this coming as they are medical staff, they are not worried what I look like but how to fix my injuries.

It was not until a little later that someone actualy made a comment on how nice they looked and who did them for me and really the only other comment was from the recovery nurses who were quite enthralled with them and told me I could confide in them. I did keep the story going but also added it's 2019 and it's not a big deal.

It was still quite funny as I spent the next 4 days being rolled around or hopping around the ward with my red nails not giving a crap at that point, it was nice. And only a single nurse noticed just before I went home that my legs were shaved.

Anyone else have a story like this?


02-02-2019, 06:53 PM
How fortunate that your nails were a bigger worry for than your injuries, Cynthia!:thumbsup:

02-02-2019, 06:53 PM
Something similar happen to me about 3 yrs ago I was taken by ambulance to the ER after an accident at the time I was wear panties and had dark blue toe nails. Like you no one on the medical staff ever commented about either. Everyone was concern with my treatment.

02-02-2019, 06:55 PM
The injury is pretty bad Sherry, but it's the stupid small things that worry you when the adrenaline is all jacked up. Or at least it was for me.


02-02-2019, 07:18 PM
So glad to hear you are recovering , the World may have nearly ended in a different way but thankfully not because of your nails .

I have been for Xrays and other procedures and donated blood three times since being dressed full time , I had to smile at the radiologist who came out to me about his Cding by telling me he was a Goth and had great weekends away with a group of them .

Beverley Sims
02-02-2019, 07:33 PM

Another step towards being out.

I was given a pink robe by the male orderly when last in hospital his only question was how long had I been wearing a bra.

You see, I have indentations around my chest from wearing them for many years.

So everybody knows.....

02-02-2019, 10:21 PM
I spent 8 days in the hospital during this past November. I was overdue for a pedicure. My toes had a shade of blue with 50-60% coverage. Everyone was professional. I got occasional compliments from staff and no odd looks or remarks.

02-03-2019, 03:11 AM
Similar thing happened to me, although not through any accident. Last year I underwent a series of tests for potential prostate problems, which included a MRI scan and a biopsy. In both cases stripped below the waist. At the time nylon nails were a teal blue colour, which was admired by the radiologist and nurses.
This last couple of weeks I have had some follow up repeat tests. Same processes, and same staff. The Doctor who performed the biopsy, remembered me from the previous visit, and seemed disappointed that my nails were not coloured this time.

bridget thronton
02-03-2019, 03:40 AM
Hope your recovery is good

Diane Taylor
02-03-2019, 04:53 AM
One time I cut my hand on a piece of broken glass. one look at it and I knew i'd need stitches so I wrapped a T shirt around my injury and off to the hospital emergency room I went. My nails were painted a nice violet color and when I was called I was wondering what the reaction was going to be. It was NO reaction.....I was given a tetanus shot, then a shot of novocaine in the hand, and finally seven stitches. No comment whatsoever by the doctor. When I went back to have the stitches taken out I decided to leave my nails painted and once again there was no comments or funny looks. Right after my divorce I was dating a nurse who I was out to, and she told me that they get all kinds of people, including many GLBT people.

02-03-2019, 05:31 AM
I have Gel nails and wear them 24/7.301146
Not quite as pointy as these are. I had to pick up a parcel and sign for it at my local post office, the counter clerk commented that I had 'long nails for a man' I countered with 'I am learning to play the harp', she just said 'Oh!'. I also went to give a blood sample, the phlebotomist ( blood tech) said ' what a lovely colour on your nails' (they only had a clear coat on), she then went on to show me the colour she was having for an upcoming holiday; so, no medical staff don't really care what your appearance is like they are just professional in their job, unless the have an affinity with how you are presenting.

02-03-2019, 09:47 AM
Thanks for sharing this, Cynthia. This is something I worry about as well - having to go to the hospital without warning and having painted toenails. I use Little Ondine, which is a water based polish, and easier to remove, but even that wouldn't help if there was a sudden need to go to the hospital and had no time to remove it. Glad you received such a positive reaction.

02-03-2019, 10:25 AM
Glad you are recovering!
And it’s the little things we worry about .:)
And see it was not a big deal to them st all.

Tracii G
02-03-2019, 10:34 AM
Glad they got you fixed up but what did you think was going to happen when they saw your toe nails?
What was going thru your mind OMG they are going to think I am gay and laugh? Thats pretty homophobic you know.
Scream out all over the ward "hey this guy has toe nail polish on"?

02-03-2019, 11:27 AM
Worrying about the hidden accoutrements is part of the struggle of the climb. It's so refreshing to just look around and enjoy the view from the plateau called, "You know, I just don't give a............!"

02-03-2019, 02:47 PM
Twice, red toe nails in the hospital. No problems or negatives. One nurse told me, nice color! I asked her not to say anything, and she replied that polished nails on guys is not unusual.

02-03-2019, 02:53 PM
I've been to the ER twice underdressed (admitted to the hospital both times.) My regular doctor has seen my red toenails several times, and my red fingernails a couple of times. No big deal. He's also seen me in panties, since I don't have any male underwear.

Diane Smith
02-03-2019, 04:46 PM
I've been in the hospital twice, once for nine days, the other time for four, with pretty polished toenails on full display. I only got one comment from a nurse during the first visit, who gushed about the color and seemed to genuinely like them. Otherwise, they were totally ignored. I never bother to take off the polish for doctor's office visits anymore, although I did remove it once for an MRI (the polish can heat up in the magnetic field if it contains glitter or other metallic components). But that was for a purely practical reason.

I've been keeping my fingernails colored a lot more for the last several months, and have decided I won't remove the polish the next time I have a medical appointment. By chance, I've only had the occasion to be wearing red nails for one outpatient blood draw, so far. (No noticeable reaction from anyone.)

- Diane

02-03-2019, 10:38 PM
I have been in and around hospitals a doctors for the past 20yrs and one thing i know for sure.No matter what they have seen it all before you was not the first and will not be the last.Only thing they care about is helping you.

Sometimes Steffi
02-03-2019, 11:27 PM
I'd guess that about half of my doctors have seen my painted nails. Some because I didn't see a good enough reason to remove a perfectly nice pedicure, and I didn't care what their reaction would be. Others, because I received an unanticipated request to remove my shoes and socks.

I did go to the ER once with my wife because I was having a sharp pain down my left arm. Fortunately, it wasn't a heart attack. But, to get to that point, I had to have a heart cath. I was more worried about my wife finding out that the nurses, so when my wife went to lunch leaving me in the hands of the nurses, I told ne of them what my problem was. I asked her if she could issue me a pair of the hospital socks with the anti-slip bottoms. She had no problems at all.

Another time I cut my leg a week before Keystone and got 10 stitches. I needed to have them removed while I was at Keystone, so I found a local clinic. I went in full femme, and used my male insurance card. For some reason, they were taking a long time, and I just walked out.

02-03-2019, 11:33 PM
I was under dressing when I was in for my stroke they had me take everything off plus my nails also were painted. They never said a thing.

02-03-2019, 11:37 PM
I went into the ER for chest pains once and was wearing panties. I did't see any response in the ER but later they took me to image my heart. While they were imaging another nurse came in and started talking to my nurse about someone in the waiting room. Then I hear my nurse say "Oh that's nothing, see that guy over there? PANTIES!" and they both started giggling. If I was not so whacked-out from the morphine they gave me I probably would have gotten upset.

02-04-2019, 09:17 PM
I was at the chiropractor one time and he said that he needed to get an x-ray of my lower back. I had to take my blue jeans off because they did not want the button and rivets in the photo. They have me a gown to put on and said that I could leave my underwear on. I figured it all worked out because they never saw me in my panties. The doctor brought the slides in and put them on the lighted glass and to my surprise, there just as bold as Dallas, was a small flattened figure 8 in the small of my back. I was wearing keyhole panties and the little metal piece was where the string was connected to the waist band. He stared at it quizzically and asked,"What is that in the small of your back?" I just kind of grinned and said it's an embellishment on my panties. He just turned back around and looked at the x-ray and said, "Oh. I think I can still see everything I need to." My heart was racing and I was so glad they did not take my blood pressure after that.

Becky Blue
02-04-2019, 09:36 PM
Hope your recovering well Cynthia, nice story, one can imagine all the stuff ER people get to see

02-05-2019, 11:42 AM
I loved hearing everyone else's stories. I am currently waiting at home for surgery and have cleaned off the polish, it was getting pretty crappy looking but it was nice to be able to spend so many days with it right out there and not have a care in the world.


Tammy Lynn Tx
02-05-2019, 09:46 PM
I haven't ended up in the ER with nail polish (except for hard as nails- clear), but I was wearing a beautiful pastel pink nail polish and didn't realize it also had a halo effect. I went into the truck stop to get my receipt and the cashier saw my nails and started praising the color and effect and said how she thought how get it was to see someone with guts enough to be out at my age. All I could think to say was thanks, get my receipt and get back to work after finding some polish remover.

Alice B
02-05-2019, 11:23 PM
I have had more than one trip to the ER with painted nails, shaved body and panties on. It is no big deal and those that worked on you have seen it all.

02-06-2019, 10:34 AM
I've had a couple of similar events - both were handled uneventfully and professionally by the doctors. Once was during my annual physical. I had either forgotten or didn't care that my toenails were painted a light pink. The doc had me remove my shoes and socks to examine my feet. Not sure what that is about, but he held and looked my foot for a long time, perhaps assessing my circulation? He had a friendly grin when summarizing my exam, but didn't mention my toes. If you are in the Austin area, Dr. Gaertner is as good a doc as I've ever had. I miss him, having moved away a couple years back.

The other was during a FAA-required physical. I was traveling for business and found a doc that had availability in the city I was visiting. I didn't have any male underwear with me and considered buying some, but it just wasn't worth it to me. I did switch to some less-frilly bikini panties, but the satin material and tiny bow on the front made it clear they were women's. He had me standing in only my panties for a couple of minutes while examining my skin, but treated me respectfully and didn't say a word.

As others have said, medical professionals have undoubtedly seen it all. Perhaps they find it amusing, but their job is to help us become or to remain healthy, not to judge us for how we present.

02-06-2019, 11:26 AM
I had a visit to my dermatologist for a mole on my face turn into a full body exam. Black spandex boy short panties my female doc and her nurse right there front and center when I was asked to undress fully. Not an awkward moment at all actually they were awesome. In the end on the way out the nurse smiled and said “ very nice” and a wink.

02-07-2019, 09:22 AM
My wife was a nurse practitioner and was team leader of a helicopter trauma team. So, she been there, done that. Her take? Yeah, they're professionals and will treat you in that fashion. BUT... they may well still have a laugh over our nails or knickers. Same as sharing x-rays of objects in orifices. It's not professional but it happens. Especially if the community is small enough that you might have a clinician you already know socially. Or you might bump into someone involved in your care. That person WILL remember your underwear and, sadly, may judge you somewhat. Hello transphobia. My wife says this cos she's seen it and would hate for any clinician to discover my secret, despite us living in a more populous area. I dunno.
The lesson, I guess, is wear what you want but don't be surprised by the odd snigger over coffee.

Dressing up
02-07-2019, 09:55 AM
Went away with my GF for a weekend back in November. We were going to see a movie but realized that the one we wanted to see was not showing that week. The town we were in had many spas, GF suggested we go get a couples massage instead. I didn't want to be a spoiler so I went along. My pink toe nails and underwear didn't seem to be noticed by the staff. I am sure they talked about me later.

02-07-2019, 10:27 AM
These stories all remind me about my mothers saying when I was a teenager and starting to drive every where in my old 53 Chevy, she would first want to know where I was going and always followed with hope you have on clean underwear in case there's an accident. I never figured why clean under wear would give me a better doctoring if I had an accident. Now since I wear my panties a lot under my work wranglers I just make sure they are clean. Luckily haven't had to undress but have had stupid things like cuts on my head from a cattle panel and a tetanus shot in my hip. Had on my panties but the nurse just gave it to me right above where I pulled my jeans down a little holding the panties and pants together so she couldn't see. ( but if I'd have had a bad accident at they would have been clean, so mother would have been proud bless her soul)

02-08-2019, 01:47 PM
Doctors and nurses will not say anything about your nail polish or what you are wearing to your face but they will talk about it to their co-workers and friends. We have a friend who is an ER nurse and she often talks about her patients. No names of course.

02-08-2019, 04:48 PM
Once I was having a lot of pain in my calf so my doctor sent me to an imaging center for an ultra sound. I could have changed out of my panties but I thought what the heck, they will be looking at my calf. It was summer so I was wearing shorts. The tech who was smoking hot scanned my calf and all of a sudden asked if I was wearing boxers or briefs. I was stunned but managed to say briefs which was technically correct even though they were oink with lace around the waist. She said 'good just take off your shorts and you can leave your underwear on' . I about had a heart attack until she handed me a blanket and stepped out while I undressed and covered up. She scanned me from the groin to the knee. I was never so happy when she finally finished. I was tired thinking about baseball.

02-10-2019, 06:06 AM
I did finally go back in for surgery but at this point, I had removed the polish from my toes. After this incident, I don't think I will be as worried as I had been before seeing as I have already faced one of my Crossdressing fears now.


Crissy 107
02-10-2019, 06:33 AM
I went to my Dr for a hip pain and during the exam he asked me to take off my shoes and socks. I’m thinking oops and did so. The Doc did not flinch but his female assistant smiled when they saw my pretty pink toes.

Stephanie Julianna
02-10-2019, 08:24 AM
Been there, done that. Years ago I wore nail polish on my toes all the time except in the summers. When I had my annual physicals my MD never asked me to remove my socks but this was 1999 and I had just turned 50. He directed me to take my socks off and I said why. He said at my age he started to check pedal pulses to check for circulation issues at my age. I balked but he was firm so I took them off. He smiled and said my nails looked nice and we never said another word about it. If he had rechecked my blood pressure he would have called 911.

Angie G
02-10-2019, 08:50 AM
Just the shaved legs. My teen granddaughters friend asked if shaved then. I told her sometimes and she went away and was the end of it. And we had a young lady (summer help)ask it I polish my nails told her yes. They had a clear coat on them. :hugs:

02-18-2019, 10:06 AM
This happened a little over five years ago.

I wear panties 24/7. We are driving home from visiting family in a different city. It's winter and the roads are awful.

I'm taking a nap while the wife drives. Well she starts yelling at me about being in trouble, we are sliding all over the road out of control. Bam into the ditch, T-bone a dirt berm at 60 miles an hour. I end up with a broken neck.

While we are sitting there waiting to be rescued, I realize I have panties on and there is nothing to be done. This is going to be interesting.

We get to the hospital and they finally get me some pain medication. I'm doped up pretty good. So far I still have my pants on. Then I hear the orderly say something about removing my pants. I'm barely conscious. I'm trying to warn him but must not have been too coherent. Down come the pants, there's a short pregnant pause followed by a "Oh!".

I'm guessing something was probably put on my chart but no one ever said anything. I spent several days in a hospital dressing gown and my panties. The only time I was a little bit suspicious about who knew was when a couple of nurses came in to fit me for a neck brace. As I tried to sit up one of them said "don't worry we won't look."

Overall it was a non-event in terms of what I was wearing, but I do wonder who knew.

Alice B
02-18-2019, 02:12 PM
Rereading this section i was reminded of the time I was going in for the type exam where you drink all this ill tasting liquid before the exam. If you are over 60 you know what I mean. For the exam you are required to fully disrobe and wear a gown. On the exam table your robe is pulled up and a nurse inserts a long camera tube up your rear. A bit uncomfortable but while she was doing this she commented on my painted toes.Telling me she loved the color ans asking what it is. Made me relax. Then the doctor, who is in a glass walled room to study the the camera images introduced herself. She introduced herself as Dr. Endo. I started chuckle and asked me what was wrong. I said think about what you are doing and your name is. She and the nurse had never put the two together. We all got a rise out of this.